Lee Archambault

Lee Archambault
Lee Archambault.jpg
NASA Astronaut
NationalitetAmerikaner USA
Født25. august 1960 (61 år)
Oak Park, Illinois
Andet arbejde
U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
RangOberst, USAF
Tid i rummet
26 døgn og 15 timer
UdvælgelseNASA-gruppen fra 1998
Mission(er)STS-117 STS-119
MissionsemblemerSTS-117 emblem STS-119 emblem

Lee Joseph Archambault (født 25. august 1960 i Oak Park, Illinois) er NASA astronaut og har fløjet i alt to rumfærge-flyvninger, en som pilot og en som kaptajn.

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STS-119 patch.png
The shape of the STS-119/15A patch comes from the shape of a solar array viewed at an angle. The International Space Station (ISS), which is the destination of the mission, is placed accordingly in the center of the patch just below the gold astronaut symbol. The gold solar array of the ISS highlights the main cargo and task of STS-119/15A -- the installation of the S6 truss segment and deployment of S6's solar arrays, the last to be delivered to the ISS. The surnames of the crew members are denoted on the outer band of the patch. The 17 white stars on the patch represent, in the crew's words, "the enormous sacrifice the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia have given to our space program." The U.S. flag flowing into the space shuttle signifies the support the people of the United States have given our space program over the years, along with pride the U.S. astronauts have in representing the United States on this mission.
A drawing of NASA's Space Shuttle Challenger. Image provided by Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, California. See [1], specifically EG-0076-04.eps.
STS-117 patch new2.svg
The STS-117 crew patch symbolizes the continued construction of the International Space Station (ISS) and our ongoing human presence in space. The ISS is shown orbiting high above the Earth. Gold is used to highlight the portion of the ISS that will be installed by the STS-117 crew. It consists of the second starboard truss section, S3/S4, and a set of solar arrays. The names of the STS-117 crew are located above and below the orbiting outpost. The two gold astronaut office symbols, emanating from the '117' at the bottom of the patch represent the concerted efforts of the shuttle and station programs toward the completion of the station. The orbiter and unfurled banner of red, white and blue represent our Nation's renewed patriotism as we continue to explore the universe.