
GlaxoSmithKline Headquarters on the Great West Road in Brentford - panoramio.jpg
(c) Maxwell Hamilton, CC BY-SA 3.0
SelskabsformPublic limited company Rediger på Wikidata
BrancherLægemiddelindustri, bioteknologi Rediger på Wikidata
Grundlagt27. december 2000 Rediger på Wikidata
EtableringsstedLondon, Storbritannien Rediger på Wikidata
HovedsædeBrentford, Storbritannien Rediger på Wikidata
ProduktLægemiddel Rediger på Wikidata
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97.921 Rediger på Wikidata
GlaxoSmithKline (Germany)
GlaxoSmithKline (Italy)
GlaxoSmithKline (Belgium)
GlaxoSmithKline (Croatia)
GlaxoSmithKline (Ireland)
GlaxoSmithKline (United States)
GlaxoSmithKline (Canada)
GlaxoSmithKline (Australia)
GlaxoSmithKline (Poland)
GlaxoSmithKline (Sri Lanka)
Stiefel Laboratories
GlaxoSmithKline (Turkey) Rediger på Wikidata
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GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) (LSEGSK , NYSEGSK) er en medicinalkoncern med hovedsæde i London. GSK er et forskningsbaseret firma med en bred portefølje af farmaceutiske produkter rettet mod bl.a. depression, astma, herpes, eksem, epilepsi. Næstefter Pfizer er GSK verdens største farmaceutiske virksomhed med ca. 110.000 ansatte og en årlig omsætning på 23,2 mia. pund (2006).

I sin nuværende form blev firmaet dannet ved en fusion af Glaxo Wellcome og SmithKline Beecham i 2000. Selskabet er til stede i næsten 70 lande, men har størstedelen af sin aktivitet i USA. GSK er både noteret på børsen i London og New York.

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Coat of Arms of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born 1921, died 2021) granted in 1949 to Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (Sir Philip Mountbatten) consort to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In 1947 the Prince was made Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich by King George VI. The coat of arms represents his lineage as a Prince of Greece and Denmark on his paternal side and his descent of the Mountbatten family on his maternal side.
Quarterly, First Or, semée of hearts Gules, three lions passant in pale Azure (For Denmark), Second Azure, a cross Argent (For Greece), Third Argent, two pallets Sable (For Battenberg or Mountbatten), Fourth Argent, upon a rock Proper a castle triple towered Sable, masoned Argent, windows, port, turret-caps and vanes Gules (For Edinburgh), the whole surrounded by the Garter; for a crest, upon a coronet of a son of the sovereign Proper, the royal helm Or, upon which issuant from a ducal coronet Or, a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately Sable and Argent; Mantling Or and ermine; for Supporters, dexter, a representation of Hercules girt about the loins with a lion skin, crowned with a chaplet of oak leaves, holding in the dexter hand a club Proper, sinister, a lion queue fourchée ducally crowned Or and gorged with a naval coronet Azure; Motto ’God Is My Help’.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ostrich feather Badge of the Prince of Wales
GlaxoSmithKline Headquarters on the Great West Road in Brentford - panoramio.jpg
(c) Maxwell Hamilton, CC BY-SA 3.0
GlaxoSmithKline Headquarters on the Great West Road in Brentford
Factory GBR.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Gr1st, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Icon of a factory with a UK flag.
Prince of Wales's feathers Badge.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ostrich feather Badge of the Prince of Wales