Langhalet glansstær

Langhalet glansstær
Lamprotornis caudatus -Dakar -Senegal-2007.jpg
Status iucn3.1 LC da.svg
Ikke truet (IUCN 3.1)
Videnskabelig klassifikation
RigeAnimalia (Dyr)
KlasseAves (Fugle)
OrdenPasseriformes (Spurvefugle)
FamilieSturnidae (Stære)
ArtL. caudatus
Videnskabeligt artsnavn
Lamprotornis caudatus
(Müller, 1776)
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Langhalet glansstær (latin: Lamprotornis caudatus) er en spurvefugl, der lever i Sahel.


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Status iucn3.1 LC da.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY 2.5
Danish version of system image for conservation status
Bird template.svg
Bird template
Lamprotornis caudatus -Dakar -Senegal-2007.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Thom Haslam, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Hann Park, near Dakar, Senegal. Added to Wikipedia. Shifting colors of purple, green and blue in the sunlight. Usually seen in small flocks (But I haven't been to the bush where for all I know the flocks might number in the 100s of birds). Like most starlings, noisy and energetic.This pic more fun large.