Christian Nielsen (professor)

Christian Nielsen
Uddannelse og virke
Uddannelses­stedCopenhagen Business School (2002-2004),
Aarhus Universitet (1993-2000) Rediger på Wikidata
BeskæftigelseForsker Rediger på Wikidata
ArbejdsgiverAalborg Universitet Rediger på Wikidata
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For alternative betydninger, se Christian Nielsen. (Se også artikler, som begynder med Christian Nielsen)

Christian Nielsen[1] er en dansk professor og tidligere institutleder ved Aalborg Universitet.

Christian Nielsen arbejder i spændingsfeltet mellem forretningsmodel design og præstationsmåling, herunder i relation til vækstskabelse og kommercialisering af innovationer. Han interesserer sig rigtig meget for forretningsudvikling, hvad enten det er forskningsmæssigt, hands on eller i bestyrelseslokalet.

Efter et meget offentligt forløb om brug af universitetsmidler forlod Nielsen sammen med sektionsleder Morten Lund jobbet som institutleder i sommeren 2023.[2]


Udvalgte bøger

·             Nielsen, C., H. Zaheer, Y. Breyer, F. Paolone, M. Montemari, & M. Lund (2019), Market Traction: A Manual for Accelerating your Business Model, Aalborg: Business Research and Business Design publishing.

·             Nielsen, C., K. Brøndum, F.G. Laursen K. Tange & M. Lund, (2019), Kickass Companies, Aalborg: Business Research and Business Design publishing. 2nd Edition, Aalborg: Business Research and Business Design.

·             Guthrie, J., Ricceri, F., Dumay, J. and Nielsen, C., Eds. (2017), Handbook of Intellectual Capital Research. London, Routledge.

·             Nielsen, C. & M. Lund (Eds). 2014. Business Model Design: Networking, Innovating and Globalizing. Ventus Publishing, Copenhagen:  

·             Nielsen, C. & M. Lund (Eds). 2014. The Basics of Business Models. Ventus Publishing, Copenhagen:

·             Mouritsen, J., Bukh, P.N, Flagstad, K., Thorbjørnsen, S., Johansen, M.R., Kotnis, S., Larsen, H.T., Nielsen, C., Kjærgaard, I., Krag, L., Jeppesen, G., Haisler, J. & Stakemann, B. 2003. Intellectual Capital Statements – The New Guideline. Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Copenhagen. (

·             Mouritsen, J., Bukh, P.N, Johansen, M.R., Larsen, H.T., Nielsen, C., Haisler, J. & Stakemann, B. 2003. Analysing Intellectual Capital Statements. Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Copenhagen. (

Udvalgte akademiske publikationer

·             Roslender, R. and Nielsen, C. (2019), Performative research in the business model field: exploring the underpinnings of studying business models in action, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 31-36.

·             Montemari, M., Chiucchi, M. S., Nielsen, C. (2019), Designing Performance Measurement Systems Using Business Models, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 48-69

·             Dane-Nielsen, H., & Nielsen, C. (2019). Value creation in business models is based on intellectual capital – and only intellectual capital! In J. Guthrie, J. Dumay, F. Ricceri, & C. Nielsen (red.), The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital Routledge, reprinted with permission in the Journal of Business Models, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 64-81.

·             Nielsen, C. (2019). From innovation performance to business performance: Conceptualising a framework and research agenda. Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 2-16.

·             Nielsen, C., & Lund, M. (2018). Building Scalable Business Models. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(2), 65-69.

·             Sort, J. and C. Nielsen (2018), Using the Business Model Canvas to Improve Investment Processes, Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 20(1), 10-33

·             Nielsen, C., Montemari, M., Paolone, F., Massaro M., Dumay J. and M. Lund. (2018). Business Models: A Research Overview. London, Routledge.

·             Nielsen, C., M. Lund, S. Schaper, M. Montemari, P. Thomsen, J. Sort, R. Roslender, K. Brøndum, C. Byrge, C. Delmar, L. Simoni, F. Paolone, M. Massaro and J. Dumay (2018), Depicting A Performative Research Agenda: The 4th Stage of Business Model Research, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 59-64

·             Guthrie, J., Ricceri, F., Dumay, J. and Nielsen, C., Eds. (2018), The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital. London, Routledge.

·             Dumay, J., Guthrie, J., Ricceri, F., & Nielsen, C. (2018). The past, present and future for intellectual capital research: an overview. I J. Guthrie, J. Dumay, F. Ricceri, & C. Nielsen (red.), The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital Routledge.

·             Nielsen, C., R. Roslender & S. Schaper (2017), 10 Years after the IC Guideline: Uncovering explanations for the demise of the Intellectual Capital Statement in Denmark. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 38 – 64

·             Nielsen, C., M. Lund & P. Thomsen (2017), Killing the balanced scorecard to improve internal disclosure, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 45-62.

·             Schaper, S., Nielsen, C., R. Roslender (2017), Moving from irrelevant intellectual capital (IC) reporting to value-relevant IC disclosures: Key learning points from the Danish experience, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 81-101.

·             Lund, M., C. Byrge & C. Nielsen (2017) From Creativity to New Venture Creation: Exploring the potentials of training creativity and business-opportunity spotting. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, Vol. 3, pp. 65-88.

·             Roslender, R. & Nielsen, C., (2017), Lessons for progressing narrative reporting: learning from the experience of disseminating the Danish intellectual capital statement approach, Accounting Forum, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 161-171

·             Nielsen, C. (2017), ‘A personal reflection: European experiences on value exchange in university–industry collaborations’, Academic Leadership Series, ” Improving Collaboration and Innovation between Industry and Business Schools in Australia” (Eds. Guthrie, J., E. Evans and R. Burritt), Vol. 8, pp. 53–61.

·             Nielsen, C. (2016). Getting value for money from your Science Park. Public Money and Management, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 539-546

·             Nielsen, C., R. Roslender & S. Schaper (2016), Continuities in the use of the Intellectual Capital Statement approach: elements of an institutional theory analysis, Accounting Forum, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 16-28.

·             Taran, Y., Nielsen, C., Thomsen, P., Montemari, M., and Paolone, F. (2016), “Business model configurations: a five-V framework to map out potential innovation routes”, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 19. No. 4, pp. 492-527.

·             Nielsen, C., & R. Roslender, (2015). Enhancing financial reporting: the contribution of business models, British Accounting Review, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 262-274.

·             Nielsen, C., Rimmel, G. & Yosano, T., (2015). Outperforming markets: IC and the long-term performance of Japanese IPOs. Accounting Forum, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 83–96

·             Farooq, O., & Nielsen, C. (2015). Intellectual capital disclosure and dividend policy: Evidence from the Danish biotechnology-sector, International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 82-102

·             Groth, P. & C. Nielsen (2015), Business Model Taxonomies: Using statistical tools to generate valid and reliable business model taxonomies, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 4-21.


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