Carmen (kommune)

Disambig bordered fade.svg For alternative betydninger, se Carmen. (Se også artikler, som begynder med Carmen)
Kommunens våben

Carmen er en kommune i delstaten Campeche i Mexico. Koordinater: 18°38′42.968″N 91°49′48.914″V / 18.64526889°N 91.83025389°V / 18.64526889; -91.83025389 Byen var Lille indtil 1970 da Pemex opdagede petroleum i regionen.

Mexicansk geografiSpire
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Medier brugt på denne side

Escudo del Municipio de Carmen.jpg
The shield del Carmen is an oval bounded by a gray edge that has the name of the city and state to which it belongs. In the center of the oval is the Laguna de Términos and on it the Isla del Carmen. The lion, symbolizing the European siege to Mexico during Spanish rule and the French intervention, is about the island and on it an eagle hurts him with its beak and claws. The brown eagle, symbolizing the people preventing a foreign country is involved in its territory and nation.
Mexico Flag Map.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Map showing Mexico with a superimposed Mexico Empire flag.