Lillerød Kirke

Lillerød Kirke
Lillerød Kirke 21-09-06 01.jpg
Lillerød Kirke set fra NNV
Opførto. 1100
AdresseKirkehaven 3, 3450 Allerød
SognLillerød Sogn
PastoratLillerød Pastorat
ProvstiHillerød Provsti
StiftHelsingør Stift
KommuneAllerød Kommune
Eksterne henvisninger

Lillerød Kirke er kirken i Lillerød Sogn, Lillerød by i Allerød Kommune.

Eksterne kilder og henvisninger

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Medier brugt på denne side

RWBA Kirche.svg
RWBA symbol: motorway chapel
Forfatter/Opretter: Original tiny raster by Bastique, vectorization work by Booyabazooka, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Praying hands against quasi-stained-glass background.
Lillerød Kirke 21-09-06 01.jpg
This file was made by Thomas Hindsgaul, and should be credited as such.

If you make use of this picture outside of the Wiki community, an email to broadbeer [at] would be appreciated.

If you would like a better version of the image i.e. a higher resolution, or use it under another license please feel free to contact me.

, Licens: CC BY 2.5 dk
Lillerød Kirke, Lillerød sogn, Lynge-Frederiksborg Herred, Frederiksborg Amt, Danmark
Denmark Capital Region location map (ca).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Erik Frohne, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of the Capital Region in Denmark, color adjusted

Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 177 %. Geographic limits of the map:

  • N: 56.20° N
  • S: 54.90° N
  • W: 11.70° E
  • E: 15.20° E