Laura Lochman

Laura Lochman
Laura Lochman in Inuvik, NWT.jpg
USA's ambassadør i Danmark
20. januar 2017 – 8. december 2017
PræsidentDonald Trump
ForegåendeRufus Gifford
Efterfulgt afCarla Sands
Personlige detaljer
Uddannelses­stedMiami University
Université de Montpellier
Informationen kan være hentet fra Wikidata.

Laura Lochman er chargé d'affaires ved USA's ambassade i Danmark.

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Rufus Gifford
USA's ambassadør i Danmark
Carla Sands
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Laura Lochman in Inuvik, NWT.jpg

Consul General Laura Lochman and Inuvik Mayor Derek Lindsay

02 September 2009: Inuvik Consul General Lochman travels to the Mackenzie River Delta

Consul General Laura Lochman spent the day in Inuvik meeting with government and community to leaders, including Peter Clarkson, executive regional director for the Northwest Territories government, Inuvik Mayor Derek Lindsay, Nellie Cournoyea, CEO and chair of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, and Richard Nerysoo, president of the Gwich’in Tribal Council. The Consul General gave interviews to the Northern News Service and CBC North at the end of her visit which included a tour of Inuvik’s new economic and construction projects, community facilities and historic sites.