Edwards Air Force Base

Edwards Air Force Base

Edwards Air Force Base (Edwards AFB) er en af det amerikanske luftvåbens flyvebaser, og ligger på grænsen mellem Kern County og Los Angeles County i Californien.

Den er en vigtig flyvebase for testflyvninger, og den benyttes også som landingsbane i det amerikanske rumfærge-program.

Flystationen har været flyvebase siden 1933. Flystationen hed Muroc Army Air Field men blev omdøbt 8. december 1949 til minde om US Air Force testpiloten Glen Edwards (1918-1948), der omkom under en testflyvning.

Edwards Air Force Base, startbane 5R/23L (kompasretning 50°/230°

Eksterne henvisninger

Koordinater: 34°54′20″N 117°53′01″V / 34.905555555556°N 117.88361111111°V / 34.905555555556; -117.88361111111

Medier brugt på denne side

Edwards AFB Runway 5 on Rogers Dry Lake.jpg
Edwards AFB Runway 5 on Rogers Dry Lake — at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert, California.
  • Maintenance vehicles cross the end of Runway 5R/23L on Rogers Dry Lake. Runway 5 isn't the fifth runway on Edwards; at heading 50° it's the right runway and at heading 230° it's the left runway.
  • The dry lake, which covers more than 60 square miles, has 17 runways that provide ample landing space for test aircraft, space shuttles and aircraft unable to make a normal landing due to damage or equipment failure.
  • Rogers Dry Lake is a National Historic Landmark, and on the National Register of Historic Places in Kern County.
Shuttle Patch.svg
SVG version of PNG Space Shuttle Logo/Patch.
Edwards AFB control tower.jpg
An aerial view of the new control tower, with the old tower in the background. Location: Edwards Air Force Base, California (CA), United States of America (USA).