Carpenter Gothic

Cincinnati, Ohio
Bygget 1855

Georgetown, Colorado
Bygget 1870

St. Peter, Minnesota
Bygget 1871

(Ruxton, Maryland)
Poughkeepsie, New York

Fort Meade, Florida

Kent, Ohio

Mansfield, Ohio: Carpenter Gothic på murstenshus i stil fra A.J. Davis' Rural Residences
Carpenter Gothic (Carpenter's Gothic, Rural Gothic; da. 'tømrergotik', 'landgotik') er stilbetegnelse for en type nordamerikansk arkitektur der anvender gotiske stilelementer til træbygninger og trækonstruktioner udført af almindelige hustømrere. Den store mængde tømmer der findes i Nordamerika og den tømrerbyggede landlige arkitektur der er baseret herpå, gjorde pittoresk improvisation over gotiske stilelementer nærliggende. Carpenter Gothic improviserer over elementer der var udført i sten i den oprindelige gotiske arkitektur eller i mere akademisk nygotik.
I mangel på mere afdæmpet indflydelse fra ægte gotiske strukturer[1] var stilen fri til at kunne improvisere og lægge vægt på charme og ejendommelighed snarere end trofasthed mod overtagne modeller. Genren blev blandt andet sat i gang af Rural Residences af Alexander Jackson Davis, og fra detaljerede tegninger af Andrew Jackson Downing.
Huse og små kirker i Carpenter Gothic blev almindelige i Nordamerika i 1800-tallets slutning.[2] De indoptog gotiske elementer som spidsbuer og stejle gavle og tårne i traditionel let rammekonstruktion. Opfindelsen af dekupørsaven og masseproduktion af støbeforme i træ[note 1] tillod med blot et fåtal af disse strukturer at efterligne højgotikkens blomstrende eller rigt udfoldede vinduesarrangementer[note 2] Men i de fleste tilfælde var bygninger i Carpenter Gothic ret prunkløse og beholdt ofte blot de grundlæggende elementer spidsbuer og stejle gavle. Et kendt eksempel er det hus i Eldon, Iowa, som Grant Wood brugte som baggrund i sit maleri American Gothic.[3]
Carpenter Gothic er stort set begrænset til små beboelseshuse, udhuse og små kirker. Stilen er karakteriseret ved udstrakt brug af stiksavsdetaljer fremstillet med dekupørsav, som ved opfindelsen af den dampdrevne dekupørsav gav stor frihed til disse håndværks-designere. Et almindeligt, men ikke nødvendigt element er indramning med brædder og lægter. Mindre almindeligt er det at anvende stræbepiller eller -buer, som dog kan ses på kirker og større huse.
Anvendelse som udsmykning
Carpenter Gothic som udsmykning er ikke begrænset til bygninger af træ, men har været anvendt med held på andre strukturer, især stenhuse i stilen Gothic Revival som ved Warren House i et historisk område i Newburgh, New York[note 3], som siges at være karakteristisk for arbejder af Andrew Jackson Downing (1815-52), men faktisk blev udført af hans engangspartner Calvert Vaux (1824-95).
Geografisk udbredelse
Bygningsværker i Carpenter Gothic findes i de fleste amerikanske stater med undtagelse af Utah, Arizona og New Mexico. Mange huse blev bygget i 1860'erne og 1870'erne (Virginia City, Reno, Carson City, og Carson Valley) og eksisterer stadig (2010). Kirker findes i alle provinser og Northwest Territories i Canada, mens huse i Carpenter Gothic synes begrænset til Ontario, Quebec og kystprovinserne i Canada.[4]
Truede bygninger
Det hjælper på bevarelse af mange bygninger at de er kommet på USA's liste over historiske steder (National Register of Historic Places), men mange er ikke, og de er især truede hvis de ligger i områder hvor grundpriserne er høje. Et eksempel på det er St. Saviour's Episcopal Church, Maspeth, New York, bygget 1847 af Richard Upjohn.[5]. Dens præstegård er allerede blevet revet ned, og en aftale med New York om at bevare kirken mod at acceptere højere tæthed på det resterende frie område er ikke lykkedes. Området er derfor sat til salg for 10 million dollar (2007).[6]
Flytning af bygninger
Nogle bygninger er blevet flyttet til andre steder af både historiske og æstetiske grunde. Nogle, som All Saints, Jensen Beach, Florida[note 4], er blevet flyttet blot en smule på samme grund for at skaffe bedre udsigt og mulighed for udvidelse, mens andre som Holy Apostles, Satellite Beach, Florida[note 5] er blevet sejlet med pram flere kilometer op ad Indian River (Satellite Beach) for at blive sat i stand. Andre igen som All Saints, DeQuicy, Louisiana[note 6], er blevet skilt ad og flyttet længere bort for dér at blive samlet igen og sat i stand, og nogle er endda blevet flyttet adskillige gange.
St. Luke's, Cahaba, Alabama[note 7] har en interessant historie hvad flytninger angår: 1876 blev den skilt ad, fordi man forventede oversvømmelse i Cahaba, og flyttet knap 20 km til Browns for at blive samlet igen. 2006-2007 blev den igen skilt ad af en gruppe studenter og flyttet tilbage til Cahaba hvor studenterne samlede den på Cahaba State Historic Site ikke langt fra den opringelige placering.
Ydre ændringer
Nogle bygninger som St. Stephen's i Ridgeway[note 8] har fået deres ydre ændret med stuk og skalmuring så den oprindelige stil ikke længere er let at genkende.
Uden for Nordamerika
Betegnelsen Carpenter's Gothic kan også bruges om 1800-tals træbygninger i Gothic Revival (nygotik) i Victoria og New South Wales, Australien og i New Zealand.
Frederick Thatcher i New Zealand tegnede trækirker i nygotik, for eksempel Old St. Paul's i Wellington[note 9], skønt man ikke plejer at henføre dem til Carpenter Gothic. Benjamin Mountfort i Canterbury, New Zealand, tegnede nygotiske kirker i både træ og sten.
Nutid brug
Der opføres stadig bygninger i Carpenter Gothic. St. Luke's Church[note 10] i Blue Ridge, Georgia, blev bygget i 1995,[7] og tegninger i stilen er tilgængelige.[8]
Steamboat Gothic
Arkitektur i såkaldt Steamboat Gothic ("floddamper-gotisk"), en betegnelse som blev populær med Frances Parkinson Keyes' (1885-1970) roman af samme navn,[9] forveksles ofte med Carpenter Gothic,[8], men Steamboat Gothic refererer sædvanligvis til store huse i floddalene i Mississippi og Ohio, tegnet for at ligne flodernes dampbåde.[10]
Kirker, synagoger etc
- (c) I, Jmabel, CC BY-SA 3.0Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Eastsound, Orcas Island Washington
- Pioneer Gothic Church, Dwight, Illinois,
Oprindelig en presbyteriansk kirke - Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo, California,
Oprindelig en metodistkirke - All Saints Episcopal Church, Enterprise, Florida
- La Grange Church, Titusville, Florida,
Oprindelig uspecificeret protestantisk ("non-denominational Protestant") - St. Luke's Episcopal Church and Cemetery, Courtenay, Florida
- Grace Episcopal Church and Guild Hall, Port Orange, Florida
- Andrews Memorial Chapel Dunedin, Florida,
Oprindelig en presbyteriansk kirke - Bethany Memorial Chapel, Kendrick, Idaho,
Oprindelig norsk luteransk kirke - United Hebrews of Ocala, Florida, synagoge, nu Ocala Bible Chapel.
- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Fruitland Park, Florida
- (c) Aboutmovies, CC BY-SA 3.0Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro, Oregon
- Chapel of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Melbourne, Florida
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Lowndesboro, Alabama
- St. John's-In-The-Prairie Episcopal Church, Forkland, Alabama
- St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Martin's Station, Alabama
- St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Hibernia, Florida
- All Saints Episcopal Church, Waveland, Jensen Beach, Florida
- Zion Memorial Chapel, New Hamburg, New York
- Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran Church, Detroit, Michigan
- St. John's Wilmot Church, New Rochelle, New York
- Hickory Withe Presbyterian Church, Hickory Withe, Tennessee
- St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Moose Factory, Ontario
- The original St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Walnut Creek, California
- St. Agatha's Episcopal Church, DeFuniak Springs, Florida.
Bemærk det usædvanlige tårn - First Baptist Church, Methuen, Massachusetts
- Calvary Lutheran Church, Silverton, Oregon
- St. Paul's Chapel, Crownsville, Maryland
- St. Paul's by-the-sea Protestant Episcopal Church, Ocean City, Maryland
- Church of the Presidents, Long Branch, New Jersey
- Bigelow House Museum i Olympia, Washington, bygget ca. 1860.
- Indian Range i Davidsonville, Maryland, bygget 1852
- Roseland Cottage, Woodstock, Connecticut
- Hytter eller småhuse i en tidligere metodistlejr i Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts på øen Martha's Vineyard.
- Småhuse i Oak Bluffs
- Peters-Liston-Wintermeier House i Eugene, Oregon
- Wilson-Durbin House i Salem, Oregon
- Jay and Henry Knox House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Morrill Homestead, Strafford, Vermont
- Athenwood, Montpelier, Vermont, bygget 1850
- Waldwic, Gallion, Alabama
- J. Mora Moss House i Mosswood Park, Oakland, California
- Ashe Cottage, Demopolis, Alabama
- James S. and Jennie M. Cooper House, Independence, Oregon
- Joseph and Priscilla Craven House, Monmouth, Oregon
Brugt som udsmykning
- (c) Daniel Case, CC BY-SA 3.0Warren House, nygotisk murstenshus med udsmykning i Carpenter Gothic
Se også
Noter og referencer
- Artiklen er en oversættelse af den tilsvarende engelske i denne version, hentet 22. juni 2010
- Noter tilkommet under og efter oversættelsen
- ^ støbeforme i træ : 'wood moldings.'
- ^ Engelsk har florid fenestration med denne forklaring : "The arrangement of windows etc in a building" – (fenestration)
- ^ Kort præsentation af det omtalte historiske område i : Newburgh, New York (engelsk) – Området blev 1973 føjet til National Register of Historic Places
- ^ Flytning af bygninger: All Saints, Jensen Beach, Florida
- ^ Flytning af bygninger: Holy Apostles, Satellite Beach, Florida
- ^ Flytning af bygninger: All Saints, DeQuicy, Louisiana
- ^ Flytning af bygninger: St. Luke's, Cahaba, Alabama
- ^ Ydre ændringer: St. Stephen's i Ridgeway, South Carolina
- ^ Uden for Nordamerika : Old St. Paul's, Wellington
- ^ Nutid brug: St. Luke's Church, Blue Ridge, Georgia
- Referencer i det engelske forlæg
- ^ Den britiske nedvurdering af sir Gilbert Scotts restaurering af Ely Cathedral som "Carpenter's Gothic" diskuteres i Phillip Lindley, "'Carpenter's Gothic' and Gothic Carpentry: Contrasting Attitudes to the Restoration of the Octagon and Removals of the Choir at Ely Cathedral" – Architectural History 30 (1987:83-112).
- ^ What Style Is It?, Poppeliers, et al., National Trust for Historic Preservation
- ^ "American Gothic House Center" Arkiveret 18. juni 2009 hos Wayback Machine, det hus Grant Wood brugte som model til sit maleri Arkiveret 31. oktober 2011 hos Wayback Machine American Gothic (som endnu ikke er frit)
- ^ "Ontario Architecture:Carpenter's Gothic"
- ^ "The serious side of Carpenter Gothic: Richard Upjohn and St. Saviour's Church, Maspeth, Queens, New York". Arkiveret fra originalen 8. marts 2017. Hentet 9. juli 2010.
- ^ "Daily News article 12-13-2007". Arkiveret fra originalen 29. juni 2011. Hentet 9. juli 2010.
- ^ St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Blue Ridge, Georgia – (Episcopal Missionary Church)
- ^ a b "Steamboat Gothic"
- ^ Steamboat Gothic, af Frances Parkinson Keyes
- ^ 'steamboatgothic', Definition fra Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Eksterne henvisninger
- "Gothic Revival" Arkiveret 17. april 2010 hos Wayback Machine med Carpenter Gothic
Medier brugt på denne side
The Historic Christ Church circa 1889, taken by myself.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY 2.5
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in Palatka, Florida
Forfatter/Opretter: Hjvannes, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
St. Thomas Anglican Church in Moose Factory, Cochrane District, Ontario.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ian Poellet, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The historic Calvary Lutheran Church and Parsonage (built 1891, remodeled 1926-1927), located at 310-314 Jersey Street in Silverton, Oregon, United States, is listed on the US National Register of Historic Places. It is no longer in active use as a church.
![]() |
This is an image of a place or building that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places in the United States of America. Its reference number is 85001182. |
St. John's-in-the-Prairie Episcopal Church in Forkland, Alabama. Erected in 1859. Attributed to the designs of Richard Upjohn.
Forfatter/Opretter: IvoShandor, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pioneer Gothic Church, Dwight, Illinois, USA. U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
Forfatter/Opretter: Elkman at en.wikipedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
View of the Carpenter Gothic style gingerbread cottages in Oak Bluffs.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Grace Episcopal Church, in Port Orange, Florida
Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo, California building exterior. The building is a former Methodist church which was moved onto the present site in the 1960s.
Roseland Cottage (Bowen Cottage), Woodstock, Connecticut, USA. Entryway details from exterior.
Parking lot view of St. Paul's by-the-sea Protestant Episcopal Church, located at 302 N. Baltimore Street in Ocean City, Maryland, United States. Built in 1900, the Gothic Revival church is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Church website.
Forfatter/Opretter: GearedBull, Jim Hood, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Photograph of Athenwood, the home of American painter Thomas Waterman Wood. Located in Montpelier, Vermont.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Former United Hebrews of Ocala synagogue, now the Ocala Bible Chapel, in Ocala, Florida. It is a contributing property to the Tuscawilla Park Historic District
Peters-Liston-Wintermeier house, circa 1869-70, on Lincoln St. in Eugene, Oregon. It is considered one of the finest examples of the Rural Gothic Style in Oregon.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Andrews Memorial Chapel, in Dunedin, Florida
Joseph and Priscilla Carven House in Monmouth, Oregon. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
(c) I, Jmabel, CC BY-SA 3.0
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Eastsound, Washington, USA. National Register of Historic Places ID Number 94001431. Designed by Michael S. Donohue, constructed 1885.
Forfatter/Opretter: Leonard J. DeFrancisci, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Oblique view of the front right side of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 50 West Strawbridge Avenue, Melbourne, Florida.
Old St. Luke's Episcopal Church and Cemetery on Merritt Island, Florida. March 24, 2007.
Forfatter/Opretter: Jameslwoodward, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
St. John's A.U.M.P. Church, Ruxton, Maryland, USA
Front and side of the Aaron Ferrey House, located at 5058 Sunnybrook Rd. in far southern Kent, Ohio, United States. Built in 1866, it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
(c) HopsMaltYeast at engelsk Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church and Cemetery, near Orange park, FL. It is one of the 5 oldest wooden churches still in use in Florida.
Forfatter/Opretter: Stephen B Calvert Clariosophic, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
All Saints Episcopal Church and its cemetery atop Crossroads Hill at Waveland in Jensen Beach, Florida. It was built in 1898 in the Carpenter Gothic style.
The Justin Smith Morrill House, on the Morrill Homestead in Strafford, Orange County, Vermont.
Forfatter/Opretter: Photo by Greg Hume (Greg5030), Licens: CC BY 3.0
Langdon House in Cincinnati, OH. Photo by Greg Hume
(c) HungryJack at engelsk Wikipedia & Ed Eubanks, Jr., CC BY 3.0
Hickory Withe Presbyterian Church in Hickory Withe, Tennessee, USA.
J. Mora Moss House (aka Moss Cottage) in Mosswood Park, Oakland. Built in 1864 by S. H. Williams for San Francisco businessman J. Mora Moss in the Gothic Revival style.
The building was studied and documented in 1960 by the National Park Service as part of their Historic American Buildings Survey was named an Oakland Heritage Landmark on January 7 1975. It currently serves as a Parks and Recreation center.[1]
Photograph taken by myself (Binksternet) in October, 2007.Forfatter/Opretter: Bobak Ha'Eri, Licens: CC BY 3.0
The Eugene Saint Julien Cox House, now a museum, St. Peter, Minnesota, USA.
Replica of the 1861 Wilson-Durbin House at A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village in Salem, Oregon, United States. An example of Carpenter Gothic architecture, it lacks the typical steeply pitched roof, but does have the pointed-arch window in the gable and drip molds over the windows. The original Wilson-Durbin house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places from 1980 until it burned down in 1990. Its shell was reconstructed in 1998 and is used as a multipurpose room.
Forfatter/Opretter: Original uploaded by K72ndst (Transfered by PHansen), Licens: CC BY 2.5
The Church of the Presidents in Elberon, New Jersey. Photo by Kevin C. Fitzpatrick, Aug. 4, 2007.
St. Paul's Chapel, July 2009
First Baptist Church 253 Lawrence Street in Methuen, Massachusetts.
The James S. and Jennie M. Cooper House in Independence, Oregon, United States. A Gothic Revival residence listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Grace Episcopal Church Georgetown Colorado
Ashe Cottage in Demopolis, Marengo County, Alabama.
Forfatter/Opretter: Pat Smith, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Chapel of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Walnut Creek, California
(c) Anthony22 at engelsk Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
A photograph of St. John's Wilmot Church at the corner of North Avenue and Wilmot Road at the north end of New Rochelle, New York. This church dates to the year 1859.
Forfatter/Opretter: Robbiegiles, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Bethany Memorial Chapel near Kendrick, Idaho in rural Latah County built in 1908
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
St. Agatha's Episcopal Church in the DeFuniak Springs Historic District in DeFuniak Springs, Florida. It is on Circle Drive, the road that goes around Lake DeFuniak, at the heart of the district. It is listed in A Guide to Florida's Historic Architecture.
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Lowndesboro, Alabama. Erected 1856.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church in 1996 while it was still near Orrville, Alabama (Martin's Station). side-view, northern side. Originally erected at Cahaba in 1854 and moved to Martin's Station in 1878 after Cahaba was largely abandoned. Later relocated back to Cahaba.
(c) English Wikipedia user Daniel Case, CC BY-SA 3.0
Zion Memorial Chapel, now St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson, New Hamburg, NY, USA
(c) Daniel Case, CC BY-SA 3.0
Warren House, Newburgh - New York.
- Gothic revival style house.
- A Historic district contributing property and on the National Register of Historic Places.
- Photographed by Daniel Case 2006-02-27
Forfatter/Opretter: Elkman, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Jay and Henry Knox house in St. Paul, Minnesota, within the w:Irvine Park Historic District.
Waldwic House & Outbuildings, State Route 69, Gallion, Hale County, AL. , front and north side with gardens.
Forfatter/Opretter: Andrew Jameson, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran Church Detroit MI
The Daniel Bigelow House in Olympia, Washington.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Fruitland Park, Florida: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
(c) Daniel Case, CC BY-SA 3.0
Gatehouse, only remaining original building at Springside, Matthew Vassar's estate in Poughkeepsie, NY, USA.
Forfatter/Opretter: Elkman at en.wikipedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Another view of two ornate Carpenter Gothic style cottages in Oak Bluffs.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Prairieville, Alabama
Forfatter/Opretter: Ebyabe, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
All Saint's Episcopal Church, in Enterprise, Florida One of two churches in Enterprise.
Indian Ridge, July 2009