Lime | |
![]() To limefrugter | |
Videnskabelig klassifikation | |
Rige | Plantae (Planter) |
Division | Magnoliophyta (Dækfrøede planter) |
Klasse | Magnoliopsida (Tokimbladede) |
Orden | Sapindales (Sæbetræ-ordenen) |
Familie | Rutaceae (Rude-familien) |
Slægt | Citrus (Citrus) |
Art | C. x aurantifolia |
Synonymer | |
Citrus x hystrix | |
Hjælp til læsning af taksobokse |
Lime (Citrus x aurantifolia) er en frugt, der stammer fra Sydøstasien, hvorfra den blev importeret til Europa i det 13. århundrede. Frugten dyrkes især i Mellemamerika og Asien, og er faktisk den af de surfrugtede citrusarter, der anvendes mest i troperne.
Træet bliver op til 5 meter højt og får små hvide blomster, hvorfra de små runde, grønne citrusfrugter udvikles til en diameter på omkring 5 centimeter.
Limefrugten ligner en lille, rund, grøn citron.
Limefrugten smager lidt mere krydret end citronen[kilde mangler] – til gengæld er den en anelse bitter i forhold til andre citrusfrugter[kilde mangler].
Limefrugterne er kernefri og velegnet i dressinger og drinks, hvor den smukke, grønne farve pynter. Bruges også til juice og marmelade.
Limefrugten er desuden vandtæt, hvis den ligger vandret i et longdrink-glas og kan dermed bruges til at skille en drink.[kilde mangler]
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Forfatter/Opretter: Thamizhpparithi Maari, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This media file was uploaded as a part of the TamilWiki Media Contest.
Forfatter/Opretter: David Monniaux, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Citrus hystrix (sold on Réunion Island)
July 29, 2005Forfatter/Opretter: Robyn Jay from Sydney, Australia, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Citrus hystrix fruit. Bellingen, Australia.
Forfatter/Opretter: Zaareo, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Citrus australasica, 'finger lime', green skin type.
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Pellegrini, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Pictures taken by myself at Longwood Gardens
Forfatter/Opretter: Prosthetic Head, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lime and blossom growing in Valencia, south Spain. Photo taken November 2007.
(c) Noblevmy at malayalam Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
Odichukuthi lime cross section
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Marathon, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Citrus glauca bushes
(c) CSIRO, CC BY 3.0
The Australian Outback Lime is a selection of the native desert lime, Citrus glauca. It is characterised by its upright habit, relatively large, flavoursome fruit, high yield, uniform ripening time, lack of thorns, and suitability for mechanical harvesting. The Australian Outback Lime was cultivated at the Merbein, Victoria site of CSIRO Plant Industry by Dr Steve Sykes.
Forfatter/Opretter: James Steakley, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Sweet lemon, Citrus limetta 'Millsweet', in the Linnean House of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Forfatter/Opretter: Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Grafika podręcznika b:pl:Wikijunior:Owoce. Lima, limeta kwaśna (Citrus x aurantifolia).
(c) Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 us
Tahitian fruit and leaves at Hawea Pl Olinda, Maui, Hawaii. January 17, 2014
(c) Averette at engelsk Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0
Digital photo taken by Marc Averette. Tree-ripened en:key lime. Color is a bright yellow, unlike the more common green Persian limes.
Forfatter/Opretter: Villy Fink Isaksen, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Juliennejern og limefrugt
Forfatter/Opretter: homeredwardprice, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Lime Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum fagara) in South Texas
Forfatter/Opretter: Ivar Leidus, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Limes – whole and halved. Grown in Brazil
Forfatter/Opretter: Bailey, Frederick Manson, 1827-1915, Licens: No restrictions
62. Citrus australis 63. Citrus australasiaca 64. Citrus inodora 65. Citrus garrawayi
Identifier: comprehensivecat00bail (find matches)
Title: Comprehensive catalogue of Queensland plants, both indigenous and naturalised. To which are added, where known, the aboriginal and other vernacular names; with numerous illustrations, and copious notes on the properties, features, &c., of the plants
Year: 1909 (1900s)
Authors: Bailey, Frederick Manson, 1827-1915
Subjects: Botany
Publisher: Brisbane, A. J. Cumming, government printer
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
61. bis. Murraya exotica, Linn., var. ovatifoliolata, Engl. (a) Single flower, (b) stamen, (b i) filament, (b 2) anther, (c) calyx and pistil,(c 1) calyx, (c 2) ovary, (c 3) style, (c 4) stigma, (d) trans, sect, ovary, (d 1 and<h) ovules, (e) berry, (a) — (d)-enl. ; (e) nat. size. XXIX. RUTACE/E.
Text Appearing After Image:
Yus Cjary^S/wa. y 1TWj. 62. Citrus australis, Planch. 63. Citrus australasica, F. z^. M. 64. Citrus inodora. Bail. 65. Citrus Garrawayl, Bail. XXXI. OCHNACE^.—XXXII. BURSERACE^E. 85 not be treated with this resin, on account of the acrid oil.If mixed with wax and turpentine would make a goodmaterial for fixing paper labels on tin boxes. (Fig.65 ter.)*glanduiosa, Desf.—Tree of Heaven, a native of China andJapan; said to contain a tanning matter (gallotannicacid) of about 11 per cent.Brucea, Mill. sumatrana, Roxb.—The seeds are called Macassar kernels/and are very bitter, and used in Java to cure dysentery.(Fig. 66.) Samadera, Gcertn. Bidwillii, Oik. = Hyptiandra Bidwilli, Hook. f.Baileyana, Oliv. = H. Bidwilli, var. grandiuscula, Bail, andF. y. M. (Fig. 67.)Cadeliia, F. v. M. pentastylis, F. v. M. =■■ Guilfoylea pentastylis, F. v. M.—Solidwood of Taroom. Wood durable ; also yields a reddye.monostylis, Benth. = G. monostylis, F. v. M.—Wood resem-bling some kinds of walnut
Note About Images
Forfatter/Opretter: James Steakley, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Palestine sweet lime, Citrus limettioides, in the Linnean House of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Forfatter/Opretter: Thamizhpparithi Maari, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Sweet limes of Salem
Forfatter/Opretter: Adityamadhav83, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
(Citrus limetta) Mosambi at a market in Seethammadhara, Visakhapatnam
Glass vial containing Lime Essential Oil
Forfatter/Opretter: Poyt448, Peter Woodard, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Citrus australis round fruit
A whole red citrus australasica.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ivar the Boneful, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
A finger lime cut in half, with juice vesicles extracted.