Fram-ekspeditionen 1898-1902

Fram-ekspeditionen 1898-1902 var en polarekspedition ledet af Otto Sverdrup til det nordvestlige Grønland og området nord for det østlige Canada. Områder som delvis var hvide pletter på kortet.
Ekspeditionen blev finansieret af Axel Heiberg og brødrene Ellef Ringnes og Amund Ringnes.
Om bord på "Fram" havde Sverdrup fem forskere og en besætning på ti mand. Forskerne var Gunnar Isachsen, kartograf; Per Schei, geolog; Herman Georg Simmons, svensk botaniker; Edvard Bay, dansk zoolog, og læge Johan Svendsen. Harpunér Peder Leonard Hendriksen deltog ligesom i den første "Forward". Besætningen bestod af ekspeditionslederens stedfortræder Victor Baumann, styrmand Oluf Raanes, maskinist Karl Olsen, kok Henrik Lindstrøm, Jacob Nødtvedt, Rudolf Stolz, Ove Braskerud, Ivar Fosheim og Sverre Hassel, som senere deltog i Roald Amundsens Sydpolsekspedition. Svendsen og Braskerud døde på rejsen. En mand Sverdrup ville have med, men som faldt på grund af undersøgelser var Herman Smith-Johannsen.[1]
Ekspeditionen videreudforskede Ellesmere Island og udforskede og satte navne på Ellef Ringnes Island, Amund Ringnes Island og Axel Heiberg Island vest for Ellesmere Island i Canada. Et fælles navn for disse øer er Sverdrupøerne.
Ekspeditionen kortlagde et område på ca. 150 km² [2] af, hvad der i dag er canadisk territorium Nunavut i arktisk Canada. Ekspeditionen undersøgte også flora, fauna og gjorde geologiske og oceanografiske observationer.
Sverdrup havde planlagt tre vintre, men isforholdene i 1901 gjorde det umuligt at komme ud i de åbne farvande. Ekspeditionen varede derfor fire år.
- Einar-Arne Drivenes og Harald Dag Jølle (red.): Norsk polarhistorie, vol. I; Gyldendal 2004; ISBN 82-05-32654-1
- Gerard Kenney: Skibe af træ og mænd af jern; Dundurn Press (Natural Heritage Books), Toronto 2005; ISBN 9781897045060
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Forfatter/Opretter: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: nationalgeograp131902nati (find matches)
Title: The National geographic magazine
Year: 1888 (1880s)
Authors: National Geographic Society (U.S.)
Subjects: Geography
Publisher: Washington : National Geographic Society
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
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enry Powel, curator of the botanicalstation on St Vincent, in company withMessrs J. P. Ouinton and E. W. Foster,visiting botanists, iu spite of the con-tinued activity of the crater. Theyascended the mountain from the lee-ward side and found the journey verydifficult on account of the erosion whichhas taken place since the early erup-tions. They found the crater morefunnel-shaped than had preceding vis-itors, but with boiling muddy water inthe bottom. Hot ashes, which weresteaming profusely, were piled severalhundred feet high against the walls ofthe pit. Coarse gravel and fragmentsof rock covered the exterior slopes ofthe cone. The saddle between the twocraters is still existent, and Mr Powelwas satisfied that no eruption had comefrom the small crater. No stream oflava has been ejected yet. The rent inthe crater on the western side has beenenlarged. At 8.15 p. m., October 29, a loudgroan was heard from La Soufriere,followed by a column of dark vapor,and further eruptions were feared.
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GEOGRAPHIC NOTES SVERDRUPS WORK IN THE ARCTICS, 1898-1902 THE map on the opposite pageshows the routes followed andcoastline explored by Captain Sverdrupin his four years of Arctic work. In theNovember number of the GeographicalJournal Sir Clements R. Markham, Pres-ident of the Royal Geographical Society,has summarized the work of Sverdrupand his gallant companions as follows : The>_ have discovered the westernside of Ellesmere Island and its in-tricate system of fiords, as well as threelarge islands west of Ellesmere Island ;they have explored the northern coastof North Devon ; they have connectedBelchers work with the coasts of JonesSound ; they have reached a pointwithin 60 miles of Aldrichs furthest ;and the)* have discovered that landnorth of the Parry Islands, the existenceof which was conjectured, as far westas the longitude of the eastern coast ofMelville Island. This includes the dis-covery of the northern sides of NorthCornwall and Findlay Island. In ad-dition to the main
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