It Was Written

It Was Written er titlen på Nas' andet album fra 1996


  • "Album Intro"
  • "The Message"
  • "Street Dreams"
  • "I Gave You Power"
  • "Watch Dem Niggas"
  • "Take It in Blood"
  • "Nas Is Coming"
  • "Affirmative Action"
  • "The Set Up"
  • "Black Girl Lost"
  • "Suspect"
  • "Shootouts"
  • "Live Nigga Rap"
  • "If I Ruled the World (Imagine That)"


  • Poke and Tone
  • DJ Premier
  • Havoc
  • Dr. Dre
  • L.E.S.
  • Live Squad
  • Dave Atkinson
  • Rashad Smith
  • Lo Ground
  • Top General Sounds
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