Liste over counties i Minnesota


Dette er en liste over amter i Minnesota . Der er 87 amter i den amerikanske delstat Minnesota . Der er også flere historiske amter .

Den 27. oktober 1849 blev ni amter etableret: Benton, Dahkotah, Itasca, Ramsey, Mahkahta, Pembina, Wabasha, Washington og Wahnata. Seks af disse navne eksisterer stadig. Med grundlæggelsen af Kittson County den 9. marts 1878 eksisterede Pembina County ikke længere.[1] Da Minnesota blev organiseret som en delstat, blev 57 af de nuværende 87 amter etableret. Det sidste amt, der blev oprettet var Lake of the Woods County i 1923. [2]

Navne på mange af amterne skyldes den lange historie med udforskning. Mere end ti amter er opkaldt efter indianske grupper, der boede i dele af det der nu er Minnesota. Yderligere 15 amter er opkaldt efter fysiske geografiske træk og resten efter politikere.

FIPS-county code er den femcifrede Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) kode, som unikt identificerer amter og amtækvivalenter i USA. Det trecifrede nummer er unikt for hvert enkelt amt i en delstat, men for at være unikt i hele USA, skal det være præfikset af statskoden. Dette betyder at for eksempel nummer 001 deles af Aitkin County, Minnesota, Adams County, Wisconsin og Adair County, Iowa. For unikt at identificere Aitkin County, Minnesota, skal man bruge statskoden 27 plus amtskoden til 001; Derfor er den unikke landsdækkende identifikator for Aitkin County, Minnesota 27001. Links i kolonnen FIPS County Code er til Census Bureau Info siden for det pågældende amt.[3]


FIPS-kode[3] County seat[4] Etableret[1][4] Oprindselsessted[5][6][7] EtymologiBefolkning[4][8]Område[4][8]Kort
Aitkin County001Aitkin1857Pine County, Ramsey CountyWilliam Alexander Aitken (1785-1851), tidlig pels-handler med Ojibwe-indianerne16.202181.930 sq mi
(4.712 km2)
State map highlighting Aitkin County
Anoka County003Anoka1857Ramsey CountyDakota-ord der betyder "begge sider"330.84442.361 sq mi
(1.097 km2)
State map highlighting Anoka County
Becker County005Detroit Lakes1858Cass County, Pembina CountyGeorge Loomis Becker, tidligere statssenator og tredje borgmester i Saint Paul (1856–1857)32.504131.042 sq mi
(3.394 km2)
State map highlighting Becker County
Beltrami County007Bemidji1866Uorganiseret territorium, Itasca County, Pembina County, Polk CountyGiacomo Beltrami, italiensk opdagelsesrejsende der udforskede de nordlige grænser af Mississippi-floden i 1823.44.442250.527 sq mi
(6.489 km2)
State map highlighting Beltrami County
Benton County009Foley1849En af ni originale amter, fra St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory.Thomas Hart Benton (1782–1858), tidligere amerikansk senator fra Missouri (1821-1851)38.45140.828 sq mi
(1.057 km2)
State map highlighting Benton County
Big Stone County011Ortonville1862Pierce CountyBig Stone Lake, en sø i amtet5.26949.695 sq mi
(1.287 km2)
State map highlighting Big Stone County
Blue Earth County013Mankato1853Unorganized Territory, Dakota CountyBlue Earth River, en flod der flyder gennem Minnesota64.01375.236 sq mi
(1.949 km2)
State map highlighting Blue Earth County
Brown County015New Ulm1855Blue Earth CountyJoseph Renshaw Brown (1805-1870), medlem af Minnesotas territorimæssige lovgivere(1854-55) og prominent pioner25.89361.086 sq mi
(1.582 km2)
State map highlighting Brown County
Carlton County017Carlton1857Pine County,
Saint Louis County
Rueben B. Carlton (1812-1863), tidlig beboer og statssenator (1857-1858)35.38686.033 sq mi
(2.228 km2)
State map highlighting Carlton County
Carver County019Chaska1855Hennepin County, Sibley CountyJonathan Carver (1710–1790), tidligere udforsker og kartograf af Mississippi-floden.91.04235.704 sq mi
(925 km2)
State map highlighting Carver County

Cass County021Walker1851Dakota County, Pembina County, Mankahto County, Wahnata CountyLewis Cass (1782–1866), senator fra Michigan (1845–1857) og United States Secretary of State (1831–1836)28.567201.760 sq mi
(5.226 km2)
State map highlighting Cass County
Chippewa County023Montevideo1870Pierce County, Davis CountyChippewa River, en flod der flyder gennem Minnesota12.44158.280 sq mi
(1.509 km2)
State map highlighting Chippewa County
Chisago County025Center City1851Washington County, Ramsey CountyChisago Lake, en sø i amtet53.88741.763 sq mi
(1.082 km2)
State map highlighting Chisago County
Clay County027Moorhead1862Pembina CountyHenry Clay (1777-1852), Kentucky-statsmand og niende amerikanske indenrigsminister (1825–1829)58.999104.524 sq mi
(2.707 km2)
State map highlighting Clay County
Clearwater County029Bagley1902Beltrami CountyClearwater-flod og sø, der begges findes i staten8.69599.471 sq mi
(2.576 km2)
State map highlighting Clearwater County
Cook County031Grand Marais1874Lake CountyOpkaldt efter borgerkrigsveteranen Major Michael Cook fra Faribault, der også være en territoriel og statssenator 1857-625.176145.060 sq mi
(3.757 km2)
State map highlighting Cook County
Cottonwood County033Windom1857Brown CountyCottonwood River11.68763.999 sq mi
(1.658 km2)
State map highlighting Cottonwood County
Crow Wing County035Brainerd1857Ramsey CountyCrow Wing River62.50099.657 sq mi
(2.581 km2)
State map highlighting Crow Wing County
Dakota County037Hastings1849One of nine original counties.Fra Dakota-sproget, efter en lokal stamme Dakota, der betyder "Allierede"398.55256.958 sq mi
(1.475 km2)
State map highlighting Dakota County
Dodge County039Mantorville1855Rice County, Unorganized TerritoryHenry Dodge (1782–1867), to gange guvernør i Wisconsin.[9]20.08743.950 sq mi
(1.138 km2)
State map highlighting Dodge County
Douglas County041Alexandria1858Cass County, Pembina CountyStephen Arnold Douglas (1813-1861), tidligere amerikansk senator fra Illinois (1847-1861)36.00963.432 sq mi
(1.643 km2)
State map highlighting Douglas County
Faribault County043Blue Earth1855Blue Earth CountyJean-Baptiste Faribault (1775-1860), tidlig beboer og pelshandler14.55371.363 sq mi
(1.848 km2)
State map highlighting Faribault County
Fillmore County045Preston1853Wabasha CountyMillard Fillmore (1800-1874), trettende præsident i USA (1850-1853)20.86686.125 sq mi
(2.231 km2)
State map highlighting Fillmore County
Freeborn County047Albert Lea1855Blue Earth County, Rice CountyWilliam S. Freeborn (1816-1900)31.25570.764 sq mi
(1.833 km2)
State map highlighting Freeborn County
Goodhue County049Red Wing1853Wabasha County, Dakota CountyJames Madison Goodhue, første avisredaktør i Minnesota.[10]46.18375.827 sq mi
(1.964 km2)
State map highlighting Goodhue County
Grant County051Elbow Lake1868Stevens County, Wilkin County, Traverse CountyUlysses S. Grant (1822-1885), 18. amerikanske præsident (1869-1877)6.01854.641 sq mi
(1.415 km2)
State map highlighting Grant County
Hennepin County053Minneapolis1852Dakota CountyFather Louis Hennepin (1626-1705), tidlig opdager af Twin Cities-området i det 17. århundrede1.152.42555.662 sq mi
(1.442 km2)
State map highlighting Hennepin County
Houston County055Caledonia1854Fillmore CountySam Houston (1793–1863), anden og fjerde præsident i Republikken Texas og syvende guvernør i Texas19.02755.841 sq mi
(1.446 km2)
State map highlighting Houston County
Hubbard County057Park Rapids1883Cass CountyLucius Frederick Hubbard (1836-1913), niende guvernør i Minnesota (1882-1887)20.42892.246 sq mi
(2.389 km2)
State map highlighting Hubbard County
Isanti County059Cambridge1857Ramsey CountyDel af Dakotas kaldet Izatys, der betyder [dem der] dvæler ved Knife Lake, efter hvor de boede.37.81643.907 sq mi
(1.137 km2)
State map highlighting Isanti County
Itasca County061Grand Rapids1849En af ni oprindelige amter; dannet af det resterende La Pointe County, Wisconsin Territory.Lake Itasca, Mississippi-flodens udspring (i det nordvestlige Minnesota).45.058266.506 sq mi
(6.902 km2)
State map highlighting Itasca County
Jackson County063Jackson1857Brown CountyHenry Jackson, medlem af den første territorielle lovforsamling og den første handelsmand i St. Paul10.26670.169 sq mi
(1.817 km2)
State map highlighting Jackson County
Kanabec County065Mora1858Pine CountyFra Ojibwe-sproget Kan-a-bec-o-si-pi (Ginebigo-ziibi), hvilket betyder Snake River, der flyder gennem amtet16.23952.493 sq mi
(1.360 km2)
State map highlighting Kanabec County
Kandiyohi County067Willmar1858Meeker County, Renville County, Pierce County, Davis County, Stearns CountyFra Sioux-sproget for "buffalo fish"42.23979.606 sq mi
(2.062 km2)
State map highlighting Kandiyohi County
Kittson County069Hallock1879Pembina CountyNorman Kittson (1814-1888), forretningsmand og borgmester i Saint Paul (1858-1859)4.552109.708 sq mi
(2.841 km2)
State map highlighting Kittson County
Koochiching County071International Falls1906Itasca CountyFra Ojibwe-sproget Gojijiing13.311310.236 sq mi
(8.035 km2)
State map highlighting Koochiching County
Lac qui Parle County073Madison1871Redwood County7.25976.487 sq mi
(1.981 km2)
State map highlighting Lac qui Parle County
Lake County075Two Harbors1856Itasca CountyLake Superior10.866209.916 sq mi
(5.437 km2)
State map highlighting Lake County
Lake of the Woods County077Baudette1923Beltrami CountyLake of the Woods4.045129.670 sq mi
(3.358 km2)
State map highlighting Lake of the Woods County
Le Sueur County079Le Center1853Dakota CountyPierre-Charles Le Sueur (1657-1704)27.70344.850 sq mi
(1.162 km2)
State map highlighting Le Sueur County
Lincoln County081Ivanhoe1873Lyon CountyAbraham Lincoln (1809-1865)5.89653.703 sq mi
(1.391 km2)
State map highlighting Lincoln County
Lyon County083Marshall1871Redwood CountyNathaniel Lyon (1818–1861)25.85771.417 sq mi
(1.850 km2)
State map highlighting Lyon County
McLeod County085Glencoe1856Carver County, Sibley CountyMartin McLeod36.65149.191 sq mi
(1.274 km2)
State map highlighting McLeod County
Mahnomen County087Mahnomen1906Norman CountyOjibwa der betyder "wild rice".5.41355.614 sq mi
(1.440 km2)
State map highlighting Mahnomen County
Marshall County089Warren1879Kittson CountyWilliam Rainey Marshall (1825-1896), femte guvernør i Minnesota (1866-1870)9.439177.224 sq mi
(4.590 km2)
State map highlighting Marshall County
Martin County091Fairmont1857Faribault County, Brown CountyMorgan Lewis Martin (1805-1887)20.84070.934 sq mi
(1.837 km2)
State map highlighting Martin County
Meeker County093Litchfield1856Davis CountyBradley B. Meeker (1813–1873)23.30060.854 sq mi
(1.576 km2)
State map highlighting Meeker County
Mille Lacs County095Milaca1857Ramsey CountyMille Lacs Lake26.09757.447 sq mi
(1.488 km2)
State map highlighting Mille Lacs County
Morrison County097Little Falls1856Benton CountyWilliam & Allan Morrison, pelshandlende brødre[11]33.198112.450 sq mi
(2.912 km2)
State map highlighting Morrison County
Mower County099Austin1855Rice CountyJohn Edward Mower (1815–1879)39.16371.150 sq mi
(1.843 km2)
State map highlighting Mower County
Murray County101Slayton1857Brown CountyWilliam Pitt Murray (1825–1910)8.72570.443 sq mi
(1.824 km2)
State map highlighting Murray County
Nicollet County103St. Peter1853Dakota CountyJoseph Nicolas Nicollet (1786–1843)32.72745.229 sq mi
(1.171 km2)
State map highlighting Nicollet County
Nobles County105Worthington1857Brown CountyWilliam H. Nobles21.37871.539 sq mi
(1.853 km2)
State map highlighting Nobles County
Norman County107Ada1881Polk CountyTidlig norske beboere6.85287.627 sq mi
(2.270 km2)
State map highlighting Norman County
Olmsted County109Rochester1855Fillmore County, Wabasha County, Rice CountyDavid Olmsted144.24865.301 sq mi
(1.691 km2)
State map highlighting Olmsted County
Otter Tail County111Fergus Falls1858Pembina County, Cass CountyOtter Tail Lake57.303197.971 sq mi
(5.127 km2)
State map highlighting Otter Tail County
Pennington County113Thief River Falls1910Red Lake CountyEdmund Pennington (b. 1848)13.93061.654 sq mi
(1.597 km2)
State map highlighting Pennington County
Pine County115Pine City1856Chisago County, Ramsey CountyStore skove i amtet29.750141.104 sq mi
(3.655 km2)
State map highlighting Pine County
Pipestone County117Pipestone1857Brown CountyNavn på hellig Dakota rød pipestone der findes i amtet9.59646.589 sq mi
(1.207 km2)
State map highlighting Pipestone County
Polk County119Crookston1858Pembina CountyJames K. Polk (1795-1849)31.600197.037 sq mi
(5.103 km2)
State map highlighting Polk County
Pope County121Glenwood1862Pierce County, Cass County, Unorganized TerritoryJohn Pope (1822–1892)10.99567.014 sq mi
(1.736 km2)
State map highlighting Pope County
Ramsey County123Saint Paul1849One of nine original counties; formed from residual St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory.Alexander Ramsey (1815-1903)508.64015.578 sq mi
(403 km2)
State map highlighting Ramsey County
Red Lake County125Red Lake Falls1896Polk CountyRed Lake River4.08943.243 sq mi
(1.120 km2)
State map highlighting Red Lake County
Redwood County127Redwood Falls1862Brown CountyRedwood River16.05987.973 sq mi
(2.278 km2)
State map highlighting Redwood County
Renville County129Olivia1855Nicollet County, Pierce County, Sibley CountyJoseph Renville (1779-1846)15.73098.292 sq mi
(2.546 km2)
State map highlighting Renville County
Rice County131Faribault1853Dakota County, Wabasha CountyHenry Mower Rice (1816-1894)64.14249.757 sq mi
(1.289 km2)
State map highlighting Rice County
Rock County133Luverne1857Brown CountyStort klippe-plateau kendt som "the mound"9.68748.261 sq mi
(1.250 km2)
State map highlighting Rock County
Roseau County135Roseau1894Kittson County, Beltrami CountyRoseau River15.629166.251 sq mi
(4.306 km2)
State map highlighting Roseau County
Saint Louis County137Duluth1855Itasca County, NewtonSaint Louis River200.226622.516 sq mi
(16.123 km2)
State map highlighting Saint Louis County
Scott County139Shakopee1853Dakota CountyWinfield Scott (1786–1866)129.92835.668 sq mi
(924 km2)
State map highlighting Scott County
Sherburne County141Elk River1856Benton CountyMoses Sherburne (1813–1873),88.49943.630 sq mi
(1.130 km2)
State map highlighting Sherburne County
Sibley County143Gaylord1853Dakota CountyHenry Hastings Sibley (1811-1891)15.22658.865 sq mi
(1.525 km2)
State map highlighting Sibley County
Stearns County145St. Cloud1855Cass County, Nicollet County, Pierce County, Sibley CountyCharles Thomas Stearns (1814-1888)150.642134.452 sq mi
(3.482 km2)
State map highlighting Stearns County
Steele County147Owatonna1855Rice County, Blue Earth County, Le Sueur CountyFranklin Steele (1813-1880)36.57642.955 sq mi
(1.113 km2)
State map highlighting Steele County
Stevens County149Morris1862Pierce County, Unorganized TerritoryIsaac Ingalls Stevens (1818-1862)9.72656.206 sq mi
(1.456 km2)
State map highlighting Stevens County
Swift County151Benson1870Chippewa CountyHenry Adoniram Swift (1823-1869)9.78374.353 sq mi
(1.926 km2)
State map highlighting Swift County
Todd County153Long Prairie1855Cass CountyJohn Blair Smith Todd24.89594.202 sq mi
(2.440 km2)
State map highlighting Todd County
Traverse County155Wheaton1862Pierce County, Unorganized TerritoryLake Traverse3.55857.409 sq mi
(1.487 km2)
State map highlighting Traverse County
Wabasha County157Wabasha1849One of nine original counties.Opkaldt efter M'dewakanton Dakota indianerhøvding Wabasha III21.67652.501 sq mi
(1.360 km2)
State map highlighting Wabasha County
Wadena County159Wadena1858Cass County, Todd CountyWadena Trading Post13.84353.502 sq mi
(1.386 km2)
State map highlighting Wadena County

Waseca County161Waseca1857Steele CountyDakota-ord der betyder "rich and fertile"19.13642.325 sq mi
(1.096 km2)
State map highlighting Waseca County
Washington County163Stillwater1849One of nine original counties; formed from residual St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory.George Washington (1732-1799)238.13639.170 sq mi
(1.014 km2)
State map highlighting Washington County
Watonwan County165St. James1860Brown CountyWatonwan River11.21143.451 sq mi
(1.125 km2)
State map highlighting Watonwan County
Wilkin County167Breckenridge1858Cass County, Pembina CountyAlexander Wilkin (1820-1864)6.57675.143 sq mi
(1.946 km2)
State map highlighting Wilkin County
Winona County169Winona1854Fillmore County, Wabasha CountyOpkaldt efter Wee-No-Nah, søster eller kusine til høvding Wabasha III51.46162.630 sq mi
(1.622 km2)
State map highlighting Winona County
Wright County171Buffalo1855Cass County, Sibley CountySilas Wright (1795-1847)124.70066.075 sq mi
(1.711 km2)
State map highlighting Wright County
Yellow Medicine County173Granite Falls1871Redwood CountyYellow Medicine River10.43875.796 sq mi
(1.963 km2)
State map highlighting Yellow Medicine County


  1. ^ a b "Minnesota Place Names". Minnesota Historical Society. Arkiveret fra originalen 14. august 2007. Hentet 2007-09-17.
  2. ^ "Minnesota County History". Association of Minnesota Counties. Arkiveret fra originalen 2007-08-13. Hentet 2007-09-02.
  3. ^ a b "EPA County FIPS Code Listing". EPA. Hentet 2007-04-09.
  4. ^ a b c d National Association of Counties. "NACo - Find a county". Arkiveret fra originalen 30. september 2007. Hentet 24. februar 2012.
  5. ^ Upham, Warren (1969). Minnesota Geographic Names. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society.
  6. ^ "County Name Origins". Association of Minnesota Counties. Arkiveret fra originalen 2008-05-27. Hentet 2008-11-05.
  7. ^ "Origin of Minnesota County Name". Minnesota Secretary of State. Arkiveret fra originalen 8. november 2008. Hentet 2008-11-05.
  8. ^ a b "Minnesota QuickFacts". U.S. Census Bureau. Arkiveret fra originalen 17. januar 2016. Hentet 24. februar 2012. (2010 Census)
  9. ^ "Dodge County History" (PDF). Dodge County website. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 11. april 2008. Hentet 2008-02-17.
  10. ^ "The History of Goodhue County". Goodhue County, Minnesota website. Arkiveret fra originalen 2008-06-06. Hentet 2008-02-17.
  11. ^ MCHS - William Morrison - Fur Trader Arkiveret 2008-07-23 hos Wayback Machine

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Minnesota Locator Map.PNG
Locator Map of Minnesota, United States
Map of Minnesota highlighting Aitkin County.svg
This is a locator map showing Aitkin County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Anoka County.svg
This is a locator map showing Anoka County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Becker County.svg
This is a locator map showing Becker County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Beltrami County.svg
This is a locator map showing Beltrami County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Benton County.svg
This is a locator map showing Benton County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Big Stone County.svg
This is a locator map showing Big Stone County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Brown County.svg
This is a locator map showing Brown County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Carlton County.svg
This is a locator map showing Carlton County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Carver County.svg
This is a locator map showing Carver County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Cass County.svg
This is a locator map showing Cass County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Chippewa County.svg
This is a locator map showing Chippewa County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Chisago County.svg
This is a locator map showing Chisago County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Clay County.svg
This is a locator map showing Clay County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Cook County.svg
This is a locator map showing Cook County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Crow Wing County.svg
This is a locator map showing Crow Wing County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Dakota County.svg
This is a locator map showing Dakota County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Dodge County.svg
This is a locator map showing Dodge County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Douglas County.svg
This is a locator map showing Douglas County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Faribault County.svg
This is a locator map showing Faribault County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Fillmore County.svg
This is a locator map showing Fillmore County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Freeborn County.svg
This is a locator map showing Freeborn County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Goodhue County.svg
This is a locator map showing Goodhue County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Grant County.svg
This is a locator map showing Grant County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Hennepin County.svg
This is a locator map showing Hennepin County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Houston County.svg
This is a locator map showing Houston County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Hubbard County.svg
This is a locator map showing Hubbard County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Isanti County.svg
This is a locator map showing Isanti County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Itasca County.svg
This is a locator map showing Itasca County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Jackson County.svg
This is a locator map showing Jackson County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Kanabec County.svg
This is a locator map showing Kanabec County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Kandiyohi County.svg
This is a locator map showing Kandiyohi County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Kittson County.svg
This is a locator map showing Kittson County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Lake County.svg
This is a locator map showing Lake County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Le Sueur County.svg
This is a locator map showing Le Sueur County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Lincoln County.svg
This is a locator map showing Lincoln County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Lyon County.svg
This is a locator map showing Lyon County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting McLeod County.svg
This is a locator map showing McLeod County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Mahnomen County.svg
This is a locator map showing Mahnomen County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Marshall County.svg
This is a locator map showing Marshall County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Martin County.svg
This is a locator map showing Martin County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Meeker County.svg
This is a locator map showing Meeker County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Morrison County.svg
This is a locator map showing Morrison County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Mower County.svg
This is a locator map showing Mower County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Murray County.svg
This is a locator map showing Murray County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Nicollet County.svg
This is a locator map showing Nicollet County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Nobles County.svg
This is a locator map showing Nobles County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Norman County.svg
This is a locator map showing Norman County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Olmsted County.svg
This is a locator map showing Olmsted County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Pine County.svg
This is a locator map showing Pine County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Pipestone County.svg
This is a locator map showing Pipestone County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Polk County.svg
This is a locator map showing Polk County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Pope County.svg
This is a locator map showing Pope County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Ramsey County.svg
This is a locator map showing Ramsey County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Red Lake County.svg
This is a locator map showing Red Lake County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Redwood County.svg
This is a locator map showing Redwood County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Renville County.svg
This is a locator map showing Renville County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Rice County.svg
This is a locator map showing Rice County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Rock County.svg
This is a locator map showing Rock County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Roseau County.svg
This is a locator map showing Roseau County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Scott County.svg
This is a locator map showing Scott County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Sherburne County.svg
This is a locator map showing Sherburne County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Sibley County.svg
This is a locator map showing Sibley County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Stearns County.svg
This is a locator map showing Stearns County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Steele County.svg
This is a locator map showing Steele County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Stevens County.svg
This is a locator map showing Stevens County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Swift County.svg
This is a locator map showing Swift County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Todd County.svg
This is a locator map showing Todd County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Traverse County.svg
This is a locator map showing Traverse County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Wabasha County.svg
This is a locator map showing Wabasha County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Wadena County.svg
This is a locator map showing Wadena County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Waseca County.svg
This is a locator map showing Waseca County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Watonwan County.svg
This is a locator map showing Watonwan County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Wilkin County.svg
This is a locator map showing Wilkin County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Winona County.svg
This is a locator map showing Winona County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Minnesota highlighting Wright County.svg
This is a locator map showing Wright County in Minnesota. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Flag of Minnesota.svg
The flag of Minnesota, since 2024.