Krivitjere (hviderussisk: крывічы, tr. kryvitsjy; russisk: кривичи, tr. krivitji) var en østslavisk stamme eller stammeforbund mellem 500-tallet og 1100-tallet e.v.t. De udvandrede til de fortrinsvis finske områder ved den øvre del af Volga, Dnepr, Daugava, områder syd for den nederste del af floden Velikaja og dele af Nemunasfloddalen.
Mange historikere anser at navnet stammer fra legendariske stamfader Kriv, som sandsynligvis var knjaz eller vojvod. Ifølge Max Vasmer kan knjazen have fået øgnavnet fra det slaviske adjektiv Krivoy ("skæv/snoet") på grund af en fødselsskade. Jan Stankievič troede det var afledt af adjektivet "kroŭ", "kryvi" ("blod") dermed ville "kryvič" betyde "blodbånd".
Krivitjerne har efterladt mange arkæologiske monumenter, f.eks. resterne af landbrugsbebyggelser med spor af jernarbejder, guldsmedekunst, smedearbejder og andre håndværk; lange gravhøje fra 500 til 800-tallet med kremerede kroppe af rige krigere med våben; særprægede smykker (armbånd-lignende ringe og glasperler lavet af strakt tråd). Ved udgangen af det første årtusinde, havde Krivitjerne allerede veludviklet landbrug og kvægavl. Bosiddende omkring handelsruterne fra væringerne til grækerne, drev Krivitjerne handel med væringerne. Deres vigtigste centre var Gnezdovo, Izborsk og Polotsk.
Krivitjerne deltog som stamme i Olegs og Igors angreb på det Det Byzantinske Rige. De er nævnt i De Administrando Imperio som Κριβιτζοί.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Koryakov Yuri, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of the settlement of the Slavs and their neighbors at the end of the 8th century. The borders of some states are shown starting from the 7th century. It was founded in the East Slavic part mainly on archaeological maps and descriptions, in particular, taken from the works of V.V. mainly data on the Balts and Finno-Ugric peoples). Details added 2023: Venice was still in the Byzantine Empire at this time. Avars were also present around Vienna and in central Transylvania, evidenced by graves & toponyms. There was a linguistic contact between Albanians and Vlachs, evidenced by the non-Slavic words present in both languages. Placed the Etelköz of the Magyars and the Crimean byzantine Greeks. South-Slavic toponyms (as Trnava for "tip, hillock, mound") evidenced a South-Slavic presence in southern Transylvania. Concerning the Eastern romance speakers (called Vlachs or Volokhs), to choose a nationalist positioning, as the 2022 revert, is reductive: here is no reason to show only the theory A ("Awarenwüste" or "Desert of the Avars" of Franz-Josef Sulzer, Josef-Karl Eder, Johann-Christian von Engel and Eduard-Robert Rössler in Romänische Studien: untersuchungen zur älteren Geschichte Rumäniens, Leipzig 1871: see Béla Köpeczi's Erdély rövid története, Akadémiai Kiadó ISBN 963 05 5901 3) which affirms that the Vlachs lived only on the south of the Danube during Late antiquity and High Middle ages, and to exclude the theory B which affirms that the Volokhs lived only on the north of the Danube (see Rumen Daskalov and Aleksander Vezenkov's « Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Shared Pasts, Disputed Legacies » Vol. III in Balkan Studies Library, Brill 2015, ISBN 9004290362). Unaware the pastoral nomadism which, in the general opinion of historians, ethnologists and linguists, was until the end of the Middle Ages the main activity of the Vlachs, the both theories affirming that the Danube and the Carpathians were, before the 13-th century, open borders for the Slavs and the Magyars, but impassable obstacles for the Vlachs / Volokhs and only for them, the lack of indisputable proof of their presence being worth proof of absence. This applies to the northern left bank of the Danube in the theory A and to the southern right bank of the Danube in the theory B, but the illusion thus created in the secondary sources, that the Vlachs disappeared for a thousand years to miraculously reappear afterwards (see Gheorghe I. Brătianu, "The Romanians, an enigma and historical miracle" Academia Civică Publ., Bucharest 2019, ISBN 9786068924069) is a nonsense.