Liste over FIFA-landekoder

FIFA uddeler en landekode på tre bogstaver (mere korrekt kaldet et trigram) til hver enkelt af dets medlemmer og til ikke-medlemslande. Disse er de officielle koder, som bruges af FIFA og dets kontinentale conføderationer (AFC, CAF, CONCACAF, CONMEBOL, OFC og UEFA) asom navneforkortelser af lande og uselvstændige områder, i officielle konkurrencer.

FIFA medlemskoder

Der er 209 FIFA medlemmer, som hver har deres egen unikke landekode.[1]

Flag of Afghanistan.svg AfghanistanAFG
Flag of Albania.svg AlbanienALB
Flag of Algeria.svg AlgerietALG
Flag of American Samoa.svg Amerikansk SamoaASA
Flag of Andorra.svg AndorraAND
Flag of Angola.svg AngolaANG
Flag of Anguilla.svg AnguillaAIA
Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg Antigua og BarbudaATG
Flag of Argentina.svg ArgentinaARG
Flag of Armenia.svg ArmenienARM
Flag of Aruba.svg ArubaARU
Flag of Australia.svg AustralienAUS
Flag of Austria.svg ØstrigAUT
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg AserbajdsjanAZE
Flag of the Bahamas.svg BahamasBAH
Flag of Bahrain.svg BahrainBHR
Flag of Bangladesh.svg BangladeshBAN
Flag of Barbados.svg BarbadosBRB
Flag of Belarus.svg HvideruslandBLR
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg BelgienBEL
Flag of Belize.svg BelizeBLZ
Flag of Benin.svg BeninBEN
Flag of Bermuda.svg BermudaBER
Flag of Bhutan.svg BhutanBHU
Flag of Bolivia.svg BoliviaBOL
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg Bosnien-HercegovinaBIH
Flag of Botswana.svg BotswanaBOT
Flag of Brazil.svg BrasilienBRA
Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg Britiske JomfruøerVGB
Flag of Brunei.svg BruneiBRU
Flag of Bulgaria.svg BulgarienBUL
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg Burkina FasoBFA
Flag of Burundi.svg BurundiBDI
Flag of Cambodia.svg CambodjaCAM
Flag of Cameroon.svg CamerounCMR
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CanadaCAN
Flag of Cape Verde.svg Kap VerdeCPV
Flag of the Cayman Islands.svg CaymanøerneCAY
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg Centralafrikanske RepublikCTA
Flag of Chad.svg TchadCHA
Flag of Chile.svg ChileCHI
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg KinaCHN
Chinese Taipei Football Flag.svg Kinesisk TaipeiTPE
Flag of Colombia.svg ColombiaCOL
Flag of the Comoros.svg ComorerneCOM
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg CongoCGO
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg DR CongoCOD
Flag of the Cook Islands.svg CookøerneCOK
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Costa RicaCRC
Flag of Croatia.svg KroatienCRO
Flag of Cuba.svg CubaCUB
Flag of Curaçao.svg CuraçaoCUW
Flag of Cyprus.svg CypernCYP
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg TjekkietCZE
Flag of Denmark.svg DanmarkDEN
Flag of Djibouti.svg DjiboutiDJI
Flag of Dominica.svg DominicaDMA
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominikanske RepublikDOM
Flag of Ecuador.svg EcuadorECU
Flag of Egypt.svg EgyptenEGY
Flag of El Salvador.svg El SalvadorSLV
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg ElfenbenskystenCIV
Flag of England.svg EnglandENG
Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg ÆkvatorialguineaEQG
Flag of Eritrea.svg EritreaERI
Flag of Estonia.svg EstlandEST
Flag of Ethiopia.svg EtiopienETH
Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg FærøerneFRO
Flag of Fiji.svg FijiFIJ
Flag of Finland.svg FinlandFIN
Flag of France.svg FrankrigFRA
Flag of Gabon.svg GabonGAB
Flag of The Gambia.svg GambiaGAM
Flag of Georgia.svg GeorgienGEO
Flag of Germany.svg TysklandGER
Flag of Ghana.svg GhanaGHA
Flag of Gibraltar.svg GibraltarGIB
Flag of Greece.svg GrækenlandGRE
Flag of Grenada.svg GrenadaGRN
Flag of Guam.svg GuamGUM
Flag of Guatemala.svg GuatemalaGUA
Flag of Guinea.svg GuineaGUI
Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg Guinea-BissauGNB
Flag of Guyana.svg GuyanaGUY
Flag of Haiti.svg HaitiHAI
Flag of Honduras (darker variant).svg HondurasHON
Flag of Hong Kong.svg HongkongHKG
Flag of Hungary.svg UngarnHUN
Flag of Iceland.svg IslandISL
Flag of India.svg IndienIND
Flag of Indonesia.svg IndonesienIDN
Flag of Iran.svg IranIRN
Flag of Iraq.svg IrakIRQ
Flag of Ireland.svg IrlandIRL
Flag of Israel.svg IsraelISR
Flag of Italy.svg ItalienITA
Flag of Jamaica.svg JamaicaJAM
Flag of Japan.svg JapanJPN
Flag of Jordan.svg JordanJOR
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg KasakhstanKAZ
Flag of Kenya.svg KenyaKEN
Flag of Kuwait.svg KuwaitKUW
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg KirgisistanKGZ
Flag of Kosovo.svg KosovoKVX
Flag of Laos.svg LaosLAO
Flag of Latvia.svg LetlandLVA
Flag of Lebanon.svg LibanonLIB
Flag of Lesotho.svg LesothoLES
Flag of Liberia.svg LiberiaLBR
Flag of Libya.svg LibyenLBY
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg LiechtensteinLIE
Flag of Lithuania.svg LitauenLTU
Flag of Luxembourg.svg LuxembourgLUX
Flag of Macau.svg MacaoMAC
Flag of North Macedonia.svg NordmakedonienMKD
Flag of Madagascar.svg MadagaskarMAD
Flag of Malawi.svg MalawiMWI
Flag of Malaysia.svg MalaysiaMAS
Flag of Maldives.svg MaldiverneMDV
Flag of Mali.svg MaliMLI
Flag of Malta.svg MaltaMLT
Flag of Mauritania.svg MauretanienMTN
Flag of Mauritius.svg MauritiusMRI
Flag of Mexico.svg MexicoMEX
Flag of Moldova.svg MoldovaMDA
Flag of Mongolia.svg MongolietMNG
Flag of Montenegro.svg MontenegroMNE
Flag of Montserrat.svg MontserratMSR
Flag of Morocco.svg MarokkoMAR
Flag of Mozambique.svg MozambiqueMOZ
Flag of Myanmar.svg MyanmarMYA
Flag of Namibia.svg NamibiaNAM
Flag of Nepal.svg NepalNEP
Flag of the Netherlands.svg HollandNED
New Caledonia flags merged (2017).svg Ny KaledonienNCL
Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandNZL
Flag of Nicaragua.svg NicaraguaNCA
Flag of Niger.svg NigerNIG
Flag of Nigeria.svg NigeriaNGA
Flag of North Korea.svg NordkoreaPRK
Ulster banner.svg NordirlandNIR
Flag of Norway.svg NorgeNOR
Flag of Oman.svg OmanOMA
Flag of Pakistan.svg PakistanPAK
Flag of Palestine.svg PalæstinaPLE
Flag of Panama.svg PanamaPAN
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg Papua Ny GuineaPNG
Flag of Paraguay.svg ParaguayPAR
Flag of Peru (state).svg PeruPER
Flag of the Philippines.svg FilippinernePHI
Flag of Poland.svg PolenPOL
Flag of Portugal.svg PortugalPOR
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg Puerto RicoPUR
Flag of Qatar.svg QatarQAT
Flag of Romania.svg RumænienROU
Flag of Russia.svg RuslandRUS
Flag of Rwanda.svg RwandaRWA
Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg Saint Kitts og NevisSKN
Flag of Saint Lucia.svg Saint LuciaLCA
Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg Saint Vincent og GrenadinerneVIN
Flag of Samoa.svg SamoaSAM
Flag of San Marino.svg San MarinoSMR
Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg São Tomé og PríncipeSTP
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Saudi-ArabienKSA
Flag of Scotland.svg SkotlandSCO
Flag of Senegal.svg SenegalSEN
Flag of Serbia.svg SerbienSRB
Flag of Seychelles.svg SeychellerneSEY
Flag of Sierra Leone.svg Sierra LeoneSLE
Flag of Singapore.svg SingaporeSIN
Flag of Slovakia.svg SlovakietSVK
Flag of Slovenia.svg SlovenienSVN
Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg SalomonøerneSOL
Flag of Somalia.svg SomaliaSOM
Flag of South Africa.svg SydafrikaRSA
Flag of South Korea.svg SydkoreaKOR
Flag of South Sudan.svg SydsudanSSD
Flag of Spain.svg SpanienESP
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri LankaSRI
Flag of Sudan.svg SudanSDN
Flag of Suriname.svg SurinamSUR
Flag of Eswatini.svg SwazilandSWZ
Flag of Sweden.svg SverigeSWE
Flag of Switzerland.svg SchweizSUI
Flag of Syria.svg SyrienSYR
Flag of French Polynesia.svg TahitiTAH
Flag of Tajikistan.svg TadsjikistanTJK
Flag of Tanzania.svg TanzaniaTAN
Flag of Thailand.svg ThailandTHA
Flag of East Timor.svg ØsttimorTLS
Flag of Togo.svg TogoTOG
Flag of Tonga.svg TongaTGA
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad og TobagoTRI
Flag of Tunisia.svg TunesienTUN
Flag of Turkey.svg TyrkietTUR
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg TurkmenistanTKM
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg Turks- og CaicosøerneTCA
Flag of Uganda.svg UgandaUGA
Flag of Ukraine.svg UkraineUKR
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg Forenede Arabiske EmiraterUAE
Flag of the United States.svg USAUSA
Flag of Uruguay.svg UruguayURU
Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg Amerikanske JomfruøerVIR
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg UsbekistanUZB
Flag of Vanuatu.svg VanuatuVAN
Flag of Venezuela (state).svg VenezuelaVEN
Flag of Vietnam.svg VietnamVIE
Flag of Wales (1959–present).svg WalesWAL
Flag of Yemen.svg YemenYEM
Flag of Zambia.svg ZambiaZAM
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg ZimbabweZIM

Ikke-FIFA medlemskoder

Følgende koder henviser til lande eller uselvstændige områder, der for øjeblikket ikke er medlemmer af FIFA, men hvis koder enten vises i FIFA resultatsdatabase, eller benyttes jævnligt af konfederationens hjemmesider.

Flag of Bonaire.svg BonaireBOECONCACAF
Flag of French Guiana.svg Fransk GuianaGUFCONCACAF
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg StorbritannienGBRN/A
Flag of Guadeloupe (local).svg GuadeloupeGLPCONCACAF
Flag of the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique.svg MartiniqueMTQCONCACAF
Flag of France.svg RéunionREUCAF
Flag of Sint Maarten.svg Sint MaartenSXMCONCACAF
Flag of Tuvalu.svg TuvaluTUVOFC
Flag of Zanzibar.svg ZanzibarZANCAF

Forældede landekoder

Følgende koder er forældede fordi et land er ophørt med at eksistere, har ændret sit navn, ændret sin kode eller er blevet en del af et andet land.

Flag of Aden (1937–1963).svg AdenADE
Flag of British Guiana (1919-1955).svg Britisk GuyanaBGU
British honduras flag.gif Britisk HondurasBHO
British Raj Red Ensign.svg IndienBIN
Flag of Bohemia.svg BøhmenBOH
Flag of Myanmar (1974-2010).svg BurmaBUR
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg Centralafrikanske RepublikCAF
Flag of Ceylon.svg CeylonCEY
Flag of the CIS (UEFA Euro 1992).svg Commonwealth of Independent StatesCIS
Flag of Congo Kinshasa 1960.svg Congo-KinshasaCKN
Flag of the People's Republic of the Congo.svg Congo-BrazzavilleCOB
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg TjekkoslovakietTCH
Flag of Benin (1975-1990).svg DahomeyDAH
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Hollandsk OstindienDEI
Flag of East Germany.svg DDRGDR
Flag of the Gold Coast (1877–1957).svg GuldkystenGOC
St Patrick's saltire.svg IrlandEIR
Flag of the Netherlands Antilles.svg Nederlandske AntillerANT
Flag of the Netherlands.svg HollandHOL
Flag of France.svg Ny HebriderneHEB
Flag of North Borneo (1902–1946).svg Britisk NordborneoNBO
Flag of North Vietnam (1955–1975).svg NordvietnamVNO
Flag of North Yemen.svg NordyemenNYE
Flag of Northern Rhodesia (1939–1964).svg NordrhodesiaNRH
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg PalæstinaPAL
Flag of Romania.svg RumænienROM
Flag of Rhodesia (1968–1979).svg RhodesiaRHO
Flag of Saar.svg SaarlandSAA
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro; Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003).svg Serbien og MontenegroSCG
Flag of Thailand.svg SiamSIA
Flag of Southern Rhodesia (1924–1964).svg SydrhodesiaSRH
Flag of South Vietnam.svg SydvietnamVSO
Flag of South Yemen.svg SydyemenSYE
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg SovjetunionenURS
Flag of Sudan.svg SudanSUD
Flag of Suriname (1959–1975).svg Hollandsk GuyanaNGY
Flag of Tanganyika (1961–1964).svg TanganyikaTAA
Flag of the Republic of China.svg TaiwanTAI
Flag of the United Arab Republic.svg United Arab RepublicUAR
Flag of Upper Volta.svg Øvre VoltaUPV
Flag of Germany.svg VesttysklandFRG
Flag of Samoa.svg Western SamoaWSM
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg JugoslavienYUG
Flag of Zaire (1971–1997).svg ZaireZAI


  1. ^ "Associations". Arkiveret fra originalen 23. juli 2006. Hentet 26. juli 2006. 

Medier brugt på denne side

Flag of Albania.svg
Flag of Albania
Flag of Aruba.svg
The flag of Aruba
Flag of Austria.svg
Flag of Austria with the red in the Austrian national colours which was official ordered within the Austrian Armed Forces (Bundesheer) in the characteristic “Pantone 032 C” (since May 2018 the Red is ordered in the characteristic “Pantone 186 C”.)
Flag of Bolivia.svg

Bolivias flag

Flag of Bolivia*
country Template:I18n/Republic of Bolivia
anvendes af Bolivia
fra 1851
til Present
oprettet af Government of Bolivia
format 15:22
form rectangular
farver rød, gul, grøn

flag has 3 horizontal stripes

other characteristics A horizontal tricolor of red, yellow and green.
Flag of Brunei.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nightstallion, Licens: CC0
Bruneis flag
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg
Flag of Burkina Faso
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Flag of Chile.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg
Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag. According to the official website of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Blue Sky(circle) & White Sun(triangles) above the Olympic rings is neither the National Emblem of the Republic of China, nor the Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT), but a design in between, where the triangles do not extend to the edge of the blue circle, as registered at International Olympic Committee in 1981 and digitally rendered in 2013. Besides, the blue outline of the five-petaled plum blossom is broader than the red one. Moreover, the CMYK code of the blue one and the Blue Sky & White Sun is "C100-M100-Y0-K0", and different from the Olympic rings (C100-M25-Y0-K0). Note that it's the only version recognized by IOC.
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg
The national flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Created according to the 2006 constitution : Son emblème est le drapeau bleu ciel, orné d’une étoile jaune dans le coin supérieur gauche et traversé en biais d’une bande rouge finement encadrée de jaune. (Its symbol is a sky blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed in the diagonal by a red strip with thin yellow borders) It seems to be identical, except for a lighter field hue, to the 1966–1971 flag.
Flag of Croatia.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Curaçao.svg
The flag of Curaçao is a blue field with a horizontal yellow stripe slightly below the midline and two white, five-pointed stars in the canton. The geometry and colors are according to the description at Flags of the World.
Flag of Dominica.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: See File history below for details., Licens: CC0
The Flag of Dominica.
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at
Flag of Côte d'Ivoire.svg
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of Fiji.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC0
Flag of Finland.svg
Finlands flag
Flag of Guam.svg
The flag of Guam, courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap. Modifications by Denelson83.
Flag of Haiti.svg
The national and official state flag of Haiti; arms obtained from File:Coat of arms of Haiti.svg. The civil flag can be found at here.
Flag of Indonesia.svg
bendera Indonesia
Flag of Iran.svg
Flag of Iran. The tricolor flag was introduced in 1906, but after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 the Arabic words 'Allahu akbar' ('God is great'), written in the Kufic script of the Qur'an and repeated 22 times, were added to the red and green strips where they border the white central strip and in the middle is the emblem of Iran (which is a stylized Persian alphabet of the Arabic word Allah ("God")).
The official ISIRI standard (translation at FotW) gives two slightly different methods of construction for the flag: a compass-and-straightedge construction used for File:Flag of Iran (official).svg, and a "simplified" construction sheet with rational numbers used for this file.
Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Laos.svg
Flag of Laos
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
Flag of Liechtenstein
Flag of Malaysia.svg
Flag of Malaysia – Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory)
Flag of Maldives.svg
Flag of Maldives. The colours used are Pantone 186 C for red and Pantone 348 C for green.
Flag of Mauritania.svg
Flag of Mauritania, adopted in 2017. The National Assembly added red stripes to the top and bottom edges to represent “the blood shed by the martyrs of independence”.
Flag of Montenegro.svg
Montenegros flag (i brug den 13. juli 2004).
Flag of Namibia.svg
Flag of Namibia
Flag of Oman.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: See File history below for details., Licens: CC0
Flag of Oman
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg
Flag of Papua New Guinea
Colours: Pantone 186 C for red and 116 C for yellow
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Flag of Rwanda.svg
Flag of Rwanda. The flag ratio is 2:3 with the stripes being 2:1:1. Colors are the following officially: Pantone 299 C 2X (blue), RAL 6029 (green), RAL 1023 (yellow) and RAL 1003 (golden yellow). (As of 03/08/2010, the only color used is the Pantone 299 C, which is from here. The rest of the colors are RAL shades from here.)
Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
Flag of Senegal.svg
Flag of Senegal
Flag of Slovenia.svg
The flag of Slovenia.
"The construction sheet for the coat of arms and flag of the Republic of Slovenia
is issued in the Official Gazette Uradni list Republike Slovenije #67, 27 October 1994
as the addendum to the Law on the coat of arms and flag."
Flag of South Africa.svg

Sydafrikas flag

Used color: National flag | South African Government and Pantone Color Picker

     grøn rendered as RGB 000 119 073Pantone 3415 C
     gul rendered as RGB 255 184 028Pantone 1235 C
     rød rendered as RGB 224 060 049Pantone 179 C
     blå rendered as RGB 000 020 137Pantone Reflex Blue C
     hvid rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     sort rendered as RGB 000 000 000
Flag of Syria.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Thailand.svg
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand; there are total of 3 colours:
  • Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
  • White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
  • Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg
Trinidad og Tobagos flag
Flag of Tuvalu.svg
Flag of Tuvalu.

Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg
Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).
The design (blazon) is defined in Article 4 of the Constitution for the Republic of Yugoslavia (1946). [1]
Flag of Rhodesia (1968–1979).svg
Flag of Rhodesia (11 November 1968 – 31 May 1979) and Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1 June – 1 September 1979).
Flag of Ceylon.svg
Flag of Ceylon between 1951 and 1972.
Flag of the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Jfblanc, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Martinique from May 2019 to November 2021.
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro; Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003).svg
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro, was adopted on 27 April 1992, as flag of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992-2003).
British Raj Red Ensign.svg
The Star of India Red Ensign
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Flag of North Vietnam (1955–1976).svg
Flag of former North Vietnam (from 1955 until reunification with South Vietnam in 1976)
Flag of the People's Republic of the Congo.svg
Flag of the People's Republic of Congo between 1 January 1970 - 10 June 1991
Flag of Saar.svg
Flag of the Saar Protectorate (1947–1956)
Flag of the United Arab Republic (1958–1971).svg
Flag of Egypt (1958-1972) and flag of Syria (1958-1961) in the United Arab Republic. It also became the official flag of Syria since 1980.
Flag of Suriname (1959–1975).svg
Flag of Suriname, constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (1954-1974), from its adoption in 1959 until the achievement of independence on 25 November 1975, on which date the flag was changed to its current form.
Flag of Anguilla.svg
Anguillas flag (taget i brug den 30. maj 1990) - RGB farverne, 1:2 dimensionerne og konstruktionsdetajlerne baseret delvist på skabelonerne: Flag of Anguilla – A Brief History
Saint Patrick's Saltire.svg
This is "Saint Patrick's saltire", the third component of the Union Flag. It represents Ireland and is called "Saint Patrick's cross/saltire", though whether this was originally an authentic symbol of Saint Patrick is historically quite doubtful.
Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003–2006).svg
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro, was adopted on 27 April 1992, as flag of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992-2003).
Flag of Gibraltar.svg
Flag of Gibraltar
Flag of Peru (state).svg
State Flag of Peru.
Flag of British Guiana (1919-1955).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of British Guiana (1919-1955)
Flag of Southern Rhodesia (1924–1964).svg
Flag of Southern Rhodesia (1924–1964).
Ulster banner.svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of the United Arab Republic.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Guadeloupe (local).svg
Unofficial local flag of Guadeloupe, from the xrmap flag collection 2.7. Original from FOTW
Chinese Taipei Football Flag.svg
Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag. According to the official website of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Blue Sky(circle) & White Sun(triangles) above the Olympic rings is neither the National Emblem of the Republic of China, nor the Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT), but a design in between, where the triangles do not extend to the edge of the blue circle, as registered at International Olympic Committee in 1981 and digitally rendered in 2013. Besides, the blue outline of the five-petaled plum blossom is broader than the red one. Moreover, the CMYK code of the blue one and the Blue Sky & White Sun is "C100-M100-Y0-K0", and different from the Olympic rings (C100-M25-Y0-K0). Note that it's the only version recognized by IOC.
Flag of North Borneo (1902–1946).svg
Flag and government ensign of North Borneo (1902–1946).

Flag of French Guiana.svg
Flag of French Guiana. Adopted as official flag by the General Council on January 29, 2010.
Flag of Tanganyika (1961–1964).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Mysid, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of the Republic of Tanganyika
New Caledonia flags merged (2017).svg
Merged flags of New Caledonia (French and local) – in use inter alia by FIFA (2017).
Flag of Northern Rhodesia (1939–1964).svg
Flag of Northern Rhodesia, 1939–1964
Sable six palets wavy Argent on a Chief Azure an eagle reguardant wings expanded Or holding in the talons a Fish of the second.