For alternative betydninger, se Dreng (film). (Se også artikler, som begynder med Dreng (film))
Ordet dreng bruges i dag oftest om et barn af hankøn.
Betegnelsen bruges også om et ungt menneske af hankøn; enten
- en karl, som er så ung, at han ikke er myndig.
- en skibsdreng, tidligere den laveste stillingsbetegnelse på et skib.
- i afslappet talesprog, f.eks. inden for idræt: en voksen mand.
I vikingetiden var en dreng et menneske af hankøn, som var myndig (over 12 år) og ugift.
Dreng kan også være en lærling, en læredreng; en der er i færd med at lære et håndværk. I uegentlig betydning, bænkdreng, dovendreng, samt bænkhage.
Synonymer og dialekt
På bornholmsk hedder en dreng enj hôrra, hôrrinj, flera hôrra, hôrrana. Ordet er oprindelig en dialektudtale af hyrde. Ordet knejt eller knajt er med tiden blevet udbredt over det meste af landet, svarende til ordet knægt, som det er en jysk udtale af.
Dreng med ged i Tadsjikistan, 2006
Christian Blache: Portræt af en dreng
Rembrandt Peale (en): George Taylor II eller Dreng fra Taylor-familien (ca. 1811-12)
Otto Bache: Dreng i matrostøj siddende på en hvid havebænk (1909)
Dreng fra Vanuatu, 2009
To ca. 10 år gamle drenge spiller fodbold, 2011
August Bournonville som dreng, ca. 1817
Drenge fra Banna-stammen i det sydvestlige Etiopien, 2012
Carl Hoff (de): Porträt eines rothaarigen Jungen im Garten
Kvægvogterdreng fra Banna-stammen i det sydvestlige Etiopien, 2012
Piero della Francesca: Portræt af en dreng måske Guidobaldo da Montefeltro (sv) (ca. 1483)
Dreng i skoleuniform fra Chile, 1990'erne
Dreng på skateboard i Toronto, 2017
Solkongen, Ludvig 14. af Frankrig som dreng malet af Justus van Egmont (en) (1650'erne)
Dreng på arbejde på bomuldsspinderi i Massachusetts, 1916
Filip den Smukke af Kastilien som fem-årig malet ca. 1483 af nederlandsk maler
Dreng fra Tôlanaro i Madagaskar spiller på en kabosy (en), 2006
Eero Järnefelt: Porträtt av konstnärens son (1887)
Dreng med videokamera i Japan, 2008
- (c) President's Secretariat (GODL-India)
Jiang Zhen-Xiang fra Taiwan med tennisketcher, 1910'erne
Ludvig 2. af Ungarn som dreng omkring 1515 malet af Bernhard Strigel (de)
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Forfatter/Opretter: Helgi Halldórsson from Reykjavík, Iceland, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Big Splash
Forfatter/Opretter: Reilly, Frederick Joseph, 1872-, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: newrationalathle00reil (find matches)
Title: New rational athletics for boys and girls
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Reilly, Frederick Joseph, 1872-
Subjects: Athletics
Publisher: Boston, New York (etc.) D. C. Heath & Co
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
te 27. — Testing Chest Expansion 60 Plate 28. — Target for Baseball Throwing 62 Plate 29. —Serving in Tennis: The Net 63 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vii Plate 30. — Serving in Tennis: 1 64 Plate 31. — Serving in Tennis: 2 65 Plate 32. —Basket Ball Throw: 1 m Plate 33. —Basket Ball Throw: 2 67 Plate 34. — Putting in Golf 68 Plate 35. —Addressing the Ball 70 Plate 36. — At the Top of the Swing 70 Plate 37. — At the End of the Swing 70 Plate 38. —Putting in Golf: Bad Form 70 Plate 39. —Driving in Golf: The Cage Closed 71 Plate 40. — Driving in Golf: The Cage in Use 72 Plate 41. — Score Card: Monthly Inter-Class Meets .... 84 Plate 42. — Floor Plan: Potato Race 91 Plate 43. —Floor Plan: Field Events 93 Plate 44. — Revised Classification and Membership Card . . 98 Plate 45. — Revised Standards: Boys 104 Plate 46. — Revised Standards: Girls 105 Plate 47. — Table of Results 118 Plate 48. — The School Emblem 127 NEW RATIONAL ATHLETICSFOR BOYS AND GIRLS
Text Appearing After Image:
Victor Lamberti — All-Around Champion, January, 1917 Grade, 7B; Age, 14 yr. 5 mos.; Height, 5 ft. 3 in.; Weight, 124 lb.; Shot Put (6lb. Medicine Ball), 37 ft.; Potato Race flOO yds.), 22 sec; Chinning the Bar, 10times; Hop, Step, and Leap, 32 ft.; Combination Dip, 20 times. NEW RATIONAL ATHLETICSFOR BOYS AND GIRLS I. INTRODUCTORY The system here presented is simply aneffort to carry into effect the avowed purposeof the Pubhc Schools Athletic League, asstated by General Wingate: ^^The fundamental purpose which theofficers of the league have had at heartsince its organization has been to stimu-late and encourage the average boy — infact, the boy who is physically below theaverage — to so train his body that hewill become erect, healthy, and strong,and his mind, so that he will becomemanly, alert, and honorable. The bestmanner in which this can be ac-complished has been ascertained to bethrough competitive exercises. (Minutesof Tenth Annual Meeting.) The most elementary books on pnewrationalathle00reil
Note About Images
Philippe Le Beau vers 5 ans.
A Burmese child smoking. The Burma cheroot is of formidable size both in length and thickness, but it is very mild. It consists chiefly of chopped tobacco stalks and fragrant herbs. Practically everyone, man, woman, and child, smokes, and babies in arms quite commonly share whiffs with their mothers.
Forfatter/Opretter: Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Omo Valley, Ethiopia
(c) President's Secretariat (GODL-India)
The President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil presenting the Rajat Kamal Award to Master Harsh Mayar for the Best Child Artist (I Am Kalam), at the 58th National Film Awards function, in New Delhi on September 09, 2011.
Forfatter/Opretter: Asa's Dad, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Nyfødt guttebaby bades.
Forfatter/Opretter: Steve Evans fra India and USA, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Boy monk with toy gun [The small streaks in the image were created by rain.] [No disrespect is meant here with this image -- it was just too precious a moment not to capture with the camera!]
Back boy - 14 years old - Mule room. Berkshire Cotton Mills. Location: Adams, Massachusetts / Lewis W. Hine.
Forfatter/Opretter: Willem van de Poll, Licens: CC0
Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Van de Poll
Reportage / Serie : Rijnvaart, reportage over het schippersinternaat in Mannheim
Beschrijving : Schipperskinderen lezen tijdschriften
Datum : 1 april 1955
Locatie : Duitsland, Mannheim, West-Duitsland
Trefwoorden : dagelijks leven, internaten, kinderen, lezen, vrijetijdsbesteding
Fotograaf : Poll, Willem van de
Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief
Materiaalsoort : Negatief (6x6)
Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang
Forfatter/Opretter: Graham Crumb from Port Vila, Vanuatu, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
An out-take from a series I took for a local river tour operator. The entire family had put on their kastom dress, and this little boy didn't want to miss out. What a cute kid.
Forfatter/Opretter: Basile Morin, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Young boy sitting on his boat, fishing in the Mekong at sunset time under a colorful sky in Si Phan Don, Laos
Forfatter/Opretter: Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Omo Valley
August Bournonville, ballet dancer
Forfatter/Opretter: Japson88, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a U10 Development player showing determination while battling for the ball
Forfatter/Opretter: Sebastiaan ter Burg from Utrecht, The Netherlands, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Skateboarding boy in Toronto
Forfatter/Opretter: Jhob, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Malagasy boy playing a bush kabosy, otherwise known as a mandoliny, in Fort Dauphin, Madagascar
Forfatter/Opretter: Tatehuari, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Yo en Viña del Mar, Chile.
Forfatter/Opretter: Steve Evans from India and USA, Licens: CC BY 2.0
A young boy from Tajikistan holding a goat.