John Burgess

John William Burgess.

John William Burgess (26. august 184413. januar 1931) var en amerikansk statsretslærer og historiker.

Burgess studerede i Tyskland 1871—73 og var 1876—1912 professor i statsvidenskaber og forfatningsret ved Columbia University (New York). 1906—07 var han den første Roosevelt-professor ved Berlins Universitet. Hans hovedværker er: Political science and comparative constitutional law (2 bind, 1890), The civil war and the Constitution (2 bind, 1901) og Reconstruction and the Constitution 1866—76 (1902).


Medier brugt på denne side

Gnome globe current event.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: David Vignoni (globe, clock face/ring), Anomie (clock hands), David Göthberg (making the clock red, shadows). Anomie and David G (putting all the parts together)., Licens: LGPL
Globe with clock to represent a "current event"

The original uploader was Yzmo at engelsk Wikipedia.

Later versions were uploaded by Tene at en.wikipedia., Licens: LGPL
This image is combined from the following two images.
John William Burgess (1844–1931).jpg
Portrait of American political scientist John Burgess (1844–1931).