Creswelliankultur eller bare Creswellian er en arkæologisk kultur fra Storbritannien i øvre palæolitikum, og som fik navn efter typestedet Creswell Crags i Derbyshire af Dorothy Garrod i 1926.[1] Den er også kendt som britisk senmadeleinekultur.[2] Creswelliankulturen er dateret til mellem 13.000-11.800 f.Kr.[3] og blev efterfulgt af den seneste istid kaldet Yngre Dryas, hvor Storbritannien i perioder ikke var beboet.[4]
- ^ Davies, William; et al. (1999). Dorothy Garrod and the progress of the Palaeolithic: studies in the prehistoric archaeology of the Near East and Europe. Oxbow Books. s. 282.
- ^ Pettit, Paul; White, Mark (2012). The British Palaeolithic: Human Societies at the Edge of the Pleistocene World. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. s. 440. ISBN 978-0-415-67455-3.
- ^ Robert Hosfield, Vanessa Straker and Paula Gardiner with contributions from Anthony Brown, Paul Davies, Ralph Fyfe, Julie Jones and Heather Tinsley (2007). "Palaeolithic and Mesolithic". I Webster, C.J. The Archaeology of South West England. Somerset County Council. s. 36.
There are numerous radiocarbon determinations on human remains, butchered animal bones and organic artefacts which date the Creswellian to between 13,000-11.800 BP (Jacobi 2004).
- ^ Stringer, Chris (2011). "The Changing Landscapes of the Earliest Human Occupation of Britain and Europe". I Ashton, N.; et al. The Ancient Human Occupation of Britain. Elsevier. s. 1. ISBN 9780444535979.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Pline, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Haches de prestige en pierre polie du Néolithique (Dépot dit de "Bénon"). Taillées dans de la fibrolite sans doute d'origine locale et dans de la roche verte probablement extraite dans les Alpes
- Date : 5 000 BP - (3000 BC)
- Lieu : Arzon, Morbihan, France
- Author : Pline photo ou réalisation (schéma) personnelle,
- Musée d'Archéologie nationale, France