Proxy (klima)

En klimaproxy: årringe fra et træ fældet i 2005 kan fortælle om gode og dårlige år i den tid træet voksede.

En klimaproxy (fra engelsk proxy, "stedfortræder") er en indirekte klimaindikator, eksempelvis årringe, stalagmitter, iskerner, koraller, sedimenter, pollen eller spor efter menneskelig aktivitet, som historiske optegnelser eller dagbøger. Klimaproxier anvendes til at rekonstruere fortidens klima før der eksisterede instrumentelle optegnelser.

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Medier brugt på denne side

Cyclone Catarina from the ISS on March 26 2004.JPG
Before the year 2004, only two tropical cyclones had ever been noted in the South Atlantic Basin, and no hurricane. However, a circulation center well off the coast of southern Brazil developed tropical cyclone characteristics and continued to intensify as it moved westward. The system developed an eye and apparently reached hurricane strength on Friday, March 26, before eventually making landfall late on Saturday, March 27, 2004.
The crew of the International Space Station was notified of the cyclone and acquired excellent photographs of the storm just as it made landfall on the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina (the storm has been unofficially dubbed “Cyclone Catarina”). Note the clockwise circulation of Southern Hemisphere cyclones, the well-defined banding features, and the eyewall of at least a Category 1 system. The coastline is visible under the clouds in the upper left corner of the image.
Tree rings.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Arnoldius, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Tree rings seen in a cross section of a trunk of a tree