James Callaghan
The Right Honourable James Callaghan baron Callaghan af Cardiff | |
© European Communities, 1975, CC BY 4.0 (1975) | |
Premierminister i det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirland | |
Embedsperiode 5. april 1976 – 4. maj 1979 | |
Monark | Dronning Elizabeth 2. |
Foregående | Harold Wilson |
Efterfulgt af | Margaret Thatcher |
Personlige detaljer | |
Født | 27. marts 1912 Portsmouth, Storbritannien |
Død | 26. marts 2005 (92 år) East Sussex, Storbritannien |
Dødsårsag | Lungebetændelse |
Politisk parti | Labour Party |
Ægtefælle | Audrey Callaghan (fra 1938) |
Børn | Margaret Ann Callaghan, baronesse Jay af Paddington, Hon. Michael James Callaghan, Hon. Julia Elizabeth Callaghan ![]() |
Mor | Charlotte Gertrude Cundy |
Far | James Callaghan |
Beskæftigelse | Fagforeningsperson, økonom, politiker ![]() |
Udmærkelser | Hosebåndsordenen ![]() |
Informationen kan være hentet fra Wikidata. |
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Leonard James Callaghan, baron Callaghan af Cardiff (født 27. marts 1912, død 26. marts 2005) repræsenterede det britiske Arbejderparti, og var Storbritanniens premierminister fra 1976 til 1979. Callaghan er den eneste som både har været finansminister, indenrigsminister, udenrigsminister og premierminister i Storbritannien.
James Callaghan var bestyrelsesformand for Labour (formand for den årlige kongres) i 1973-1974.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the style used by the Government of Queen Elizabeth II from 1952 to 2022 (as used in all places except Scotland).
“ | Quarterly, First and Fourth Gules three lions passant guardant in pale Or armed and langued Azure (for England), Second quarter Or a lion rampant within a double tressure flory counter-flory Gules (for Scotland), Third quarter Azure a harp Or stringed Argent (for Ireland), the whole surrounded by the Garter; for a Crest, the imperial crown Proper; for Supporters, dexter a lion rampant guardant Or crowned as the Crest, sinister a unicorn Argent armed, crined and unguled Proper, gorged with a coronet Or composed of crosses patée and fleurs de lys a chain affixed thereto passing between the forelegs and reflexed over the back also Or; Motto 'Dieu et mon Droit’ ('God and my Right') below the shield. | ” |
- PINCHES, J.H & R.V., The Royal Heraldry of England, 1974, Heraldry Today.
© European Communities, 1975, CC BY 4.0
James Callaghan, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs