Distrikter i Tjekkiet

Tjekkoslovakiet blev i 1960 delt i distrikter (okres, pluralis okresy), ofte uden hensyn til traditionel inddeling eller lokale relationer. I det, som i dag er Tjekkiet, fandtes 75 distrikter, det 76., Jeseník, dannedes ved en deling af Bruntál i 1990'erne. Tre af dem, Brno, Ostrava og Plzeň, var statutarbyer (statutární města, singularis město). Hovedstaden Prag havde særskilt status, men Prags 10 distrikter (obvody) modsvarede på sin vis okresy.
En reform som trådte i kraft i januar 2003 erstattede distrikterne med 204 kommuner med øgede beføjelser (obce s rozšířenou působností, eller obce III. stupně, "kommuner på tredje niveau", uofficielt kaldt malé okresy, "små distrikter"). Disse kommuner overtog det meste af administrationen fra de tidligere distrikter. Nogle af disse er videre delt mellem kommuner med udelt lokal autoritet (obce s pověřeným obecním úřadem, forkortet pověřená obec, pluralis pověřené obce, "kommuner på andet niveau"). De gamle distrikter står tilbage som territoriale enheder, og fungerer stadig som sæde for visse myndigheder, især domstolene.
Region (kraj) | Distrikt (okres) | Areal (km²) | Befolkning (2002) | Antal kommuner |
Karlovarský kraj | Cheb | 933 | 89.107 | 39 |
Karlovy Vary | 1.628 | 121.886 | 55 | |
Sokolov | 753 | 93.227 | 38 | |
Středočeský kraj | Benešov | 1.524 | 93.220 | 115 |
Beroun | 662 | 76.101 | 85 | |
Kladno | 692 | 150.181 | 100 | |
Kolín | 846 | 95.523 | 100 | |
Kutná Hora | 917 | 73.337 | 88 | |
Mělník | 712 | 94.868 | 70 | |
Mladá Boleslav | 1.058 | 114.042 | 123 | |
Nymburk | 876 | 84.784 | ? | |
Praha-východ (Østre) | 584 | 98.453 | 91 | |
Praha-západ (Vestre) | 586 | 86.777 | 80 | |
Příbram | 1.628 | 107.260 | 120 | |
Rakovník | 930 | 54.128 | 84 | |
Královéhradecký kraj | Hradec Králové | 875 | 159.622 | 101 |
Jičín | 887 | 77.368 | 111 | |
Náchod | 851 | 112.448 | 78 | |
Rychnov nad Kněžnou | 998 | 79.003 | 83 | |
Trutnov | 1.147 | 119.996 | 75 | |
Liberecký kraj | Česká Lípa | 1.137 | 106.411 | 59 |
Jablonec nad Nisou | 402 | 88.232 | 34 | |
Liberec | 925 | 158.988 | 57 | |
Semily | 699 | 74.660 | 65 | |
Moravskoslezský kraj | Bruntál | 1.658 | 104.480 | 71 |
Frýdek-Místek | 1.273 | 226.592 | 77 | |
Karviná | 347 | 277.244 | 16 | |
Nový Jičín | 918 | 159.473 | 57 | |
Opava | 1.144 | 180.769 | 80 | |
Ostrava | 214 | 314.102 | 1 | |
Olomoucký kraj | Jeseník | 719 | 42.251 | 24 |
Olomouc | 1.451 | 224.156 | 92 | |
Přerov | 884 | 138.895 | 104 | |
Prostějov | 770 | 109.524 | 96 | |
Šumperk | 1.316 | 125.924 | 78 | |
Pardubický kraj | Chrudim | 1.030 | 104.748 | 113 |
Pardubice | 889 | 160.251 | 115 | |
Svitavy | 1.335 | 101.832 | 113 | |
Ústí nad Orlicí | 1.265 | 138.753 | 111 | |
Plzeňský kraj | Domažlice | 1.140 | 58.895 | 86 |
Klatovy | 1.939 | 87.680 | 95 | |
Plzeň | 125 | 163.791 | 1 | |
Plzeň-jih (Södra) | 1.080 | 68.495 | 100 | |
Plzeň-sever (Norra) | 1.323 | 73.610 | 102 | |
Rokycany | 575 | 45.574 | 68 | |
Tachov | 1.379 | 51.329 | 51 | |
Hlavní město Praha | Prag | 496 | 1.181.610 | 1 |
Jihočeský kraj | České Budějovice | 1.625 | 178.523 | 107 |
Český Krumlov | 1.615 | 59.817 | 46 | |
Jindřichův Hradec | 1.944 | 92.846 | 106 | |
Písek | 1.138 | 70.419 | 76 | |
Prachatice | 1.375 | 51.410 | 65 | |
Strakonice | 1.032 | 69.496 | 112 | |
Tábor | 1.327 | 102.586 | 111 | |
Jihomoravský kraj | Blansko | 943 | 107.454 | 130 |
Břeclav | 1.173 | 123.265 | 69 | |
Brno | 230 | 729.509 | 1 | |
Brno-venkov | 1.108 | 161.269 | 137 | |
Hodonín | 1.086 | 158.602 | 81 | |
Vyškov | 889 | 114.061 | 81 | |
Znojmo | 1.637 | 114.061 | 148 | |
Ústecký kraj | Chomutov | 935 | 124.744 | 44 |
Děčín | 909 | 133.631 | 52 | |
Litoměřice | 1.032 | 114.497 | 105 | |
Louny | 1.118 | 85.830 | 70 | |
Most | 467 | 116.786 | 26 | |
Teplice | 469 | 126.635 | 34 | |
Ústí nad Labem | 405 | 117.589 | 23 | |
Vysočina | Havlíčkův Brod | 1.265 | 94.778 | 120 |
Jihlava | 1.180 | 108.404 | 121 | |
Pelhřimov | 1.290 | 72.219 | 120 | |
Třebíč | 1.518 | 116.415 | 173 | |
Žďár nad Sázavou | 1.672 | 118.216 | 195 | |
Zlínský kraj | Kroměříž | 799 | 107.852 | 80 |
Uherské Hradiště | 991 | 143.763 | 78 | |
Vsetín | 1.143 | 145.875 | 59 | |
Zlín | 1.030 | 192.994 | 87 |
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Map of the districts of Zlin region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:31, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Pardubice region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:14, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of South Moravia region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:29, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Olomouc region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:13, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of the Czech Republic showing former district borders before December 31, 2006. Created by Rarelibra 18:42, 29 December 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Carlsbad region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:06, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Plzen region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:14, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Hradec Kralove region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:08, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Vysocina region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:30, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Central Bohemia region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:07, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Usti nad Labem region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:30, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Liberec region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:12, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of South Bohemia region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:29, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the districts of Moravia-Silesia region of the Czech Republic. Created by Rarelibra 15:13, 2 January 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.