Great Sand Dunes National Park

Great Sand Dunes National Park
Ligger iUSA
Areal342.6 km²
Oprettet13. september 2004
Årligt besøgstal258.660 (2006)
Great Sand Dunes National Park ligger i USA
Great Sand Dunes National Park
Great Sand Dunes National Park
Great Sand Dunes National Parks beliggenhed

Great Sand Dunes National Park er en amerikansk nationalpark i Colorado, USA. Den ligger i de østlige dele af Alamosa County og Saguache County, omkring 125 km sydvest for Colorado Springs. Parken blev grundlagt på ordre fra den amerikanske kongres den 13. september 2004 og er den nyeste nationalpark i USA (pr. 2010). Great Sand Dunes National Park indeholder nogle af de højeste sandklitter i hele Nord-Amerika, og er op til 230 meter høje.

Satellitbillede af nationalparken

Sandklitterne blev dannet af sandforekomster fra Rio Grande og dens bifloder som løber gennem San Luis Valley. Gennem tiderne har de vestlige vinde opsamlet sandpartikler fra flodbredderne og bragt dem videre til østenden af dalen. Denne proces har pågået i mindst 10.000 år og klitterne er langsomt vokset op. Vinden ændrer også dagligt formen på klitterne.

Parken indeholder også flere søer, tundra, seks bjergtoppe som er omkring 4.000 meter over havet, gamle gran- og fyrreskove, græssletter og vådområder. Alle disse steder er perfekte habitater for et varieret dyreliv og mange forskellige plantearter. Great Sand Dunes er hjemsted for mindst seks endemiske arter af insekter - arter som ikke findes andre steder i verden.

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Eksterne kilder/henvisninger

Koordinater: 37°43′58″N 105°30′44″V / 37.73278°N 105.51222°V / 37.73278; -105.51222

Medier brugt på denne side

USA location map.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: NordNordWest, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of the United States ("lower 48")
Logo of the United States National Park Service.svg
Logo of the United States National Park Service, an agency of the United States Department of the Interior. This version is shaded to look as if it has been carved out of wood or rock. The elements on the logo represent the major facets of the national park system. The Sequoia tree and bison represent vegetation and wildlife, the mountains and water represent scenic and recreational values, and the arrowhead represents historical and archeological values. The bison is also the symbol of the Department of the Interior. The logo became the official logo on July 20, 1951, replacing the previous emblem of a Sequoia cone, and has been used ever since. The design was slightly updated in 2001, and a few different renderings are used today. For more information, see here and here.[dead link]
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.jpg
Satellite picture of Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve and the Sangre de Cristo Range, in southern Colorado.
  • They are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 16 crewmember on the International Space Station.
  • The Sangre de Cristo Mountains of south-central Colorado stretch dramatically from top left to lower right of this image, generally outlined by the dark green of forests with white snow-capped peaks on the highest elevations.
  • Dun-colored dunes, covering an area of 80 square km, are banked up on the west side of the mountains and comprise the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.
Great Sand Dunes NP 1.JPG
(c) Preiselbeere, CC BY-SA 3.0
Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado, USA. In the background: Sangre de Cristo Mountains.