En canardvinge ((fransk): and) er en mindre vinge på hver side af et flys forende. Begrebet omfatter både bevægelige og fastmonterede små vinger langt foran på flyet. De bevægelige canardvinger kan have samme funktion som højderor på et mere traditionelt bygget fly, og de kan bruges med modsat bevægelsesretning for at give rotation langs længdeaksen.
På de fleste flymodeller vil canardvingerne bidrage til bedre kontrol af pitch / rotation om tværaksen og give større stabilitet, således at det ikke er så kritisk, hvor langt foran eller bagved i flyet vægten af brændstof, passagerer og bagage/gods er placeret. Canardvingerne bidrager endvidere en smule til flyets opdrift.

Enkelte moderne jagerfly er bygget således, at vingerne sidder så langt fremme, at flyet er ustabilt, idet der i tilfælde af, at næsen rettes op, risikeres, at bevægelsen bliver kraftigere, hvorved flyet bliver ukontrollerbart. Under flyvning er disse fly styret af en computer, der registrerer flyets bevægelser og korrigerer i tilfælde af manglende stabilitet. Flere af disse fly er fremstillet med canardvinger for at give mulighed for korrektion af flyets bevægelser.
Flytyper/modeller med canardvinger (udvalg)
- (c) Sqn Ldr John Dylan Eklund RAF(R)/MOD, OGL 2
Canardvinger på Eurofighter Typhoon
Canardvinger på Tupolev Tu-144D
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(c) Sqn Ldr John Dylan Eklund RAF(R)/MOD, OGL 2
‘Shark Attack’ by Squadron Leader John Eklund, an RAF Reservist with 7644(VR) Squadron.
A Royal Air Force (RAF) Typhoon FGR4 appears like a shark from the depths. This photograph was taken from the back of an RAF transport aircraft over a lake in the Baltic region where the Typhoons are currently deployed in the NATO Baltic Air Policing Role. Typhoons also secure the skies over the UK and the Falkland Islands to protect the Nation’s airspace. In order to do this they maintain a constant 24/7 quick reaction alert (QRA) force. RAF Typhoons were also deployed in support of Op ELLAMY over Libya. Sqn Ldr John Eklund is an RAF Reservist, and in his military role he works for 7644(VR) Media and Communications Squadron based at RAF High Wycombe.
This year, for the first time, the RAF is asking the public to vote for their favourite image in one of the categories. The judges have selected a shortlist of nine of the best photographs from the whole competition and the public can now vote for their favourite image. This will become the ‘People’s Choice: Image of the Year’. Voting is at: Voters will be entered into a free prize draw when they tweet their vote for a chance to win an iPad Mini with a Red Arrows 50th Anniversary universal cover and an iPhone 5S cover. Voting opens today and closes at midnight on 27th August. The winning Photo will be announced at the Presentation Ceremony on 2nd September. Winning Images from the RAF Photo Competition: Each year, stunning photographs are published following the RAF Photographic Competition and the winning military and civilian photographers are named. The Royal Air Force Photographic Competition judging has recently taken place at the RAF Museum, Hendon.Forfatter/Opretter: Igor Bubin, Licens: GFDL 1.2
Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker
Forfatter/Opretter: Dura-Ace, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
IAI Kfir wiew (canards in blue)
Beechcraft 2000 Starship
Tupolev Ту-144, a board number 77115 (The international aerospace salon MAKS-2009)
Forfatter/Opretter: Stee, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Saab JAS-39 Gripen's Canards.
Viewed from the front the #1 XB-70A (62-0001) is shown climbing out during take-off. Most flights were scheduled during the morning hours to take advantage of the cooler ambient air temperatures for improved propulsion efficiencies. The wing tips are extended straight out to provide a maximum lifting wing surface. The XB-70A, capable of flying three times the speed of sound, was the world's largest experimental aircraft in the 1960s. Two XB-70A aircraft were built. Ship #1 was flown by NASA in a high speed flight research program.
Forfatter/Opretter: SCDBob, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Picture taken during "Giornata Azzurra" 2007 (Italian Air Force airshow) at Pratica di Mare AFB, Italy.
Canard of Piaggio P-180 Avanti