
Delstaten Chattisgarh

Chattisgarh – også stavet "Chhattisgarh" – er en indisk delstat. Det var tidligere den østlige del af Madhya Pradesh.

Hovedsproget er Hindi, men Chattisgarhs mundart er ganske særpræget.[kilde mangler]

Indisk geografiSpire
Denne artikel om indisk geografi er en spire som bør udbygges. Du er velkommen til at hjælpe Wikipedia ved at udvide den.

Koordinater: 21°16′N 81°36′Ø / 21.27°N 81.6°Ø / 21.27; 81.6

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India Chhattisgarh locator map.svg
This Image was created by User:PlaneMad.
  • If you are using the image under the creative commons share alike license please credit the photo CC-by-sa PlaneMad/Wikimedia and include a link to this page. No explicit permission is needed from me, but id appreciate an email if my work has been of help to you.
  • If you dont want to release your work under a creative commons license, please mail me at or catch me at my Website to negotiate a custom license as per your needs.
, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Locator map of the state of Chhattisgarh, India with district boundaries.
India geo stub.svg
(c) User:PlaneMad, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Icon for geography stubs about India.