
(c) Attributing this work to the author, obligatory in case of third party use, has to take place by mentioning the following text in a place as usual in this context "Image made by nature protector Natubico;". In case one wants to use the image without having to attribute it in this manner, one can contact the author via:, CC BY-SA 3.0

Frugtarer spiser overvejende eller kun frugter, bær, nødder og grøntsager, der botanisk set er frugter så som agurk og tomat. Tanken bag er den, at frugter kan spises uden at ødelægge selve planten, da frugter netop er dannet for at blive spist. Verdensfrugtdagen blev stiftet i 2009.[1]


  1. ^ "Vegan i Sverige: Världsfruktdagen". Arkiveret fra originalen 26. november 2011. Hentet 5. oktober 2009. 

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Natural foodstuff 004.JPG
(c) Attributing this work to the author, obligatory in case of third party use, has to take place by mentioning the following text in a place as usual in this context "Image made by nature protector Natubico;". In case one wants to use the image without having to attribute it in this manner, one can contact the author via:, CC BY-SA 3.0
Image made in an attempt to show as many as possible elements of the fruitarian [1] food assortment on one picture.