James Gillray
James Gillray | |
Personlig information | |
Født | 13. august 1756, 13. august 1757 ![]() Chelsea ![]() |
Død | 1. juni 1815 ![]() London ![]() |
Gravsted | St James's Church, Piccadilly ![]() |
Nationalitet | ![]() |
Uddannelse og virke | |
Beskæftigelse | Kunstmaler, tegneserietegner, gravør, tegner, grafiker, karikaturtegner, illustrator ![]() |
Arbejdssted | London ![]() |
Information med symbolet ![]() |
James Gillray (13. august 1757 – 1. juni 1815) var en britisk karikaturtegner og grafiker, der er kendt for sine politiske og satiriske billeder især fra 1792 til 1810.
Mange af hans karikaturer var rettet mod kong Georg 3., de revolutionære i Frankrig og Napoleon Bonaparte. Men også kronprins Georg, prins af Wales, William Pitt den yngre og dronning Charlotte blev spiddet i hans værker. Dertil kommer en række satiriske kommentarer til sociale forhold og til andre forhold i samtiden.
Gillrays værker blev udgivet af Hannah Humphrey, som han levede med på polsk, mens han var berømt og til sin død. Værkerne blev udstillet i vinduerne i trykkeriet i St. James' Street, hvor de blev tilløbsstykker. Han afbillede også både Hannah Humphrey og nysgerrige, der ser på hans værker.
Eksempler på Gillrays satire
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Eksterne henvisninger
- Gillray, James i Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon (2. udgave, 1920)
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A voluptuary under the horrors of digestion
Js. Gy. design et fecit.
SUMMARY: Caricature of George IV as the Prince of Wales, languid with repletion, leaning back in an arm-chair, at a table covered with remains of a meal, holding a fork to his mouth. His waistcoat is held together by a single button across his distended stomach.
In the background, the Prince of Wales' three ostrich feathers emblem is shown above a knife and fork crossed on a plate (instead of a coat of arms).
The picture behind and above the Prince's head is of Luigi Cornaro, a Venetian nobleman who wrote several treatises concerning dieting and eating habits.
MEDIUM: 1 print : engraving, color.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [London] : Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 1792 July 2d.
According to Wright & Evans, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray (1851, OCLC 59510372), p. 47, "A bitter satire on the Heir to the Throne, who was at this time celebrated for his voluptuousness, and for the pecuniary difficulties in which he was constantly involved, in consequence of his expensive habits. The picture is full of allusions, which tell their own story."A new way to pay the national-debt / design'd by Helagabalis ; executed by Sejanus.
SUMMARY: Cartoon shows King George III and Queen Charlotte standing before the Treasury, moneybags under their arms, their pockets overflowing and bursting with coins (funds from the Treasury to cover Royal debts), William Pitt, his pockets full of coins, hands the king another moneybag taken from an overflowing wheelbarrow; the Prince of Wales, George IV, stands to the right looking destitute; a quadriplegic sits on the ground to the left with an overturned and empty hat between the stubs of his legs, which are fitted with prostheses.
MEDIUM: 1 print : etching.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [London] : Pubd. by Willm. Holland, 1786 April 21.Very slippy-weather / etch'd by Js. Gillray.
SUMMARY: Cartoon shows an elderly man who has slipped and fallen on the sidewalk outside Humphrey's printing establishment at No. 27 St. James's Street, London. He is holding a thermometer which he manages keep upright, behind him are five individuals looking at caricatures printed by Humphrey that are on display in the shop windows.
MEDIUM: 1 print : etching, hand-colored.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: London : Publish'd by H. Humphrey, 1808 February 10th.L'Assemblée Nationale ; —or —Grand Co-operative Meeting at St. Ann's Hill.— Respectfully Dedicated to the admirers of "A Broad-Bottom'd Administration"
Js. Gillray, invt. & fect.
SUMMARY: Print shows a reception given by Charles James Fox and wife for various groups and friends of the Prince of Wales, all opposed to the government.
MEDIUM: 1 print : etching, hand-colored. Plate size is 337 mm × 463 mm.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [London] : Published by H. Humphrey, 1804 June 18.
According to Wright & Evans, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray (1851, OCLC 59510372), p. ix, "This we have no hesitation in asserting to be the most talented caricature that has ever appeared. The king is supposed to have been executed, the republic proclaimed, and Fox, as first consul, is holding his levée at his house at St. Anne's Hill. All the leading Whigs are present, of whom the likenesses are most admirable, and in the right corner is seen a portion of the figure of the Prince of Wales. This caricature gave so much offence to the prince that he offered a large sum of money for its suppression, which being accepted, he ordered the plate to be destroyed. It was the misfortune of the prince and those by whom he was surrounded to place reliance on each other; the plate was not destroyed, it was secreted, and still exists. It will be found in the collection published by Mr. Bohn."The Plumb-pudding in danger, or, State epicures taking un petit souper. The great Globe itself and all which it inherit [sic], is too small to satisfy such insatiable appetites.
Js. Gillray, inv. & fecit.
SUMMARY: William Pitt, wearing a regimental uniform and hat, sitting at a table with Napoleon. They are each carving a large plum pudding on which is a map of the world.
Pitt's slice is considerably larger than Napoleon's.
MEDIUM: 1 print : etching, hand-colored.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: London : H. Humphrey, 1805 February 26.