Endokrine system

Vigtige hormonkirtler. (Mand til venstre, kvinde til højre.) 1. Koglekirtel 2. Hypofyse 3. Skjoldbruskkirtel 4. Brissel 5. Binyre 6. Bugspytkirtel 7. Æggestok 8. Testikel

Det endokrine (eller indresekretoriske) system er et system af kirtler der ved brug af hormoner sender beskeder til andre organer. Hormonerne cirkulerer i kroppens blodbaner og styrer andre organer.

Vigtige endokrine kirtler (se billederne):

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Endocrine miscelaneous en.svg
part of the endocrine system
Endocrine Alimentary system en.svg
list of the hormones found in the endocrine glandes on the alimentary system; (Missing: Intestine secretes e.g. Peptide YY3-36, Adipose tissue secretes e.g. Leptin; also, you miss the organs these hormones affect, e.g. Hypothalamus by User:Echinacin35 wc)
Endocrine reproductive system en.svg
list of the hormones found in the endocrine glandes on the reproductive system
Calcium regulation.png
Overview of calcium regulation (See Wikipedia:Calcium in biology).

To discuss image, please see Talk:Human body diagrams

Endocrine caclcium en.svg
list of the hormones involved in calcium cicle
Endocrine central nervous en.svg
list of the hormones found in the endocrine glandes on the nervous system