Gilad Shalit

Gilad Shalit

(c) Israel Defense Forces, CC BY-SA 2.0
Personlig information
Født28. august 1986 (37 år) Rediger på Wikidata
Nahariya, Israel Rediger på Wikidata
Uddannelse og virke
BeskæftigelseSports klummeskribent, journalist, investeringsrådgiver (fra 2016), skribent, militærperson (2005-2012) Rediger på Wikidata
ArbejdsgiverIsrael Discount Bank (fra 2016) Rediger på Wikidata
Nomineringer og priser
UdmærkelserÆresborger i Paris (2008),
æresborger i Rom (2008),
æresborger i Miami (2009),
æresborger i New Orleans (2009),
æresborger i Baltimore (2011) med flere Rediger på Wikidata
Information med symbolet Billede af blyant hentes fra Wikidata. Kildehenvisninger foreligger sammesteds.

Gilad Shalit (født 28. august 1986) er en fransk-israelsk statsborger og soldat i den israelske hær. Han blev den 25. juni 2006 taget som gidsel af den paramilitære, islamistiske terror-organisation Hamas og tilbageholdt indtil oktober 2011, hvor Israel løslod flere end tusinde fanger for hans løsladelse. Blandt de løsladte fanger var mordere, terrorister og alm. kriminelle.[1]

Gilad Shalit hilser på Premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu ved sin hjemkomst


Medier brugt på denne side

Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - After 5 Years of Captivity.jpg
(c) Israel Defense Forces, CC BY-SA 2.0
SFC Gilad Shalit on the phone with his parents, after arriving Israel.
Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - Gilad Shalit Salutes Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Israel Defense Forces, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0

Gilad Shalit salutes Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after landing in IDF airbase in the center of Israel, October 18, 2011.

Gilad Shalit (rank at the time: Cpl.) was kidnapped early on Sunday June 25, 2006. A militiant group attacked Shalit’s tank that was defending the security fence near the southern Gaza Strip. The militiants crossed the border using an underground tunnel dug near the Kerem Shalom crossing. During the attack, the tank commander, First Lt. Hanan Barak, and another soldier in the tank, Staff Sgt. Pavel Slotzker were killed. Four of the soldiers in the post were injured and militiants kidnapped Shalit into the Gaza Strip, using the tunnel they dug.

In response to the kidnapping, the IDF began Operation Summer Rains in the Gaza Strip on June 28, 2006 and lasted through November 26, 2006. Ground forces entered the Gaza Strip for the first time since the unilateral disengagement was executed.