Ledeskruedrejebænken blev skabt af Henry Maudslay omkring år 1800, for at kunne fremstille hele serier af identiske skruer og møtrikker. Denne var forløber for den moderne drejebænk, som vi kender den med mulighed for at skære f.eks. gevind i en rundstang m.m.
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- Med billede: sciencemuseum.org.uk: Henry Maudslay's original screw-cutting lathe, c 1800. Arkiveret 5. juli 2012 hos Wayback Machine Citat: "...This lathe is said to be the first workshop machine on which English engineer, Henry Maudslay (1771-1831) combined a lead-screw and change wheels for reproducing screw threads..."
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Photos of Henry Maudslay's famous screw-cutting lathes of circa 1797 and 1800. Although Maudslay did not invent any of the machine elements that went into the design, and although he did not invent the first screw-cutting lathe, he was the first person who made famous the winning form factor (bringing together the lathe, leadscrew, slide rest, and change gears, with practical inter-relationships.
(c) 2005 Eric 'titer' Petit, MIT
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