De tyske delstatsparlamenter

I Tysklands 16 delstatsparlamenter er der i øjeblikket 10 forskellige partier repræsenteret.

 Pladser SPDCDUCSUGrüneFDPLinkeSSWFWNPDPiratenLøsgængereValgperiodeNæste valg
Lesser coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg.svg Baden-Württemberg138 3560-367------5 år2016
Bayern Wappen.svg Bayern187 39-921915--21--15 år2013
Coat of arms of Berlin.svg Berlin149 4738-29-19---1515 år2016
DEU Brandenburg COA.svg Brandenburg88 3019-5725---25 år2014
Bremen Wappen(Mittel).svg Bremen83 3620-21------14 år2015
DEU Hamburg COA.svg Hamburg121 6228-1498-----4 år2015
Coat of arms of Hesse.svg Hessen118 2946-14196----15 år2013
Coat of arms of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (great).svg Mecklenburg-Vorpommern71 2718-7-14--5--5 år2016
Coat of arms of Lower Saxony.svg Niedersachsen137 4954-2014------5 år2018
Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westfalia.svg Nordrhein-Westfalen237 9967-2922----20-5 år2017
Coat of arms of Rhineland-Palatinate.svg Rheinland-Pfalz101 4241-18-------5 år2016
Wappen des Saarlands.svg Saarland51 1819-2-8---4-5 år2017
Coat of arms of Saxony.svg Sachsen132 1458-91429--8--5 år2014
Wappen Sachsen-Anhalt.svg Sachsen-Anhalt105 2642-9-28-----5 år2016
DEU Schleswig-Holstein COA.svg Slesvig-Holsten69 2222-106-3--6-5 år2017
Coat of arms of Thuringia.svg Thüringen88 1930-6726-----5 år2014
1875 5945629225112016832113456  
Andel i %100 31,730,04,913,46,49,00,21,10,72,40,3  

Pladsfordeling i grafisk fremstilling

Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Baden-Württemberg
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Bayern
Pladsfordelingen i Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Brandenburg
Pladsfordelingen i Bremische Bürgerschaft
Pladsfordelingen i Hamburgische Bürgerschaft
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Hessen
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Niedersachsen
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Saarland
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Sachsen
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Sachsen-Anhalt
Pladsfordelingen i Landdagen Slesvig-Holsten
Pladsfordelingen i Landtag Thüringen

Se også

  • Tysklands delstater
  • Tyske delstater efter befolkningstæthed
  • Tyske delstater efter indbyggertal
  • Tyske delstater efter størrelse

Medier brugt på denne side

Coat of arms of Lower Saxony.svg
The coat of arms of Lower Saxony. Also the former ( – 1947) coat of arms of Land Braunschweig.

Keep red shade parallel with File:Flag of Germany.svg’s red shade.

A white Saxon steed (Sachsenross) on a red background.
2021 Baden-Württemberg state election - composition chart.svg
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD): 19 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens (GRÜNE): 58 seats
Free Democratic Party (FDP): 18 seats
Christian Democratic Union (CDU): 42 seats
Alternative for Germany (AfD): 17 seats
DEU Brandenburg COA.svg
Coat of arms of Brandenburg. Argent, an eagle gules, beaked, armed, clover-stemmed or.
Landtag of Hesse 2018.svg
Linke: 9 seats
SPD: 29 seats
Grünen: 29 seats
FDP: 11 seats
CDU: 40 seats
AfD: 19 seats
Bremen Wappen(Mittel).svg
Crowned Arms of the city of Bremen
Bavarian Landtag 2018 as of 21.svg
Party 1: 22 seats
Party 2: 38 seats
Party 3: 27 seats
Party 4: 85 seats
Party 5: 11 seats
Party 6: 19 seats
Party 7: 3 seats
2020 Hamburg state election - composition chart.svg
The Left: 13 seats
Social Democratic Party: 54 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens: 33 seats
Free Democratic Party: 1 seats
Christian Democratic Union: 15 seats
Alternative for Germany: 7 seats
2021 Saxony-Anhalt state election - composition chart.svg
The Left: 12 seats
Social Democratic Party: 9 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens: 6 seats
Free Democratic Party: 7 seats
Christian Democratic Union: 40 seats
Alternative for Germany: 23 seats
2022 Lower Saxony state election - composition chart.svg
Social Democratic Party: 57 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens: 24 seats
Christian Democratic Union: 47 seats
Alternative for Germany: 18 seats
2022 Saarland state election - composition chart.svg
SPD: 29 seats
CDU: 19 seats
AfD: 3 seats
2022 Schleswig-Holstein state election - composition chart.svg
Social Democratic Party of Germany: 12 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens: 14 seats
South Schleswig Voters' Association: 4 seats
Free Democratic Party: 5 seats
Christian Democratic Union of Germany: 34 seats
Forfatter/Opretter: QueensDivision, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Left: 10 seats
SPD: 25 seats
The Greens: 10 seats
BVB/FW: 5 seats
CDU: 15 seats
AfD: 23 seats
2021 Berlin state election - composition chart.svg
The Left: 24 seats
Social Democratic Party: 36 seats
Alliance 90/the Greens: 32 seats
Free Democratic Party: 12 seats
Christian Democratic Union: 30 seats
Alternative for Germany: 13 seats
Forfatter/Opretter: QueensDivision, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Left: 14 seats
SPD: 10 seats
The Greens: 12 seats
CDU: 45 seats
AfD: 38 seats
2022 North Rhine-Westphalia state election - composition chart.svg
SPD: 56 seats
GRUNE: 39 seats
FDP: 12 seats
CDU: 76 seats
AfD: 12 seats
2019 Thuringian state election - Landtag chart.svg
The Left (Die Linke): 29 seats
Social Democratic Party (SPD): 8 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens (Grüne): 5 seats
Free Democratic Party (FDP): 5 seats
Christian Democratic Union (CDU): 21 seats
Alternative for Germany (AfD): 22 seats
Bürgerschaft of Bremen 2019.svg
The Left: 10 seats
SPD: 23 seats
The Greens: 16 seats
FDP: 5 seats
CDU: 24 seats
BIW: 1 seat
AfD: 5 seats
2021 Rhineland-Palatinate state election - composition chart.svg
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD): 39 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens (GRÜNE): 10 seats
Free Democratic Party (FDP): 6 seats
Free Voters (FW): 6 seats
Christian Democratic Union (CDU): 31 seats
Alternative for Germany (AfD): 9 seats
2021 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state election - composition chart.svg
The Left: 9 seats
Social Democratic Party: 34 seats
Alliance 90/The Greens: 5 seats
Free Democratic Party: 5 seats
Christian Democratic Union: 12 seats
Alternative for Germany: 14 seats