
Cocopah-reservatet er et indianerreservat i USA. Det bestå af 3 delte reservatafsnit: Cocopah Øst, Cocopah Vest og Cocopah Nord med hovedsæde 8 km vest for byen Somerton, Arizona, USA.
Beliggenhed: 337 km sydvest for Phoenix i Yuma County.
Stamme: Cocopah. Kendt for: Perlefremstilling.
- Bobby Zlatevski (2001). I bil igennem Arizona. Søllested: Bobby's Korrespondance Service. ISBN 87-986396-1-7.
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This map shows the incorporated areas and unincorporated areas in Yuma County, Arizona. The Cocopah Indian Tribe is highlighted in red. Incorporated cities are shown in gray and unincorporated communities or CDPs are shown in white. Data for the borders and locations are based on maps from the Yuma County DDS Mapping Services, US Census Bureau TIGER Map Server, and ITCA Map of Tribal Homelands in Arizona. I created this map in Inkscape.