Formula 1 all over the world-2019.svg Forfatter/Opretter:Cherkash,
Licens:CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of File:BlankMap-World.svg. Countries marked in green are those that hosted a Grand Prix in 2019. Those in dark gray had hosted a Formula One Grand Prix in the previous seasons, according to the List of Formula One circuits. Black dots show locations where races took place in 2019, while white dots show locations where races were held in the previous years. Note that for some areas where there were several tracks in close proximity such as Spain, Portugal and Austria, the dots may partially overlap. Countries shaded in light gray indicate countries that had never hosted a Formula One Grand Prix before 2019.
Dagger-14-plain.png Forfatter/Opretter:RexxS,
Licens:CC0 A dagger symbol for use in in-line text, so that alt text can be applied, for compatibility with screen readers. This version has no anti-aliasing, which may produce a cleaner effect at this small size.