
Kamgarn af 4 tråde.

Kamgarn[1] (Engelsk: "worsted yarns") er en mere slidstærk garntype end kartet uld, idet det kæmmes og spindes af langfibret, svagt kruset fåreuld, hvor fibrene under spindingen kæmmes og strækkes, så de ligger helt parallelt.[2] Kamgarn er et fint, fast, kompakt og ensartet garn, der ikke krymper. Det anvendes ofte til vævning af tætte og glatte stoffer.[3]


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Medier brugt på denne side

Dare tshirt.png
D.A.R.E. T-shirt
MacLachlan hunting tartan (D. W. Stewart).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
A representation of the Maclachlan hunting tartan. This tartan is the oldest tartan to bear the name MacLachlan. This tartan is referred to as the Old MacLachlan, MacLachlan, and Hunting MacLachlan. This sett was first published in Old & Rare Scottish Tartans by D. W. Stewart in 1893.
Thread count: Y6, W4, Bk32, G32, Y6, W4, R48.
Sources: MacLachlan Clan Tartan WR1710 MacLachlan Hunting Tartan
Jute nahtlos.png
Forfatter/Opretter: SoylentGreen, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Hessian Fabric made seamless. It will serve to create a normal map in Blender.
Worsted wool yarn.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Pschemp, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Close up of 100% worsted wool. Plied structure can be seen.
Batik Indonesia.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: MartijnL, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Batik cloth purchased in Yogyakarta, Indonesia