Elbridge Gerry

Elbridge Gerry
5. amerikanske vicepræsident
4. marts 1813 – 23. november 1814
PræsidentJames Madison
ForegåendeGeorge Clinton
Efterfulgt afDaniel D. Tompkins
Personlige detaljer
Født17. juli 1744
Marblehead, Massachusetts
Død23. november 1814
Washington, D.C.
GravstedCongressional Cemetery
Politisk partiDemokratisk-Republikansk
Ægtefælle(r)Ann Thompson Gerry
MorElizabeth Greenleaf
FarThomas Gerry
Uddannelses­stedHarvard College
ReligionDen episkopale kirke
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Elbridge Gerry (født 17. juli 1744, død 23. november 1814) var USA's 5. vicepræsident.

Han var også medlem af Repræsentanternes hus 1789-93, guvernør af Massachusetts 1810-12, og en af dem der underskrev USA's uafhængighedserklæring.

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Medier brugt på denne side

Elbridge Gerry (1744–1814), American statesman
Seal of the Vice President of the United States.svg
Seal of the Vice President of the United States. The blazon is defined in Executive Order 11884 as:

The Coat of Arms of the Vice President of the United States shall be of the following design:

SHIELD: Paleways of thirteen pieces argent and gules, a chief azure; upon the breast of an American eagle displayed holding in his dexter talon an olive branch proper and in his sinister a bundle of thirteen arrows gray, and in his beak a gray scroll inscribed "E PLURIBUS UNUM" sable.

CREST: Behind and above the eagle a radiating glory or, on which appears an arc of thirteen cloud puffs gray, and a constellation of thirteen mullets gray.

The Seal of the Vice President of the United States shall consist of the Coat of Arms encircled by the words "Vice President of the United States."

The design is the same as the Seal of the President of the United States, except that there is no ring of stars, the clouds are gray (instead of proper), the stars are gray (instead of argent), the scroll is gray (instead of white), the arrows are gray (instead of proper), and the background colors and inscription (obviously) differ.
USA Flag Map.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Map showing Mainland USA ("lower 48") with a superimposed US flag.