Charles Bolden
Charles Bolden | |
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NASA Astronaut | |
Statsborger | USA |
Nationalitet | Amerikansk ![]() |
Født | 19. august 1946 Alder 76 Columbia, South Carolina |
Andet arbejde | Generalmajor, USMC |
Uddannelses- sted | United States Naval Test Pilot School University of Southern California United States Naval Academy USC Viterbi School of Engineering |
Udvælgelse | NASA-gruppen fra 1980 |
Mission(er) | STS-61-C, STS-31, STS-45, STS-60 |
Missionsemblemer | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Charles Frank Bolden (født 19. august 1946) er en tidligere NASA-astronaut som har fløjet fire rumfærgemissioner. Udover sin astronaut karriere er han en erfaren pilot og har militær baggrund, Bolden har desuden haft forskellige poster i administrationen hos NASA[1].
Den 17. juli 2009 blev han udnævnt til stillingen som NASA-administrator efter Michael Griffin.
Fra juni 1972 til juni 1973 fløj han over 100 missioner over Nord-, Sydvietnam, Laos og Cambodja i en Grumman A-6 Intruder fra Nam Phong-basen i Thailand som sekondløjtnant i det amerikanske marinekorps.
Charles Bolden blev udvalgt som astronaut i 1980. På de to første rumfærgeflyvninger var han pilot, på de to sidste var han kaptajn.
- STS-61C Columbia, 1986, kommunikationssatellitten Satcom Ku-1 i kredsløb, med om bord var Bill Nelson medlem af Repræsentanternes Hus.
- STS-31 Discovery, 1990, Hubble-teleskopet i kredsløb.
- STS-45 Atlantis, 1992, Spacelab-mission.
- STS-60 Discovery, 1994, afprøvning af Wake Shield Facility, første flyvning med en kosmonaut med rumfærgen.
NASA administrator
Præsident Barack Obama indstillede Charles Bolden til USAs Kongres som NASA's administrator. Som assisterende administrator er Lori Garver udnævnt, begge blev udnævnt d. 17. juli 2009.
NASA skal i de kommende år udvikle Orion-fartøjerne, der skal sende mennesker til Månen og evt. Mars. Det er dog ikke sikkert at Obama fortsætter i Bush-regeringens spor mht. NASA[2][3].
Bolden var i 2002 assisterende administrator til Sean O'Keefe, begge udvalgt af George W. Bush[4].
Eksterne henvisninger
- ^ Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Arkiveret 9. juni 2009 hos Wayback Machine NASA (engelsk)
- ^ "Ny NASA-chef". Arkiveret fra originalen 15. februar 2021. Hentet 25. maj 2009.
- ^ President Obama Nominates Gen. Charles Bolden to be NASA Administrator and Lori Garver to be Deputy Administrato Arkiveret 28. maj 2009 hos Wayback Machine NASA (engelsk)
- ^ Astronaut nominated for NASA deputy post (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig) NASA (engelsk)
- Charles Bolden biografi NASA Administrator NASA (engelsk)
- Astronaut-biografi af Charles Bolden (engelsk)
![]() | Spire Denne biografi om en amerikaner er en spire som bør udbygges. Du er velkommen til at hjælpe Wikipedia ved at udvide den. | ![]() |
Medier brugt på denne side
Official portrait of Astronaut Charles F. Bolden Jr. wearing an orange launch and entry suit.
Major General Charles F. Bolden, Jr
STS-60 crew patch
- The design of the crew patch for NASA's STS-60 mission depicts the Space Shuttle Discovery's on-orbit configuration. The American and Russian flags symbolize the partnership of the two countries and their crew members taking flight into space together for the first time. The open payload bay contains: the Space Habitation Module (Spacehab), a commercial space laboratory for life and material science experiments; and a Getaway Special Bridge Assembly in the aft section carrying various experiments, both deployable and attached. A scientific experiment to create and measure an ultra-vacuum environment and perform semiconductor material science – the Wake Shield Facility – is shown on the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) prior to deployment.
STS-45 Mission Insignia
STS-61-c mission patch
- Columbia, which opened the era of the Space Transportation System with four orbital flight tests, is featured in re-entry in the emblem designed by the STS-61C crew representing the seven team members who manned the vehicle for its seventh STS mission. Gold lettering against black background honors the astronaut crewmembers on the delta pattern surrounding colorful re-entry shock waves, and the payload specialists are honored similarly below the sphere.
STS-31 shuttle mission flight insignia. The mission insignia for NASA's STS-31 mission features the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in its observing configuration against a background of the universe it will study. The cosmos includes a stylistic depiction of galaxies in recognition of the contribution made by Sir Edwin Hubble to our understanding of the nature of galaxies and the expansion of the universe. The STS-31 crew points out that is it in honor of Hubble's work that this great observatory in space bears his name. The depicted Space Shuttle trails a spectrum symbolic of both the red shift observations that were so important to Hubble's work and new information which will be obtained with the HST. Encircling the art work, designed by the crew, are the names of its members.