
Noget af USAs datanet infrastruktur kaldet ESnet. ESnet er et eksempel på en national backbone.[1]
De steder hvor internettet udveksler datapakker mellem flere ISPere kaldes IXP (Internet eXchange Point).
Et harddiskdrev er en fysisk komponent, som anvendes i it-infrastruktur.

It-infrastruktur defineres bredt som et sæt af informationsteknologikomponenter (it), der er grundlaget for en it-tjeneste; typisk fysiske komponenter (computer- og datanethardware og faciliteter), men også forskellige software- og netværkskomponenter.[2][3]

Ifølge ITIL Foundation Course Glossary kan IT-infrastruktur også betegnes som "Al hardware, software, netværk, faciliteter osv., der er nødvendige for at udvikle, teste, levere, overvåge, kontrollere eller understøtte IT-tjenester. Udtrykket it-infrastruktur omfatter al informationsteknologi, men ikke de tilknyttede mennesker, processer og dokumentation."[4]

Datanet infrastruktur

De steder hvor internettet udveksler datapakker mellem flere ISPere og Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) er it-infrastruktur. Disse steder kaldes IX eller IXP (Internet eXchange Point). Flere af Danmarks internet-knudepunkter kaldes DIX (Danish Internet eXchange point).[5]


  1. ^ Network Maps. 400Gbps, Intelligent Infrastructure for Science Citat: Citat "...ESnet is a high-performance national network built and engineered specifically for the purpose of science data transport. ESnet connects more than 40 Department of Energy research sites, including the entire National Laboratory system, its supercomputing facilities, and its major scientific instruments. ESnet also connects to 140 research and commercial networks, permitting tens of thousands of DOE-funded scientists around the world to collaborate productively...ESnet's nationwide backbone connects scientists across the U.S. and around the globe. (Select image to enlarge.) »Download the full-size ESnet network map...", backup
  2. ^ IT Infrastructure Citat: "...IT infrastructure refers to the composite hardware, software, network resources and services required for the existence, operation and management of an enterprise IT environment...", backup
  3. ^ IT Infrastructure Citat: "...IT infrastructure is the system of hardware, software, facilities and service components that support the delivery of business systems and IT-enabled processes...", backup
  4. ^ "ITIL® V3 Foundation Course Glossary" (PDF).
  5. ^

Medier brugt på denne side

ESnet Map.png
ESnet Map
IXP Topology L3.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: William Edward ("Bill") Woodcock IV, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Diagram of the Layer 3 (network) topology of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP).
A hard drive.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: AJC1, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
A Hard drive is an example of a physical IT Infrastructure component.