Endless Summer

"Endless Summer"
(c) Football.ua, CC BY-SA 3.0
Oceana synger før EM-finalen 2012.
Single af Oceana Mahlmann
fra albummet My House
Udgivet6. maj 2012
FormatDigital download
CD single
Længde3:11 (Video version)
3:30 (Singel mix)
3:40 (Reggae version)
PladeselskabEmbassy of Music

"Endless Summer" er en sang fra den tyske sangerinde Oceana Mahlmann. Det er den officielle sang for Europamesterskabet i fodbold 2012 i Polen og Ukraine.[1]

Den blev præsenteret af UEFA den 6. maj 2012, hvor den samme dag var tilgængelig for digital download. Den 11. maj udkom den som CD single i europæiske butikker.

Hitliste placeringer

Hitliste (2012)Placering
Den Europæiske Union European Airplay Top 10096
Den Europæiske Union European Digital Top 200193
Frankrig France Airplay Top 250223
Tyskland Germany Singles Top 10040
Tyskland Germany Digital Top 10050
Italien Italy FIMI6
Polen Poland Airplay Top 5[2]1
Ukraine Ukraine Top 4026


  1. ^ Endless Summer Arkiveret 24. juni 2015 hos Wayback Machine, Youtube, Besøgt 14. juni 2012
  2. ^ Top 5 airplay Arkiveret 9. december 2012 hos hos Archive.is, Besøgt 14. juni 2012 (polsk)

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Flag of Europe.svg
The Flag of Europe is the flag and emblem of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE). It consists of a circle of 12 golden (yellow) stars on a blue background. It was created in 1955 by the CoE and adopted by the EU, then the European Communities, in the 1980s.

The CoE and EU are distinct in membership and nature. The CoE is a 47-member international organisation dealing with human rights and rule of law, while the EU is a quasi-federal union of 27 states focused on economic integration and political cooperation. Today, the flag is mostly associated with the latter.

It was the intention of the CoE that the flag should come to represent Europe as a whole, and since its adoption the membership of the CoE covers nearly the entire continent. This is why the EU adopted the same flag. The flag has been used to represent Europe in sporting events and as a pro-democracy banner outside the Union.
Oceana Euro 2012 final.jpg
(c) Football.ua, CC BY-SA 3.0
Oceana before Euro 2012 final Spain-Italy
Slavek&Slavko (3).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Roger Gorączniak, Licens: CC BY 3.0
UEFA Euro 2012 mascots, Slavek and Slavko.