Iraks præsidenter

Iraks første præsident Muhammad al-Rubaiai (1958-63)

Irak blev en republik i 1958. Iraks præsidenter har været:


Fuad MasumJalal TalabaniGhazi Mashal Ajil al-YawerPaul BremerJay GarnerSaddam HusseinAhmed Hassan al-BakrAbdul Rahman ArifAbd ar-Rahman al-BazzazAbdul Salam ArifMuhammad Najib ar-Ruba'i

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Coat of arms of Iraq.svg
Coat of arms of Iraq as adapted to new 2008 form of national flag -- standard pan-Arab "Eagle of Saladin" with shield of the tricolor of national flag (with the "Takbir" الله أكبر in Kufic text, as on the flag), holding a scroll with the words جمهورية العراق; (Jumhuriyat al-`Iraq "The Republic of Iraq").