Brad Sucks

Brad Turcotte

Brad Turcotte (født 14. november 1976), medlem af ét-mandsbandet Brad Sucks, var blandt de første musikere som fuldtud udnyttede Free Culture-bevægelsen til reklame og distribution.

Turcotte åbnede i 2002 en hjemmeside med det formål at producere open source-musik.


I Don't Know What I'm Doing

Alle sange er skrevet af Brad Turcotte.

  1. "Making Me Nervous" – 2:37
  2. "Look and Feel Years Younger" – 4:38
  3. "Fixing My Brain" – 3:57
  4. "Bad Attraction" – 3:14
  5. "Sick as a Dog" – 3:14
  6. "Borderline" – 3:14
  7. "I Think I Started a Trend" – 3:04
  8. "Never Get Out" – 2:05
  9. "Overreacting" – 3:32
  10. "Dirtbag" – 3:50
  11. "Time to Take out the Trash" – 2:49
  12. "Work out Fine" – 4:11

Out of It

Alle sange er skrevet af Brad Turcotte.

  1. "Dropping out of School" – 3:43
  2. "Certain Death" – 3:49
  3. "Fake It" – 3:34
  4. "Bad Sign" – 3:52
  5. "There's Something Wrong" – 3:28
  6. "Gasoline" – 3:57
  7. "Total Breakdown" – 2:19
  8. "Understood by Your Dad" – 2:50
  9. "Out of It" – 3:39
  10. "You're Not Going Anywhere" – 3:38

Guess Who's a Mess

Alle sange er skrevet af Brad Turcotte.

  1. "In Your Face" – 3:21
  2. "Come Back" – 3:26
  3. "Feel Free! Plastic Surgery!" – 3:31
  4. "Guess Who's a Mess" – 3:17
  5. "Waste of TV" – 3:36
  6. "Model Home" – 3:38
  7. "The First Thing About Me" – 3:16
  8. "Thanks for the Add" – 3:41
  9. "Fluoride" – 3:43
  10. "Just in a Phase" – 3:38
Dropping out of school
Sang af Brad Sucks

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Medier brugt på denne side

Forfatter/Opretter: Brad Turcotte, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Press photo of en:Brad Turcotte
Forfatter/Opretter: Gnome?, Licens: GPL
SVG recreation of Gnome speakernotes.
01 - Brad Sucks - Dropping out of School.ogg
Forfatter/Opretter: Brad Sucks (Brad Turcotte), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Dropping Out of School, from Brad Sucks's second album Out of It