ISS Ekspedition 16

ISS Ekspedition 16
Besætningen på ISS Ekspedition 16:
Anderson, Malentjenko, Tani, Eyharts, Whitson og Reisman.
Fartøjets navnISS
MissionEkspedition 16
Opsendelse10. oktober 2007
Opsendt medSojuz TMA-11
Landing19. april 2008
LandingsfartøjSojuz TMA-11
Missionens varighed192 dage
EVA i alt35 timer og 21 minutter
EVA 1Whitson, Malentjenko
6 timer og 55 minutter
EVA 2Whitson, Tani
7 timer og 16 minutter
EVA 3Whitson, Tani
7 timer og 04 minutter
EVA 4Whitson, Tani
6 timer og 56 minutter
EVA 5Whitson, Tani
7 timer og 10 minutter
Foto af besætningen
Besætningen på ISS Ekspedition 16: Anderson, Malentjenko, Tani, Eyharts, Whitson og Reisman.
Besætningen på ISS Ekspedition 16:
Anderson, Malentjenko, Tani, Eyharts, Whitson og Reisman.
ISS Ekspedition 16 på Commons

ISS Ekspedition 16 var den 16. tur til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS). Ekspeditionen var sammensat af fire hold astronauter, den samlede ekspedition varede seks måneder.

Ekspedition 16's stambesætning var Jurij Malentjenko og ekspeditionens kaptajn Peggy Whitson – de to ankom d. 12. oktober 2007, de tog af sted som de sidste på ekspedition 16 d. april 2008 og landede på Jorden d. 19. april 2008. Ekspedition 16 overtog Clayton Anderson, der var om bord på ISS i forvejen.

Missioner i forbindelse med ekspeditionen

Oktober 2007 Sojuz TMA-11

10. oktober 2007 Sojuz TMA-11, Whitson, Malentjenko og den malajiske gæstekosmonaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor opsendes[1].

Oktober 2007 STS-120 Harmony

Rumfærgen DiscoverySTS-120 opsendt 23. oktober 2007 og vendte tilbage den 7. november 2007, Clayton Anderson udskiftes med Daniel Tani. Rumstationen udvides med modulet Harmony (Node 2) som rumfærgen medbragte[2].

December 2007 Progress

Det ubemandede russiske forsyningsfartøj Progress ankom 26. december 2007[3].

Februar 2008 STS-122 Columbus

Rumfærgen AtlantisSTS-122 opsendt 7. februar 2008 og vendte tilbage 20. februar 2008, Daniel Tani blev udskiftet med Léopold Eyharts. Rumstationen udvides med ESA-modulet Columbus[4].

Marts 2008 STS-123 Kibō

Rumfærgen EndeavourSTS-123 opsendt d. 11. marts 2008 og vendte tilbage d. 27. marts 2008. Léopold Eyharts blev udskiftet med Garrett Reisman. Rumfærgen medbragte det første modul af det japanske (JAXA) rumlaboratorium Kibō og den canadiske robotarm Dextre (Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator)[5].

April 2008 Jules-Verne (ATV)

Det ubemandede europæiske forsyningsfartøj Jules-Verne (ATV) ankom d. 3. april 2008 [6].

April 2008 Sojuz TMA-12

Sojuz TMA-12 ankom med ISS Ekspedition 17's stambesætning; Sergej Volkov og Oleg Kononenko samt den sydkoreanske gæstekosmonaut Yi So-yeon til rumstationen d. 10. april 2008 (ISS Ekspedition 17) [7].

April 2008 Sojuz TMA-11

Sojuz TMA-11, Whitson, Malentjenko og Yi So-yeon fløj retur til Jorden d. 19. april 2008 og besætningen blev udsat for voldsom landing[8].


Besætnings skift

  • Sojuz TMA-11, Whitson, Malentjenko og Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor ankommer.
  • STS-117, Sunita Williams udskiftes med Clayton Anderson.
  • STS-120, Clayton Anderson udskiftes med Daniel Tani.
  • STS-122, Daniel Tani udskiftes med Léopold Eyharts.
  • STS-123, Léopold Eyharts udskiftes med Garrett Reisman.
  • Sojuz TMA-12, Sergej Volkov, Oleg Kononenko og Yi So-yeon ankommer.
  • Sojuz TMA-11, Hjemrejse for Whitson, Malentjenko og Yi So-yeon.

Den ny ISS Ekspedition 17 besætning er Oleg Kononenko, Sergej Volkov og Garrett Reisman, Sergej Volkov afløser Peggy Whitson som ISS kaptajn. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor og Yi So-yeon var begge kun på et kortere besøg på rumstationen.

Se også

Eksterne henvisninger

Medier brugt på denne side

Pink Venus symbol.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: F l a n k e r, Licens: CC BY 3.0
symbol of Venus. 16 una pertinacia restitit sententiae. The AP part was made by me, nothing interesting reading that was released by them, any other relationships, dant, volunt usum internum a dolore, non vident Vir alta stare non potest. quantum rogant populi miserata vale mater pia. × 16 pixel nominal dimensions, lines 2 pixel thich. Colour: red=223 green=43 blue=106 (#DF2B6A).
Venus symbol (heavy pink).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: F l a n k e r, Licens: CC BY 3.0
symbol of Venus. 16 una pertinacia restitit sententiae. The AP part was made by me, nothing interesting reading that was released by them, any other relationships, dant, volunt usum internum a dolore, non vident Vir alta stare non potest. quantum rogant populi miserata vale mater pia. × 16 pixel nominal dimensions, lines 2 pixel thich. Colour: red=223 green=43 blue=106 (#DF2B6A).
Blue male symbol.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kwamikagami, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
symbol of Mars. 16 × 16 pixel nominal dimensions, lines 2 pixel thick, square caps. Colour 75% blue: red=0 green=0 blue=191 (#0000BF).
Male symbol (heavy blue).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kwamikagami, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
symbol of Mars. 16 × 16 pixel nominal dimensions, lines 2 pixel thick, square caps. Colour 75% blue: red=0 green=0 blue=191 (#0000BF).
ISS Expedition 16 Patch.svg
This patch commemorates the sixteenth expeditionary mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The design represents the conjunction of two unique astronomical events: a transit of the ISS across the surface of a full moon, and a nearly complete annular eclipse of the sun. The ISS is shown in its complete configuration, symbolizing the role of this expedition in preparing for the arrival and commissioning of international partner modules and components. The ISS transit across the moon highlights its role in developing the techniques and innovations critical to enable long-duration expeditions to the lunar surface and beyond.
Kibo ELM-PS on ISS.jpg
The newly installed Japanese Logistics Module - Pressurized Section (JLP) of the International Space Station is photographed from Space Shuttle Endeavour as the two spacecraft begin their relative separation. The JLP is the first pressurized component of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory and the newest component of the station. Earlier the STS-123 and Expedition 16 crews concluded 12 days of cooperative work onboard the shuttle and station. Undocking of the two spacecraft occurred at 7:25 p.m. (CDT) on March 24, 2008.
Astronaut Peggy Whitson (right), Expedition 16 commander; Russia's Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, flight engineer and Soyuz commander; and Malaysian spaceflight participant Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor pose for a portrait following a pre-flight press conference at the Johnson Space Center. Whitson, Malenchenko and Shukor are scheduled to launch to the International Space Station in a Soyuz spacecraft in October.
Expedition 16 Portrait.jpg
International Space Station during Expedition 16. Astronaut Peggy Whitson (front row, right), station commander; and Russia's Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko (front row, left), flight engineer and Soyuz commander, NASA astronaut Clay Anderson (back row, left), flight engineer, astronaut Dan Tani (back row, second from left), flight engineer, Leopold Eyharts of the European Space Agency (back row, third from left), astronaut Garrett Reisman (back row, far right), flight engineer.
Progress M-52.jpg
The unmanned Progress M-52 (ISS-17P) spacecraft photographed by the crew of Expedition 11 following its undocking from the International Space Station at 15:16 CDT on 15 June 2005. The spacecraft had previously delivered supplies to the space station before being filled with rubbish and disconnected from the orbital complex, in preparation for its destruction on reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.
Harmony detail.jpg
Harmony (Node 2) Attachments: Future Port Utilization
Dextre on ISS.jpg
Located on the exterior of the International Space Station's Harmony node, the Canadian-built Dextre, also known as the Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator, is photographed from Space Shuttle Endeavour as the two spacecraft begin their relative separation. Designed for station maintenance and service, Dextre is capable of sensing forces and movement of objects it is manipulating. It can automatically compensate for those forces and movements to ensure an object is moved smoothly. Dextre is the final element of the station's Mobile Servicing System. Earlier the STS-123 and Expedition 16 crews concluded 12 days of cooperative work onboard the shuttle and station. Undocking of the two spacecraft occurred at 7:25 p.m. (CDT) on March 24, 2008.
Interior Columbus module.jpg
European Space Agency astronaut Hans Schlegel, STS-122 mission specialist, continues work aimed toward readying the agency's new Columbus laboratory for duty aboard the International Space Station. A pictorial guidebook assists the astronaut in installing the lab's experiment racks. In the background through the docking port, the Harmony module is visible.
Jules verne at iss.jpg
Backdropped by the blackness of space, the Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) approaches the International Space Station on Monday, March 31, 2008, for its "Demo Day 2" practice maneuvers. It moved to within 36 feet of the Zvezda Service Module in a rehearsal for docking on Thursday.
Yi+Malenchenko+Whitson at ISS 08Apr17 (NASA-ISS016-E-036365).jpg
International Space Station Imagery
ISS016-E-036365 (17 April 2008) --- NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson (right), Expedition 16 commander; Russian Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, flight engineer; and South Korean spaceflight participant So-yeon Yi pose for a photo in the Harmony node of the International Space Station.