John Trumbull
John Trumbull | |
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Personlig information | |
Født | 6. juni 1756 Lebanon, Connecticut |
Død | 10. november 1843 (87 år) New York City, New York |
Nationalitet | Amerikansk |
Far | Jonathan Trumbull ![]() |
Mor | Faith Robinson ![]() |
Søskende | Joseph Trumbull, Jonathan Trumbull ![]() |
Familie | John Trumbull (fætter) ![]() |
Uddannelse og virke | |
Felt | Malerkunst |
Uddannelsessted | Harvard Universitet, Harvard College ![]() |
Elev af | Benjamin West ![]() |
Medlem af | American Academy of Arts and Sciences ![]() |
Beskæftigelse | Kunstmaler, arkitekt, kunstner ![]() |
Fagområde | Malerkunst ![]() |
Arbejdssted | Boston, New York City, Connecticut, London ![]() |
Kendte værker | Declaration of Independence (1817-1819) |
Genre | Portræt, landskabsmaleri, historiemaleri ![]() |
Nomineringer og priser | |
Udmærkelser | Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (fra 1791) ![]() |
Information med symbolet ![]() |
John Trumbull (6. juni 1756 – 10. november 1843) var en berømt amerikansk maler, særligt kendt for sine billeder fra USA's uafhængighedskrig.
Han blev født i Lebanon, Connecticut og begyndte sine studier på Harvard da han var femten år. Trumbull deltog som soldat i USA's uafhængighedskrig og var vidne til det berømte slag ved Bunker Hill. I 1780 blev han udnævnt som aide-de-camp for George Washington.
Efter det rejste han til London og Paris. Han arbejdede der med Benjamin West som foreslog at han burde male små billeder med motiver fra uafhængighedskrigen. West foreslog også at han skulle male miniatureportrætter, og i alt malte han cirka 250.
Trumbull havde haft lidt succes indtil han blev bedt af Senatet om at lave fire store malerier fra uafhængighedskrigen, de hænger nu i senatsbygningen. De fire er Surrender of General Burgoyne (General Burgoynes kapitulerer); Declaration of Independence (Uafhængighedserklæringen); The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Battle of Yorktown (Kapitulation ved Yorktown); og Washington Resigning His commission (Washington træder tilbage). Trumbull malede til sidst også portrætter af kendte amerikanere såsom George Washington, John Adams og Alexander Hamilton.
Han blev udnævnt til præsident for "American Academy of Fine Art", en stilling han havde i 19 år. Han kom dårligt ud af det med elever, optrådte diktatorisk, og det endte med at studenterne protesterede og oprettede en ny institution, "National Academy of Design".
Andre kendte malerier af ham er: The Battle of Bunker Hill; The Death of General Montgomery at Quebec; The Battle of Trenton og The Battle of Princeton.
Eksterne henvisninger
- John Trumbull i Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon (2. udgave, 1927)
Medier brugt på denne side
John Trumbull's painting, Declaration of Independence, depicting the five-man drafting committee of the Declaration of Independence presenting their work to the Congress. The painting can be found on the back of the U.S. $2 bill. The original hangs in the US Capitol rotunda. It does not represent a real ceremony; the characters portrayed were never in the same room at the same time.
The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 celebrates the important victory by General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton. In the center of the painting, Washington is focused on the needs of the mortally wounded Hessian Colonel Johann Rall. On the left, the severely wounded Lieutenant James Monroe is helped by Dr. John RIker. On the right is Major General Nathanael Greene on horseback.
"Self-Portrait," oil on canvas, by the American painter John Trumbull. 29 3/4 in. x 24 9/16 in. Yale University Art Gallery, gift of Marshall H. Clyde, Jr. Courtesy of Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
General George Washington Resigning His Commission: depicts George Washington's resignation as commander-in-chief of the Army to the Congress, which was then meeting at the Maryland State House in Annapolis, on December 23, 1783. This action was of great significance in establishing civilian, rather than military rule, leading to a republic, rather than a dictatorship. Washington stands with two aides-de-camp addressing the president of the Congress, Thomas Mifflin, and others, such as Elbridge Gerry, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and James Madison. Mrs. Washington and her three grandchildren are shown watching from the gallery, although they were not in fact present at the event.
John Trumbull (1756–1843) was born in Connecticut, the son of the governor. After graduating from Harvard University, he served in the Continental Army under General Washington. He studied painting with Benjamin West in London and focused on history painting.
This oil painting on canvas is now located in the United States Capitol rotunda in Washington D.C. Its dimensions are 365.76 cm × 548.64 cm (144.00 in × 216.00 in).