HMS Furious

  HMS Furious
HMS Furious med flydæk foran
HMS Furious med flydæk foran
Typestor lettere armeret krydser
ombygget til hangarskib
KlasseCourageous slagkrydser
SøsterskibeHMS Courageous
HMS Glorious
VærftArmstrong Whitworth, Newcastle
Påbegyndt8. juni 1915
Søsat15. august 1916
Taget i brug26. juni 1917
SkæbneOphugget 1948
Tekniske data
Deplacement19.826 t
Længde239,8 m
Bredde26,8 m
Dybgang7,6 m
Fremdrift4 dampturbiner, 90.000 hk
Fart31,5 knob
Artilleri2 stk. 3″ antiluftskyts
Missiler18″ (457 mm)
11 stk. 5,5″ (140 mm)
Torpedoer2 stk. 533 mm
Fly7 stk
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HMS Furious (pennantnummer 47) var en stor lettere armeret krydser, som under 1. verdenskrig blev bygget til af den britiske Royal Navy. I forhold til de to øvrige skibe i klassen, blev HMS Furious redesignet med to stk. 18 tommer kanoner i stedet for de andres 15 tommer, men allerede inden afleveringen til Royal Navy fjernedes det forreste store kanontårn og et flydæk installeredes i stedet foran.

Den 2. august 1917 lykkedes det for piloten Edwin H. Dunning at foretage en landing med sit Sopwith Pup-fly på flydækket mens skibet sejlede op mod vinden og det var verdens første landing på dækket af et hangarskib. Ved det tredje landingsforsøg den 7. august gik det galt for Dunning og han røg ud over kanten og druknede.

I november 1917 fik skibet fjernet bagerste store kanontårn og i stedet monteret et flydæk mere bagerst beregnet til landing. Der foretoges dog kun 3 landingsforsøg inden dette blev forbudt.

HMS Furious deltog 19. juli 1918 i bombardementet af luftskibsbasen i Tønder medbringende 7 Sopwith Camel-fly.

I 1921-1925 undergik skibet en større ombygning så de 2 flydæk blev sammenhængende og landing var mulig uden større risiko.



  • The Development of the Aircraft Carrier - Warships after Washington: The Development of Five Major Fleers 1922-1930, af John Jordan (2011). ISBN 9781473820531
  • Furious, HMS - World War I: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection, af Spencer C. Tucker (2014). ISBN 9781851099658
  • Furious and the Tondern Raid, af R.L. Layman. Warship International X (4) (1973): side 374–385. [1]
  • Flugzeugträger „Furious“ - ein Schiff mit vielen Verwandlungen, af Klaus Gröbig. Schiffe Menschen Schicksale, hæfte 121 (2003). [2]

Medier brugt på denne side

HMS Furious as completed.jpg
A view of the British battlecruiser HMS Furious as originally completed, clearly showing her single gun aft. She had a flying-off deck for aircraft forward.
HMS Furious (47) with her crew manning the rails in 1918 (NH 60972).jpg
The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Furious (47) with her crew manning the rails in 1918.
Original description (NARA file): "Dec. 10 1918 - British floating aerodrome at Roysth where German fleet surrendered to Allies. The H.M.S. Furious where the Allied seacraft awaited the coming and surrender of the German fleet."
FuriousSP 89.jpg
HMS Furious as originally completed in 1917 with a forward flying-off deck
Dunning First Moving Carrier Landing IWM Q 110613.jpg
IWM caption : Squadron Commander E H Dunning climbs out of his aircraft on the flying-off deck of HMS FURIOUS after the first successful landing on an aircraft carrier underway.
HMS Furious-3.jpg
HMS Furious (British Aircraft Carrier, 1917-1948) Photographed in 1918, with palisade windbreaks raised on her flying-off deck, forward. Note that her "dazzle" camouflage pattern is carried up onto the palisade strakes. Collection of Lieutenant Commander P.W. Yeatman, USN (Retired). U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
HMS Furious-13.jpg
HMS Furious (British Aircraft Carrier, 1917-1948) Photographed from astern on 23 November 1925, following reconstruction. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Dunning killed on second carrier landing IWM Q 80597.jpg
IWM caption: Squadron Commander E H Dunning's Sopwith Pup veering off the flight deck of HMS Furious during his second and fatal attempt to land on the carrier while underway, Scapa Flow.
See File:100 years of the RAF MOD 45163717.jpg for preceding photograph.
HMS Furious-15.jpg
HMS Furious (British Aircraft Carrier, 1917-1948) At sea, circa 1935-36, with a flight of Blackburn "Baffin" torpedo planes overhead. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
HMS Furious-12.jpg
HMS Furious (British Aircraft Carrier, 1917-1948) Photographed after reconstruction, circa 1925. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
HMS Furious-8.jpg
IWM caption : Sopwith Camels arrayed on the flight deck of HMS FURIOUS, en route for the attack on the German Zeppelin sheds at Tondern, July 1918.
SSZ airship aboard HMS Furious 1918 IWM Q 20640.jpg
Photograph showing British aircraft carrier HMS Furious with naval airship (SSZ - Sea Scout Zero) on the after flight deck.