Influenzavirus B

Influenzavirus B
Videnskabelig klassifikation

''Influenzavirus A
Influenzavirus B
Influenzavirus C

ArtInfluenza B virus
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Influenza B virus

Influenzavirus B er en slægt i Orthomyxoviridae-familien. Den eneste art i denne slægt kaldes "Influenza B virus".

Influenzavirus B er kendt for kun at inficere mennesker og visse sælarter, og giver disse influenza.[1] Dets afgrænsede evne til at inficere andre arter end de to førnævnte gør, at influenza B ikke er i stand til at skabe pandemier, som det ses ved Influenzavirus A, hvis genom både kan mutere (antigen drift) og udveksles med andre virus (antigen skift).[2][3][4] Yderligere udvikler influenza B vira sig langsommere end A vira og hurtigere en C vira.[5] Influenzavirus B muterer 2 til 3 gange mindre end influenzavirus A.[6] Denne muterer dog så meget, at vedvarende immunitet ikke er mulig.


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  1. ^ Osterhaus AD, Rimmelzwaan GF, Martina BE, Bestebroer TM, Fouchier RA (2000). "Influenza B virus in seals". Science. 288 (5468): 1051-3. doi:10.1126/science.288.5468.1051. PMID 10807575.{{cite journal}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Hay AJ, Gregory V, Douglas AR, Lin YP (2001). "The evolution of human influenza viruses". Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 356 (1416): 1861-70. doi:10.1098/rstb.2001.0999. PMC 1088562. PMID 11779385.{{cite journal}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
  3. ^ Matsuzaki Y, Sugawara K, Takashita E, Muraki Y, Hongo S, Katsushima N, Mizuta K, Nishimura H (2004). "Genetic diversity of influenza B virus: the frequent reassortment and cocirculation of the genetically distinct reassortant viruses in a community". J. Med. Virol. 74 (1): 132-40. doi:10.1002/jmv.20156. PMID 15258979.{{cite journal}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
  4. ^ Lindstrom SE, Hiromoto Y, Nishimura H, Saito T, Nerome R, Nerome K (1999). "Comparative Analysis of Evolutionary Mechanisms of the Hemagglutinin and Three Internal Protein Genes of Influenza B Virus: Multiple Cocirculating Lineages and Frequent Reassortment of the NP, M, and NS Genes". J. Virol. 73 (5): 4413-26. PMC 104222. PMID 10196339.{{cite journal}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
  5. ^ Yamashita M, Krystal M, Fitch WM, Palese P (1988). "Influenza B virus evolution: co-circulating lineages and comparison of evolutionary pattern with those of influenza A and C viruses". Virology. 163 (1): 112-22. doi:10.1016/0042-6822(88)90238-3. PMID 3267218.{{cite journal}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
  6. ^ Nobusawa E, Sato K (april 2006). "Comparison of the Mutation Rates of Human Influenza A and B Viruses". J Virol. 80 (7): 3675-8. doi:10.1128/JVI.80.7.3675-3678.2006. PMC 1440390. PMID 16537638.
  7. ^ Viroporins. Structural Biology Highlights 2014
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Forfatter/Opretter: Emmanuel Boutet, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
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Forfatter/Opretter: Anomie, Licens: LGPL
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Forfatter/Opretter: Aitor Nogales and Luis Martínez-Sobrido, Licens: CC BY 4.0
Virion structure of influenza B virus (IBV): IBV is surrounded by a lipid bilayer containing the two viral glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA), responsible for binding to sialic acid-containing receptors in the surface of susceptible cells, and neuraminidase (NA), responsible for viral release from infected cells. Furthermore, in the virion membrane is the ion channel BM2 and NB (IBV) proteins. Under the viral lipid bilayer is a protein layer composed of the M1 protein, which plays a role in virion assembly and budding, and the nuclear export protein (NEP) involved in the nuclear export of the viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) complexes. The eight viral segments and protein products are indicated inside the virions. Black lines at the end of each of the eight IBV vRNAs indicate the 3′ and 5′ non-coding regions (NCR). PB1 and PB2, polymerase basic 1 and 2; PA, polymerase acid; NP, nucleoprotein; NS, nonstructural gene; M: matrix; BM2: influenza B matrix protein 2.