Hertug af Sussex
Hertug af Sussex er en britisk titel, der blev oprettet i 1801. Titlen er knyttet til Sussex, der var et kongerige i den angelsaksiske tid.
Prins August Frederik, der var søn af Georg 3. af Storbritannien og Charlotte-Sofie af Mecklenburg-Strelitz, var hertug af Sussex i 1801-1843. Da August Frederiks ægteskab ikke var lovligt, blev hans søn ikke hertug.
Titlen blev givet til prins Harry i anledning af hans bryllup med Meghan Markle den 19. maj 2018. Prins Harry fik samtidig titlerne jarl af Dumbarton og baron Kilkeel .[1]
Prins Henry, hertug af Sussex (f. 1984)
- (1) Archie Mountbatten-Windsor (f. 2019)
- ^ "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Announcement of Titles". royal.uk. 19. maj 2018. Hentet 2018-05-19.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Prince Harry of Wales. Version not displaying the Victorian Order insignia as Knight-Commander. Officially in use despite heraldic uses.
“ | ... Prince William and Prince Harry of Wales, on their respective eighteenth birthdays in June 2000 and September 2002. In each case the design is derived from the armorial bearings of HM the Queen, with an identifying addition evolved from the Arms used by the princes’ mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
Prince William of Wales, as second in line to the throne, uses a white label of three points like his father, but has in addition a small red ‘escallop’ or sea-shell on the central point. Prince Henry of Wales (or, as he is usually known, Prince Harry) uses, like all grandchildren of the monarch except his elder brother, a five-pointed label. In his case this is ‘charged’, or marked, with red escallops on the first, third and fifth points. When, in due course, Prince Harry becomes the son or brother of the monarch, his label will be reduced to three points. In that event, the two blank points will disappear, leaving three, each of them charged with a red escallop. On the granting of arms to Prince Harry in September 2002, Garter said, “After changing convention for Prince William by using symbols derived from his maternal arms it made sense to develop this further for Prince Harry. This is especially significant because, unlike his elder brother who will one day see his arms alter to reflect his changing responsibilities, Prince Harry will always keep the escallop shells from his mother’s Spencer family arms and, in time, may pass them on to his children. I understand that both Princes are delighted to bear Arms that celebrate both their parents’ families and it has been a pleasure to evolve the rules of Royal Heraldry in order to make this possible.” Princes William and Harry also display the coronet of their 'degree', as a Sovereign's grandchild, which has two 'crosses formy' and two strawberry leaves alternating with four fleurs-de-lys. |
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Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coronet of a Grandchild of the Sovereign