Ince Castle

(c) Bill Booth, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ince Castle

Ince Castle er en herregård, der ligger omkring 5 km fra Saltash i Cornwall, England. Den blev opført i 1642, ved begyndelsen af den engelske borgerkrig, og den blev erobret i 1646. Huset har fire tårne i tre etager med vægge, som er 1,2 m tykke i bunden. I 1850'erne blev ejendommen solgt og lejet som et landbrug, hvilket sled bygningen meget, og omkring år 1900 var helt dækket af efeu. I 1988 brændte det, og er aldrig blevet genopbygget.

Det er en listed building af første grad.[1]

Se også


  1. ^ Ince Castle. Historic England. Hentet 21/2-2022

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Koordinater: 50°23′12″N 4°15′01″V / 50.3867°N 4.2502°V / 50.3867; -4.2502

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Bridge drawing.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ince Castle - - 344828.jpg
(c) Bill Booth, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ince Castle This is Ince Castle which was built in 1642 at the start of the Civil War and was captured in 1646. It consists of 4 three storey towers with walls 4 foot thick. By the 1850s it was used as a farm and was allowed to decay but it was restored in the early 20th century. It burnt down in 1986 (apparently by grandmother being a bit irresponsible with a candle) - but it has now been rebuilt.

In 1649, John Killigrew inherited Ince Castle from an uncle. He married four wives and installed them separately into each of the four towers giving them a story that the fields were plagued with mice - which kept them inside. For some time, each of the four ladies lived happily in ignorance of the other three, until a thicko servant delivered a letter to the wrong wife, and all was revealed!

John Killigrew was sentenced to sixteen years, four years for each count of bigamy. John pointed out to the judge that, as his first marriage was not bigamous, he should serve only twelve years! Good lad.

It is now the home of Lord and Lady Boyd who probably wouldn't like to see me making footprints in their ever so posh mud.