Indonesiens provinser
Provinser (indonesisk: provinsi eller propinsi) er det højeste niveau i den politiske inddeling af Indonesien.
Segl | Provins | ISO[2] | Hovedby | Befolkning | Areal (km²) | Tæthed | Geografisk enhed | Byer | Distrikter | Kommuner | Landsbyer |
![]() | Aceh | ID-AC | Banda Aceh | 4.494.410 | 57.956 | 77 | Sumatra | 4 | 19 | 275 | 6.420 |
![]() | Bali | ID-BA | Denpasar | 3.890.757 | 5.780 | 621 | Sundaøerne | 1 | 8 | 57 | 698 |
![]() | Bangka-Belitung | ID-BB | Pangkal Pinang | 1.223.296 | 16.424 | 64 | Sumatra | 1 | 6 | 43 | 361 |
![]() | Banten | ID-BT | Serang | 10.632.166 | 9.662 | 909 | Java | 4 | 4 | 154 | 1.530 |
![]() | Bengkulu | ID-BE | Bengkulu | 1.715.518 | 19,919 | 84 | Sumatra | 1 | 9 | 116 | 1.442 |
![]() | Gorontalo | ID-GO | Gorontalo | 1.040.164 | 11.257 | 94 | Sulawesi | 1 | 5 | 65 | 595 |
![]() | Jakarta | ID-JK | Jakarta | 9.607.787 | 664 | 12.786 | Java | 5 | 1 | 44 | 267 |
![]() | Jambi | ID-JA | Jambi | 3.092.265 | 50.058 | 57 | Sumatra | 2 | 9 | 128 | 1.319 |
![]() | Jawa Barat | ID-JB | Bandung | 43.053.732 | 35.377 | 1176 | Java | 9 | 17 | 625 | 5.827 |
Jawa Tengah | ID-JT | Semarang | 32.382.657 | 40.800 | 894 | Java | 6 | 29 | 573 | 8.577 | |
![]() | Jawa Timur | ID-JI | Surabaya | 37.476.757 | 47.799 | 828 | Java | 9 | 29 | 662 | 8.502 |
Kalimantan Barat | ID-KB | Pontianak | 4.395.983 | 147.307 | 30 | Kalimantan | 2 | 12 | 175 | 1.777 | |
![]() | Kalimantan Selatan | ID-KS | Banjarmasin | 3.626.616 | 38.744 | 96 | Kalimantan | 2 | 11 | 151 | 1.973 |
![]() | Kalimantan Tengah | ID-KT | Palangkaraya | 2.212.089 | 153.564 | 14 | Kalimantan | 1 | 13 | 120 | 1.439 |
![]() | Kalimantan Timur | ID-KI | Samarinda | 3.553.143 | 204.534 | 16 | Kalimantan | 4 | 10 | 136 | 1.404 |
![]() | Kepulauan Riau | ID-KR | Tanjung Pinang | 1.679.163 | 8.201 | 208 | Sumatra | 2 | 5 | 59 | 331 |
Lampung | ID-LA | Bandar Lampung | 7.608.405 | 34.623 | 226 | Sumatra | 2 | 12 | 206 | 2.358 | |
![]() | Maluku | ID-MA | Ambon | 1.533.506 | 46.914 | 32 | Molukkerne | 2 | 9 | 76 | 898 |
![]() | Maluku Utara | ID-MU | Sofifi | 1.038.087 | 31.982 | 31 | Molukkerne | 2 | 7 | 109 | 1.041 |
Nusa Tenggara Barat | ID-NB | Mataram | 4.500.212 | 18.572 | 234 | Sundaøerne | 2 | 8 | 116 | 913 | |
![]() | Nusa Tenggara Timur | ID-NT | Kupang | 4.683.827 | 48.718 | 92 | Sundaøerne | 1 | 20 | 286 | 2.775 |
![]() | Papua | ID-PA | Jaya Pura | 2.833.381 | 319.036 | 8 | Irian Jaya | 1 | 28 | 330 | 3.583 |
Papua Barat | ID-PB | Manokwari | 760.422 | 97.024 | 8 | Irian Jaya | 1 | 10 | 149 | 1.291 | |
Riau | ID-RI | Pekanbaru | 5.538.367 | 87.023 | 52 | Sumatra | 2 | 10 | 153 | 1.500 | |
![]() | Sulawesi Barat | ID-SR | Mamuju | 1.158.651 | 16.787 | 73 | Sulawesi | 0 | 5 | 66 | 564 |
![]() | Sulawesi Tenggara | ID-SG | Kendari | 2.232.586 | 38.067 | 51 | Sulawesi | 2 | 10 | 199 | 1.843 |
![]() | Sulawesi Utara | ID-SA | Manado | 2.270.596 | 13,851 | 162 | Sulawesi | 4 | 11 | 150 | 1.510 |
Sulawesi Selatan | ID-SN | Makassar | 8.034.776 | 46.717 | 151 | Sulawesi | 3 | 26 | 301 | 2.874 | |
![]() | Sulawesi Tengah | ID-ST | Palu | 2.635.009 | 61.841 | 41 | Sulawesi | 1 | 10 | 147 | 1.712 |
![]() | Sumatera Barat | ID-SB | Padang | 4.846.909 | 42.012 | 110 | Sumatra | 7 | 12 | 169 | 964 |
Sumatera Selatan | ID-SS | Palembang | 7.450.394 | 91.592 | 86 | Sumatra | 4 | 11 | 217 | 2.869 | |
![]() | Sumatera Utara | ID-SU | Medan | 12.982.204 | 72.981 | 188 | Sumatra | 8 | 25 | 408 | 5.649 |
Yogyakarta | ID-YO | Yogyakarta | 3.457.491 | 3.133 | 1.138 | Java | 1 | 4 | 78 | 438 |
- ^ "Data Wilayah - Kementerian Dalam Negeri - Republik Indonesia". Arkiveret fra originalen 22. februar 2012. Hentet 8. december 2012.
- ^ ISO 3166-2:ID (ISO 3166-2 koder for Indonesiens provinser)
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Coat of arms of North Sumatra.svg
The emblem of North Sumatra province of Indonesia.
The emblem of North Sumatra province of Indonesia.
Riau COA.svg
The emblem of Indonesian provinces of Riau. The emblem took form of green shield surrounded with chain with 45 pieces symbolize 1945, the year of Indonesian Independence. In the center there is five waves of sea symbolize Pancasila, the national ideology. Right in the center is "Keris", a traditional dagger, and "Lancang Kuning" vessel, a Riau traditional ship. Keris symbolize the heroism of Riau people based on truth and wisdom, while Lancang Kuning vessel represent maritime spirit of seafaring Malay people of Riau. The ears of rice and cotton symbolize wealth and welfare.
The emblem of Indonesian provinces of Riau. The emblem took form of green shield surrounded with chain with 45 pieces symbolize 1945, the year of Indonesian Independence. In the center there is five waves of sea symbolize Pancasila, the national ideology. Right in the center is "Keris", a traditional dagger, and "Lancang Kuning" vessel, a Riau traditional ship. Keris symbolize the heroism of Riau people based on truth and wisdom, while Lancang Kuning vessel represent maritime spirit of seafaring Malay people of Riau. The ears of rice and cotton symbolize wealth and welfare.
Lambang propinsi gorontalo.jpg
Coat of Arms of Indonesian province Gorontalo
Coat of Arms of Indonesian province Gorontalo
Coat of arms of West Sulawesi.svg
Lambang Sulawesi Barat. Berupa balenga leta' (belanga dari tanah liat) dengan tulisan Sulawesi Barat. Di dalamnya terdapat bintang, trisula, meander kalumpang tegak berjumlah 2 x 14, daratan/gunung dan laut, perahu sandeq dengan bendera merah putih, padi dan bunga melati, ombak berjumlah 5, serta pita merah putih dengan motto "Mellete Diatonganan". Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda Sulbar No. 08 Tahun 2006.
Lambang Sulawesi Barat. Berupa balenga leta' (belanga dari tanah liat) dengan tulisan Sulawesi Barat. Di dalamnya terdapat bintang, trisula, meander kalumpang tegak berjumlah 2 x 14, daratan/gunung dan laut, perahu sandeq dengan bendera merah putih, padi dan bunga melati, ombak berjumlah 5, serta pita merah putih dengan motto "Mellete Diatonganan". Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda Sulbar No. 08 Tahun 2006.
West Kalimantan Emblem.svg
The emblem of West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, achieved in 1964. The emblem took forl of five sided shield that represent Pancasila. The green shield contain the image of hexagonal dayak shield, mandau dayak blade, kris. The line across the center, flame, rice and cotton ears. Shield, mandau and kris symbolize the culture of main ethnicity in West Kalimantan; Dayak and Malay. The flame symbolize the everlasting fighting spirit. Rice and cotton symbolize prosperity.
The emblem of West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, achieved in 1964. The emblem took forl of five sided shield that represent Pancasila. The green shield contain the image of hexagonal dayak shield, mandau dayak blade, kris. The line across the center, flame, rice and cotton ears. Shield, mandau and kris symbolize the culture of main ethnicity in West Kalimantan; Dayak and Malay. The flame symbolize the everlasting fighting spirit. Rice and cotton symbolize prosperity.
West Nusa Tenggara COA.svg
The emblem of West Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. The blue shield base symbolize heroism of the people. The five pointed star symbolize Pancasila, the national ideology The ears of rice and cotton symbolize wealth and welfare, the 58 seed of rice symbolize 1958, the date of West Nusa Tenggara formation: 14 August 1958. The chain consists of 4 and 5 pieces symbolize the year 1945 the independence of Indonesia. The deer is typical animal of Sumbawa island, the smoky volcano symbolize Rinjani volcano, the highest mountain in Lombok island. The base of volcano and deer took form of dome, symbolize the religiosity and spirituality of the people of West Nusa Tenggara.
The emblem of West Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. The blue shield base symbolize heroism of the people. The five pointed star symbolize Pancasila, the national ideology The ears of rice and cotton symbolize wealth and welfare, the 58 seed of rice symbolize 1958, the date of West Nusa Tenggara formation: 14 August 1958. The chain consists of 4 and 5 pieces symbolize the year 1945 the independence of Indonesia. The deer is typical animal of Sumbawa island, the smoky volcano symbolize Rinjani volcano, the highest mountain in Lombok island. The base of volcano and deer took form of dome, symbolize the religiosity and spirituality of the people of West Nusa Tenggara.
Lampung Emblem.svg
The emblem of Lampung Province, Indonesia. Based on 1971 Regional Regulation No. 1.
The emblem of Lampung Province, Indonesia. Based on 1971 Regional Regulation No. 1.
South Sulawesi Emblem.svg
The emblem of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, achieved in 1972.
The emblem of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, achieved in 1972.
North Sulawesi Emblem.svg
The emblem of North Sulawesi province, Indonesia.
The emblem of North Sulawesi province, Indonesia.
Bali COA.svg
The emblem of Bali province, displaying the image of the gate of Pura (Balinese temple); towering Kori Agung and Candi Bentar split gate. Also golden star, ears of cotton and rice, padma (red lotus), Balinese fan on each side, chain, and the motto Bali Dwipa Jaya (Glorious Bali Island). Based on 1966 Regional Regulation No. 5/DPRD-GR/1966
The emblem of Bali province, displaying the image of the gate of Pura (Balinese temple); towering Kori Agung and Candi Bentar split gate. Also golden star, ears of cotton and rice, padma (red lotus), Balinese fan on each side, chain, and the motto Bali Dwipa Jaya (Glorious Bali Island). Based on 1966 Regional Regulation No. 5/DPRD-GR/1966
Coat of arms of East Java.svg
The coat of arms of the Indonesian province Jawa Timur. Based on 1966 Regional Regulation No. 3
The coat of arms of the Indonesian province Jawa Timur. Based on 1966 Regional Regulation No. 3
South Sumatra COA.svg
The emblem of South Sumatra Province (Sumatera Selatan), Indonesia, with the motto "Bersatu Teguh" (united we strong). The emblem features the "limasan" roof typical of South Sumatra traditional house, with 17 pointy roof ornaments and 45 roof tiles to symbolize 17 August 1945, the independence day of Indonesia. In the circle in the center is the Ampera Bridge, the landmark of Palembang with Musi River and Mount Dempo, all are important landmark of South Sumatra. The center circle is adorned with golden padma (lotus) flower to symbolize South Sumatra Buddhist historical past as the capital of Srivijaya empire. The lotus have 5 petals to symbolize Pancasila the five principles of Indonesia. Achieved in 1968 per Peraturan Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Selatan No. 4/DPRDGR-55/1968
The emblem of South Sumatra Province (Sumatera Selatan), Indonesia, with the motto "Bersatu Teguh" (united we strong). The emblem features the "limasan" roof typical of South Sumatra traditional house, with 17 pointy roof ornaments and 45 roof tiles to symbolize 17 August 1945, the independence day of Indonesia. In the circle in the center is the Ampera Bridge, the landmark of Palembang with Musi River and Mount Dempo, all are important landmark of South Sumatra. The center circle is adorned with golden padma (lotus) flower to symbolize South Sumatra Buddhist historical past as the capital of Srivijaya empire. The lotus have 5 petals to symbolize Pancasila the five principles of Indonesia. Achieved in 1968 per Peraturan Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Selatan No. 4/DPRDGR-55/1968
Southeast Sulawesi COA.svg
Shield Five (shield of five) is the emblem of Southeast Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Depicting the image of Anoa head, chains, and ears of rice and cottons. Anoa is an endemic animal of Sulawesi, especially Southeast Sulawesi, the connecting chain symbolize strength of unity, ears of rice and cotton symbolize welfare and wealth for people.
Shield Five (shield of five) is the emblem of Southeast Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Depicting the image of Anoa head, chains, and ears of rice and cottons. Anoa is an endemic animal of Sulawesi, especially Southeast Sulawesi, the connecting chain symbolize strength of unity, ears of rice and cotton symbolize welfare and wealth for people.
Coat of arms of Central Sulawesi.svg
Lambang Sulawesi Tengah. Berupa perisai bentuk jantung, pohon kelapa, bintang, kapas berbunga 13, padi berbulir 19, dan gelombang (seharusnya 6 di bagian atas dan 4 di bagian bawah). Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda No. 3 Tahun 1969.
Lambang Sulawesi Tengah. Berupa perisai bentuk jantung, pohon kelapa, bintang, kapas berbunga 13, padi berbulir 19, dan gelombang (seharusnya 6 di bagian atas dan 4 di bagian bawah). Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda No. 3 Tahun 1969.
Coat of arms of Bangka Belitung Islands.svg
The Emblem of Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia
The Emblem of Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia
Yogyakarta COA.svg
The emblem of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The emblem of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
West Papua Province Emblem.svg
Emblem of Papua Barat province, Indonesia; formerly Irian Jaya Barat
Emblem of Papua Barat province, Indonesia; formerly Irian Jaya Barat
Coat of Arms of East Nusa Tenggara NEW.png
Coat of Arms of East Nusa Tenggara directly downloaded from East Nusa Tenggara Government's website. The common img used by wikipedia is inaccurate
Coat of Arms of East Nusa Tenggara directly downloaded from East Nusa Tenggara Government's website. The common img used by wikipedia is inaccurate

Coat of arms of Bengkulu.svg
Lambang Provinsi Bengkulu. Berupa perisai dua lapis dengan pita bertuliskan "Bengkulu". Bagian luar berisi warna hijau (Bukit Barisan) dan gelombang laut berlapis 18. Bagian dalam terdapat bintang, wadah sirih (cerana), dua rudus bersilang, bunga Raffesia, padi 17 bulir, dan kopi dengan 11 helai daun, bunga berjumlah 5 x 6, dan biji kopi berjumlah 5 x 8.
Lambang Provinsi Bengkulu. Berupa perisai dua lapis dengan pita bertuliskan "Bengkulu". Bagian luar berisi warna hijau (Bukit Barisan) dan gelombang laut berlapis 18. Bagian dalam terdapat bintang, wadah sirih (cerana), dua rudus bersilang, bunga Raffesia, padi 17 bulir, dan kopi dengan 11 helai daun, bunga berjumlah 5 x 6, dan biji kopi berjumlah 5 x 8.
Coat of arms of Jakarta.svg
The emblem of Jakarta, featuring a shield with an image of Monas (National Monument), rice and cotton, a wave of water, and the Jaya Raya. Granted on 1963 Regional Regulation No. 6
The emblem of Jakarta, featuring a shield with an image of Monas (National Monument), rice and cotton, a wave of water, and the Jaya Raya. Granted on 1963 Regional Regulation No. 6
Coat of arms of Papua 2.svg
Lambang Papua. Berupa perisai segilma dengan warna biru langit dan kuning keemasan, nama provinsi Papua, tiga gunung di Pegunungan Jayawijaya, tiga tugu perjuangan (Trikora) di atas bata bertumpuk 6 dan 9, padi 17 bulir, kapas 8 kuntum diikat dengan pita berwarna merah dan putih, serta pita emas bertuliskan "Karya Swadaya". Lambang ini dibuat berdasarkan Perda Papua No. 7 Tahun 1992.
Lambang Papua. Berupa perisai segilma dengan warna biru langit dan kuning keemasan, nama provinsi Papua, tiga gunung di Pegunungan Jayawijaya, tiga tugu perjuangan (Trikora) di atas bata bertumpuk 6 dan 9, padi 17 bulir, kapas 8 kuntum diikat dengan pita berwarna merah dan putih, serta pita emas bertuliskan "Karya Swadaya". Lambang ini dibuat berdasarkan Perda Papua No. 7 Tahun 1992.
Coat of arms of Banten.svg
Lambang Provinsi Banten. Berupa perisai yang di dalamnya terdapat tulisan "BANTEN", kubah masjid, bintang, menara Masjid Agung Banten dan Gapura Kaibon, gunung, badak jawa, roda bergerigi 10, gelombang laut biru, markah landasan pacu Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dengan 3 lampu bulat kuning, dan pita bertuliskan "Iman Taqwa." Padi berjumlah 17, kapas berjumlah 8, kelopak berjumlah 4, dan kuntum bunga berjumlah 5 melambangkan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia, 17 Agustus 1945. Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda No. 10 Tahun 2002.
Lambang Provinsi Banten. Berupa perisai yang di dalamnya terdapat tulisan "BANTEN", kubah masjid, bintang, menara Masjid Agung Banten dan Gapura Kaibon, gunung, badak jawa, roda bergerigi 10, gelombang laut biru, markah landasan pacu Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dengan 3 lampu bulat kuning, dan pita bertuliskan "Iman Taqwa." Padi berjumlah 17, kapas berjumlah 8, kelopak berjumlah 4, dan kuntum bunga berjumlah 5 melambangkan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia, 17 Agustus 1945. Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda No. 10 Tahun 2002.
Indonesia provinces blank map.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: en:User:Indon, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Indonesia provinces blank map
Forfatter/Opretter: en:User:Indon, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Indonesia provinces blank map
Coat of arms of South Kalimantan.svg
Lambang Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Berupa perisai merah dengan tepian kuning serta perisai dalam berwarna hijau. Pada bagian dalam terdapat padi, batang karet, pita putih di atas dan samping kiri-kanan, rumah adat Banjar Bubungan Tinggi, bintang, dan berlian bersinar. Motto daerah adalah "Waja Sampai Kaputing", yang bermakna "tetap bersemangat dan kuat bagaikan baja dari awal sampai akhir". Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda No. 10 Tahun 1963
Lambang Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Berupa perisai merah dengan tepian kuning serta perisai dalam berwarna hijau. Pada bagian dalam terdapat padi, batang karet, pita putih di atas dan samping kiri-kanan, rumah adat Banjar Bubungan Tinggi, bintang, dan berlian bersinar. Motto daerah adalah "Waja Sampai Kaputing", yang bermakna "tetap bersemangat dan kuat bagaikan baja dari awal sampai akhir". Ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda No. 10 Tahun 1963
Coat of arms of Aceh.svg
The emblem of Aceh Special Region Province, Indonesia, achieved 1961. Featuring the image of rencong, scale, rice and cotton ears shaping mosque's dome, book or holy scripture (quran), factory roofs and Pancacita (five goals) motto. Based on 1961 Regional Regulation No. 39.
The emblem of Aceh Special Region Province, Indonesia, achieved 1961. Featuring the image of rencong, scale, rice and cotton ears shaping mosque's dome, book or holy scripture (quran), factory roofs and Pancacita (five goals) motto. Based on 1961 Regional Regulation No. 39.
Central Java COA.svg
Jawa Tengah (Central Java) province seal. The seal featuring Borobudur temple, twin volcanoes, cotton and rice, Indonesian flag, bamboo spear, and golden star. Based on 1984 Regional Regulation No. 9.
Jawa Tengah (Central Java) province seal. The seal featuring Borobudur temple, twin volcanoes, cotton and rice, Indonesian flag, bamboo spear, and golden star. Based on 1984 Regional Regulation No. 9.
Coat of arms of West Sumatra.svg
West-Sumatra Coat of Arms
West-Sumatra Coat of Arms
Coat of arms of Riau Islands.svg
Lambang Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri). Lambang berupa tameng biru dengan warna tepian hijau muda dikelilingi rantai bermata 32. Di dalamnya terdapat tulisan "Provinsi Kepulauan Riau", serta bintang, padi berjumlah 24 bulir dan kapas berjumlah 9 kuntum, keris luk 7 dengan hulu burung serindit melayu, perahu layar berwarna kuning dengan tepak sirih warna merah dan layar putih, gelombang air berlapis 7. Terdapat pita kuning bertuliskan "Berpancang Amanah Bersauh Marwah." Lambang ini ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda Kepri No. 1 Tahun 2005.
Lambang Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri). Lambang berupa tameng biru dengan warna tepian hijau muda dikelilingi rantai bermata 32. Di dalamnya terdapat tulisan "Provinsi Kepulauan Riau", serta bintang, padi berjumlah 24 bulir dan kapas berjumlah 9 kuntum, keris luk 7 dengan hulu burung serindit melayu, perahu layar berwarna kuning dengan tepak sirih warna merah dan layar putih, gelombang air berlapis 7. Terdapat pita kuning bertuliskan "Berpancang Amanah Bersauh Marwah." Lambang ini ditetapkan berdasarkan Perda Kepri No. 1 Tahun 2005.
Coat of arms of North Maluku.svg
Lambang Maluku Utara. Lambang ini merupakan adaptasi dari lambang Kabupaten Maluku Utara yang dipecah setelah dibentuknya provinsi Maluku Utara. Berupa perisai hijau bertepi putih dan merah dengan angka tahun 1999 (tahun pembentukan provinsi Maluku Utara). Di bagian dalam terdapat daun sagu kembar yang membentuk sayap berwarna kuning, bintang, gunung dan laut, perahu dengan pancaran sinar, serta parang salawaku bersilang. Motto provinsi, Marimoi Ngone Futuru, berarti "Bersatu kita teguh".
Lambang Maluku Utara. Lambang ini merupakan adaptasi dari lambang Kabupaten Maluku Utara yang dipecah setelah dibentuknya provinsi Maluku Utara. Berupa perisai hijau bertepi putih dan merah dengan angka tahun 1999 (tahun pembentukan provinsi Maluku Utara). Di bagian dalam terdapat daun sagu kembar yang membentuk sayap berwarna kuning, bintang, gunung dan laut, perahu dengan pancaran sinar, serta parang salawaku bersilang. Motto provinsi, Marimoi Ngone Futuru, berarti "Bersatu kita teguh".