Borge og slotte i England

Windsor Castle, Berkshire

Denne liste over borge og slotte i England er ikke en liste over alle bygninger og steder, hvor ordet ”castle” indgår i navnet eller en liste over bygninger, som er en borg i middelalderlig henseende.[1] Det er heller ikke en liste over alle borge og slotte, der nogensinde er bygget i England: Mange er forsvundet sporløst, men er hovedsageligt en liste over bygninger og ruiner . De bygninger, som er bevaret, er alle blevet ændret i løbet af historien.

Borge og slotte, der er forsvundet eller hvis rester knap er synlige, er ikke med på listen, bortset fra visse vigtige eller velkendte bygninger eller steder. Fæstninger fra før middelalderen er ikke på listen, og ej heller follyer. Det er vanskeligt at identificere en fast grænse mellem de to gruppe bygninger, hvoraf den ene skal på listen, og dem som ikke skal. Kriterierne for at være med på listen: hvor meget der er bevaret fra middelalderen, hvor stærkt befæstet bygninger var, hvor borg-agtig de bevarede bygninger er, om bygningen har titlen ”castle”, hvor sikkert det er, at det stod en borg der i middelalderen, eller om de bevarede dele er fra middelalderen, hvor velkendt eller interessant bygninger er, og om man ved at medtage eller fjerne bygningen kan gøre listen bedre.

For at kunne skabe en liste, er det nødvendigt at opsætte grænser. Castellarium Anglicanum, et stort værk om borge i England og Wales fra 1983, har over 1500 borgsteder i Wales og England.[2] Mange af dem er forsvundet, eller også er der stort set intet tilbage. Denne liste inkluderer mere end 800 middelalderlige borge, hvor der findes synlige dele. De 300 har store dele bevaret i sten eller mursten.



Accessible open spaceTilgængelig i åbent område
Borg eller slot åben for offentligheden
English Heritage
Historisk hus åbent for offentligheden
National TrustNational Trust
NGSPrivat, område under National Gardens Scheme
NavnNormalt navnet på den overlevende bygning, men ikke altid. Eksempelvis blev Bampton Castle inkorporet i en senere bygning kaldet Ham Court
TypeNormalt typen af borge repræsenteret af den primære overlevende forsvarsværker
DateringNormalet det tidspunkt, hvor den primære bygning blev opført
StandEn indikation af hvilken stand den oprindelige del af borgstrukturen er i
BilledeBygningen eller stedet som det ser ud i dag
Kort information om det nuværende ejerskab eller brug, et ikon der viser om stedet er åbent for offentligheden


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Bedfordshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Bedford Castle†;
  • Biggleswade Castle
  • Bletsoe Castle
  • Cainhoe Castle
  • Chalgrave Castle
  • Eastcotts Castle
  • Etonbury Castle
  • Flitwick Castle
  • Higham Gobion Castle
  • Odell Castle
  • Old Warden Castle
  • Podington Castle
  • Renhold Castle
  • Risinghoe Castle
  • Thurleigh Castle
  • Tilsworth Castle
  • Toddington Castle
  • Totternhoe Castle
  • Yielden Castle

Bedford Castle blev revet ned efter en veldokumenteret 8-ugers belejring af Henrik 3., med omkring 2000 mænd i 1224.[3]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Someries CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletRester i fragmenterMursten, ufærdigt, portbygning og kapel i ruiner survive.[4]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Berkshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Beaumys Castle
  • Newbury Castle
  • Hampstead Norris Castle
  • West Woodhay Castle
  • Yattendon Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Donnington CastleBorg eller slotc. 1386Fragment
(c) Chris Collard, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bygget af Richard Abberbury den ældre, ødelagt under den engelske borgerkrig. Porthuset er bevaret.[5]
Windsor CastleKeep og bailey11–1800-talletIntaktRoyal palaceRestaureret og udvidet af James Wyatt og Jeffry Wyattville, 1800–30.[6]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Bristol.

Borge og slotte, hvor kun rester findes inkluderer:[2]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Buckinghamshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Bolbec Castle
  • Bradwell Castle
  • Buckingham Castle
  • Castlethorpe Castle
  • Cublington Castle
  • Desborough Castle
  • Ellesborough Castle (Cymbeline's Mount)
  • Lavendon Castle
  • Little Kimble Castle
  • Little Missenden Castle
  • Weston Turville Castle
  • Wolverton Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Boarstall TowerBefæstet herregårdc. 1312Fragment
(c) Graham Taylor, CC BY-SA 2.0
Voldgraver. Porthuset er bevaeret. Ændriget i 15-1600-tallet, omdannet til hus i 1900-tallet.[7]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Cambridgeshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Aldreth Castle
  • Bourn Castle
  • Burwell Castle
  • Cambridge Castle
  • Castle Camps
  • Cheveley Castle
  • Eaton Socon Castle
  • Ely Castle
  • Huntingdon Castle
  • John O'Gaunt's Castle
  • Maxey Castle
  • Peterborough Castle
  • Woodwalton Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Buckden PalaceBefæstet herregård12–1400-talletFragment
(c) Robert Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
Claretian conference centreOmdøbt Buckden Towers, delvist nedrevet og rester inkorporeret i 1800-tallet.[8]
Elton HallBefæstet herregårdc. 1477Fragment
(c) Iain Simpson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Portbygningen overlever. Inkorporeret i en bygning i 1662–1689, ombygget og udvidet i 1700-1800-tallet.[9]
Kimbolton CastleCastellated house16–1700-talletIntakt
(c) Graham Taylor, CC BY-SA 2.0
SchoolSted for middelalderlig borg, genopført og senere ombygget af Sir John Vanbrugh 1707–10.[10]
Kirtling TowerBefæstet herregårdc. 1530Fragment
(c) Robert Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
NGS1500-tals portbygning, hvor der efter sigende skulle være en angelsaksisk borg med voldgrav.[11]
Longthorpe TowerBeboelsestårn1263–1300Intakt
(c) Julian Dowse, CC BY-SA 2.0
Detaljerede billeder af de middelalderlige vægmalerier.[12]
Northborough CastleBefæstet herregård1330–40Fragment
(c) Alan Murray-Rust, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatPortbygning og hall er bevaret med ændringer fortaget i 1500- og 1600-tallet.[13]
Woodcroft CastleFirkantet borgc. 1280Beboelig fragmentPrivatVestdelen af den oprindelige bygning er bevaret med ændringer.[14]


Uddybende Uddybende artikel: Liste over borge og slotte i Cheshire

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Aldford Castle
  • Dodlestone Castle
  • Frodsham Castle
  • Kingsley Castle
  • Macclesfield Castle
  • Malpas Castle
  • Nantwich Castle
  • Newhall Tower
  • Northwich Castle
  • Oldcastle
  • Pulford Castle
  • Shipbrook Castle
  • Shocklach Castle
  • Shotwick Castle
  • Warrington Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Beeston CastleEnclosure castle12–1300-talletRuinerLigger bag Cheshire Plain, 1800-tals yder portbygning.[15]
Chester CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletFragment
(c) John S Turner, CC BY-SA 2.0
Agricola tower er den eneste del af den middelalderlige borg, der står tilbage efter en brand i 1700-tallet.[16]
Cholmondeley CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1801–19Intakt
(c) Tom Pennington, CC BY-SA 2.0

Marquess of Cholmondeley
Omdannet til et slot af Smirke, 1817–19.[17]
Doddington CastleBeboelsestårnc. 1403Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) Simon Huguet, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatOgså kendt som Delves Hall. Building At Risk.[18]
Halton CastleBorg eller slot1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Mike Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0

Duchy of Lancaster
1200-tals tårn, 1700-tals bygning, folly ca. 1800.[19]
Peckforton CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1844–50Intakt
(c) Stephen Charles, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelAf Anthony Salvin, muligvis det sidste seriøst befæstede hjem, der blev bygget i Storbritannien.[20]

County Durham

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Co. Durham.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Bishopton Castle
  • Cotherstone Castle
  • Dalden Tower
  • Ludworth Tower
  • Streatlam Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Auckland CastleKeep og bailey11–1500-talletRebuilt
Church of England
Hovedsageligt fra 1500-tallet, fragmenter fra den middelalderliger borg er bearet. Stedet hvor biskoppen af Durham boede.[21]
Barnard CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Ben Gamble, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bowes CastleKeep1100-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Andrew Tatlow, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ruiner af keep er bevaret.[23]
Brancepeth CastleKeep og bailey13–1800-talletReconstructed
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatStore dele af den middelalderlige bygning er bevaret, inklusive 5 tårne inkorporeret i 1800-tals genopbygning.[24]
Durham CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRebuilt
(c) Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0
University College, DurhamÆndret meget under de kontinuerlige besættelser siden 1072.[25]
Lambton CastleNyromantisk borg eller slotc. 1820–8IntaktBryllupssted / Jarl af DurhamSenere tilføjelser blev revet ned.[26]
Lumley CastleFirkantet borgc. 1392Intakt
(c) Alison Stamp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hotel / Jarl af ScarbroughAltered c. 1580 and 1721.[27]
Mortham TowerBefæstet herregård13–1500-talletIntakt
(c) Dave Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat1400-talts tårn, tidligere i Yorkshire.[28]
Raby CastleBorg eller slot11–1300-talletIntakt
(c) John Clive Nicholson, CC BY-SA 2.0

Lord Barnard
Ændret i 17-1800-tallet.[29]
Raby Old LodgeBeboelsestårn1500-talletRestaureretFeriebeboelseProbably built as a hunting lodge for the Neville family of Raby Castle.[30]
Scargill CastleBeboelsestårn12–1400-talletFragment
(c) Uncredited, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, farmBlandt landbrugsbygninger.[31]
Walworth CastleFolly-borgc. 1600Restaureret
(c) Dave Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelSydvesttårnet og den tilstødende mur er muligvis middelalderlig.[32]
Witton CastleBorg eller slotc. 1410Restaureret
(c) Hugh Mortimer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Caravan siteUdvidet i 1790–95.[33]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Cornwall.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Bossiney Castle
  • Bottreaux Castle
  • Cardinham Castle
  • Helston Castle
  • Liskeard Castle
  • Penstowe Castle
  • Upton Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Caerhays CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1807–10IntaktBygget i 1808 af John Nash.[34]
Carn Brea CastleFolly-borg14–1800-talletIntaktRestaurantMulig middelalderlig jagthytte genopbygget i 17-1800-tallet.[35]
Ince CastleSemi-befæstet husc. 1640Intakt
(c) Bill Booth, CC BY-SA 2.0
NGSHuset blev muligvis brugt mod rundhovederne i 1646.[36]
Launceston CastleKeep og bailey10–1200-talletRuiner
(c) Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Pendennis CastleArtillerifort1540–98IntaktWithstood 5-month siege in 1646.[38]
Pengersick CastleBefæstet herregårdc. 1510Fragment
(c) Ken Ballinger, CC BY-SA 2.0
4-etagers tårn står stadig med senere bygning.[39]
Place House, FoweyBeboelsestårn14–1800-talletRebuilt
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatDet oprindelig beboelsestårn blev forsvaret mod franskmændene i 1475, og det blev yderligere befæstet og senere genopført.[40]
Restormel CastleSkalkeep11–1200-talletRuiner[41]
St Catherine's CastleArtillerifort1538–40Ruiner
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ved udmundingen Fowey.[42]
St. Mawes CastleArtillerifort1540–3IntaktStedet kan ikke forsvares fra land.[43]
St. Michael's MountBefæstet sted11–1600-talletSubseget intaktBorg eller slot og klosterkirke med en enkelt bygning.[44]
Tintagel CastleDobbeltbailey1227–33Rester i fragmenter[45]
Trematon CastleSkalkeep11–1200-talletRuiner
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hertugdømmet Cornwall[46]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Cumbria.

Borge eller slotte hvoraf kun jordvolde, rester eller ingen spor er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Aldingham Moat Hill
  • Castle Howe (Kendal)
  • Castle Howe (Tebay)
  • Egremont Castle
  • Haresceugh Castle
  • Hartley Castle
  • Hayes Castle
  • High Head Castle
  • Kirkoswald Castle
  • Lammerside Castle
  • Liddel Strength
  • Maryport Castle
  • Netherhall Tower
  • Pennington Castle
  • Sedbergh Castle
  • Triermain Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Appleby CastleKeep og bailey11–1600-talletRestaureret
(c) Terry Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatRestaureret i 1600-tallet af Lady Anne Clifford.[47]
Armathwaite CastleBeboelsestårn1400-talletIntakt
(c) John Gibson, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatInkorporeret i senere bygninger.[48]
Arnside TowerBeboelsestårn1400-talletRuiner
(c) Joe Regan, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatFritstående beboelsestårn.[49]
Askerton CastleBorg eller slot13–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Keith Salvesen, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, gårdÆndret af Anthony Salvin.[50]
Beetham HallBefæstet herregård1300-talletDelvist i ruiner
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bewcastle CastleCourtyard castle13–1400-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ligger inde i romersk fort.[52]
Bewley CastleBefæstet herregård12–1300-talletRuiner i fragmenterPrivatTidligere beboelse for Biskoppen af Carlisle.[53]
Blencow HallBefæstet hus14–1500-talletIntakt
(c) Ulrich Hartmann, CC BY-SA 2.0
FeriebeboelseÆndret i 1590.[54]
Brackenburgh Old TowerPele tower13–1400-talletHovedsageligt intaktPrivatStøder op til et hus fra 1800-tallet.[55]
Brackenhill TowerBeboelsestårn1586IntaktFeriebeboelseRestaureret i 2000-tallet.[56]
Branthwaite HallPele tower13–1400-talletIntakt
(c) John Holmes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat1600-tals tilføjelser.[57]
Brough CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Tim Fields, CC BY-SA 2.0
Restaureret in 1659–62 af Lady Anne Clifford.[58]
Brougham CastleKeep og bailey12–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Carl Bendelow, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ændret til country house i 1600-tallet af Lady Anne Clifford.[59]
Brougham HallBefæstet herregård12–1800-talletRuiner
(c) Pam Brophy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Crafts centreRuiner af 1800-tals hus inkorporeret i den tidligere bygning.[60]
Broughton TowerPele tower1300-talletIntakt
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
SkoleInkorporeret i senere bygning.[61]
Burneside HallBeboelsestårn1300-talletRuiner
(c) Richard Buck, CC BY-SA 2.0
Carlisle CastleKeep og bailey11–1400-talletHovedsageligt intaktÆndret til barakker i 1800-tallet.[63]
Catterlen HallBeboelsestårn1400-talletIntaktPrivatSenere ændringer.[64]
Clifton HallPele tower1500-talletHovedsageligt intakt
(c) Trish Steel, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brugt til landsbrugsbygning indtil 1973.[65]
Cockermouth CastleEnclosure castle12–1300-talletDelvist restaureretPrivat1800-tals tilføjelse.[66]
Corby CastleBeboelsestårn1200-talletRebuilt
(c) Lynne Kirton, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatGemt inde i georgiansk herregårdsbygning.[67]
Dacre CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletRestaureret
(c) Geoff Gill, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatRestaureret i 1600- og 1800-tallet.[68]
Dalston HallBefæstet hus1400-talletIntakt
(c) Anthony Parkes, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelSenere tilføjelser.[69]
Dalton CastlePele tower1300-talletRestaureret
(c) Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ombygget c. 1704 og 1856.[70]
Drawdykes CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletIntaktPrivat, farmOprindeligt tårn med tidlig klassisk revival-facade.[71]
Drumburgh CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletBeboelig
(c) Rose and Trev Clough, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatOmdannet til landbrugsbygning.[72]
Gleaston CastleEnclosure castle1300-talletRester i fragmenterPrivatOpgivet i 1400-tallet.[73]
Greystoke CastleBorg eller slot13–1800-talletRebuilt
(c) Simon Ledingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
BryllupsstedGenopbygget til at inkorporeret 1300-talsbygning, ombygget i 1840 Anthony Salvin.[74]
Harbybrow TowerPele tower1400-talletRuinPrivatStøder op til et gårdhus fra 1800-tallet.[75]
Hayton CastleBeboelsestårn13–1400-talletHovedsageligt intaktPrivatBorg eller slot converted to house.[76]
Hazelslack TowerPele tower1300-talletRuiner
(c) Bob Jenkins, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatNær Arnside.[77]
Howgill CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletHovedsageligt intaktPrivatÆndret og omdannet i 17–1700-tallet.[78]
Hutton-in-the-ForestPele tower13–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Rose and Trev Clough, CC BY-SA 2.0
Stor udvidelse med country house.[79]
Hutton JohnPele tower1300-talletIntakt
(c) mauldy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Senere ændringer og tilføjelse.[80]
Ingmire HallPele tower15–1900-talletRebuilt
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Private lejlighederInkorporeret i en stort herregård som hovedsagelig stammer fra 1800-tallet.[81]
Isel HallBeboelsestårn13–1400-talletIntaktSenere tilføjelser.[82]
Kendal CastleRingvold11–1300-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Tom Richardson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kentmere HallPele tower1300-talletIntakt
(c) Nigel Homer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kirkandrews TowerPele tower1500-talletIntakt
(c) Walter Baxter, CC BY-SA 2.0
Linstock CastleBeboelsestårn11–1200-talletHovedsageligt intaktPrivatÆndret og ombygget i 17–1900-tallet.[86]
Lowther CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1806–14Ruiner
(c) mauldy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Skal af 1800-tals fæstning Smirke, på stedet for en middelalderlig hal.[87]
Middleton HallBefæstet herregård1300-talletBeboelig
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆNdret og udvidet fra 1400- til 1800-tallet.[88]
Millom CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletRuiner
(c) Andrew Woodhall, CC BY-SA 2.0
1400- til 1600-tals gårdbygning bygget i ruinerne.[89]
Muncaster CastleBeboelsestårn12–1300-talletRestaureretOmdannet af Anthony Salvin, hjem for Tom Fool, 1500-tals hofnar.[90]
Naworth CastleKeep og bailey12–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wedding venue
Jarl af Carlisle
Ændret og restaureret i 1700- og 1800-tallet.[91]
Newbiggin HallFortified house14–1500-talletIntakt
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatOmbygget af Anthony Salvin.[92]
Pendragon CastleBeboelsestårn11–1300-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) ronnie leask, CC BY-SA 2.0
Penrith CastleBorg eller slot13–1400-talletRester i fragmenter[94]
Piel CastleBorg eller slot13–1400-talletRuiner
(c) Arnold Price, CC BY-SA 2.0
Også kendt som Fouldrey Castle.[95]
Prior's Tower, CarlislePele tower1400-talletIntakt
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Church of EnglandDel af dekanat sammen med senere bygning.[96]
Rose CastleFirkantet borg14–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Church of EnglandOmbygget til privat hus i 1600-tallet, hjem for biskoppen af Carlisle indtil 2011.[97]
Scaleby CastleBeboelsestårn12–1400-talletDelvist i ruiner
(c) Simon Ledingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatInkorporeret i senere hus.[98]
Sizergh CastleBeboelsestårn13–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ændret i 1700- til 1900-tallet.[99]
Toppin CastleFolly-borg1800-talletIntakt
(c) John Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatImiteret beboelsestårn.[100]
Ubarrow HallPele towerMedievalHovedsageligt intaktPrivatSammen med senere bygning, højde reduceret.[101]
Wharton HallBefæstet herregård13–1600-talletDelvist restaureret
(c) John Illingworth, CC BY-SA 2.0
Whitehall, MealsgateBeboelsestårn13–1400-talletHovedsageligt intaktFeriebeboelseÆndringer af Anthony Salvin.[103]
Workington HallBeboelsestårn13–1700-talletRuiner
(c) H Stamper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lokal myndighedBeboet indtil 1929, brugt af hæren under anden verdenskrig, og er siden forfaldet til en ruin. Også kendt som Curwen Hall.[104][105]
Wray CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1840–7Intakt[106]
Wraysholme TowerBeboelsestårn1400-talletHovedsageligt intakt
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, gårdBrugt som lade og ko-stald, tilstødende 1800-talshus.[107]
Yanwath HallPele tower1400-talletIntaktPrivatTilstødende senere bygning.[108]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Derbyshire.

Borge eller slotte hvoraf kun jordvolde, rester eller ingen spor er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Bakewell Castle
  • Derby Castle
  • Duffield Castle
  • Glossop (Mouselow) Castle
  • Gresley Castle
  • Hathersage Castle
  • Holmesfield Castle
  • Hope Castle
  • Horsley Castle
  • Melbourne Castle
  • Morley Motte
  • Pilsbury Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Bolsover CastleBorg eller slot11–1600-talletRebuilt
(c) Stephen G Taylor, CC BY-SA 2.0
Borg eller slot genopført i 1600-tallet som herregård.[109]
Codnor CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletRester i fragmenter[110]
Elvaston CastleCastellated house16–1800-talletDerelictDerbyshire County CouncilBygget i 1633, ombygget af James Wyatt ii 1800-tallet, nu en del af country park. Building At Risk.[111]
Haddon HallBefæstet herregård13–1400-talletIntakt
(c) Trevor Rickard, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ændret i 1500- og 1600-tallet, restaureret i 1920'erne.[112]
Mackworth CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletFragmentPrivatPortbygning i ruiner op til gården.[113]
Peveril CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuinerTårn over kløften.[114]
Riber CastleFolly-borg1868Ruiner
(c) Brian Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatSkole 1892–1930.[115]
Wingfield ManorBefæstet herregård1400-talletRuiner
(c) Sam Styles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Opgivet i 1700-tallet.[116]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Devon.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Bampton Castle
  • Barnstaple Castle
  • Durpley Castle
  • Blackdown Rings (Loddiswell)
  • Eggesford Castle
  • Heywood Castle
  • Holwell Castle
  • Millsome Castle
  • Plymouth Castle
  • Torrington Castle
  • Winkleigh Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Affeton CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletFragmentPrivatPortbygning ødelagt under den engelske borgerkrig. Ændringer i 1800-tallet.[117]
Berry Pomeroy CastleEnclosure castle1400-talletRuiner
(c) David M Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0
Meget sen fæstning, der blev designet til funere mode artilleri.[118]
Bickleigh CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletRestaureretWedding venueInkorporeret i senere bygninger.[119]
Compton CastleBefæstet herregård13–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Crispin Purdye, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brugt som gård efter 1750, restaureret i 1900-tallet.[120]
Dartmouth CastleBorg eller slot1481Restaureret
(c) Joanne Davies, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ombygget til artilleri-fæstning 1509–47.[121]
Castle DrogoNyromantisk borg eller slot1911–1930IntaktAf Edwin Lutyens.[122]
Gidleigh CastleKeepc. 1300Ruiner
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hemyock CastleEnclosure castlec. 1380Rester i fragmenter
(c) don cload, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kingswear CastleArtillerifort1491–1502IntaktLandmark Trust[125]
Lydford CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletRuiner
(c) john spivey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Marisco CastleKeep og baileyc. 1243Restaureret
(c) Adrian Boliston, CC BY-SA 2.0
Restaureret i 1643.[127]
Okehampton CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Oliver Hunter, CC BY-SA 2.0
Plympton CastleMotte and bailey1100-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Tony Atkin, CC BY-SA 2.0
Powderham CastleBefæstet herregård13–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Maurice Clements, CC BY-SA 2.0

Jarl af Devon
Omdannet i 1700- og 1800-tallet.[130]
Rougemont Castle (Exeter)Borg eller slot10–1100-talletFragmentsWedding venueMiddelalderlige fragmenter findes i de senere bygninger.[131]
Salcombe CastleArtillerifort1540sRuinerOmbygget og befæstet i 1643–45.[132]
Tiverton CastleFirkantet borg1300-talletPartly habitable
(c) Lewis Clarke, CC BY-SA 2.0
1500-tals hus bygget på borgen.[133]
Totnes CastleSkalkeep10–1300-talletRuinerVelbevaret keep på en høj motte.[134]
Watermouth CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1825–45Intakt
(c) John Rostron, CC BY-SA 2.0


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Dorset.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Dorchester Castle
  • East Chelborough Castle
  • Marshwood Castle
  • Powerstock Castle
  • Sandsfoot Castle
  • Sturminster Newton Castle
  • Wareham Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Brownsea CastleCastellated house15–1800-talletIntaktInkorporerer dele af 1500-tals Henrician Castle.[136]
Christchurch CastleMotte and bailey11–1300-talletRester i fragmenterHall house kendt som Constable's House er bevaret med sjælden normannisk skorsten.[137]
Corfe CastleKeep og bailey10–1200-talletExtensive ruins
(c) steve bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Belejret go ødelagt under den engelske borgerkrig.[138]
Lulworth CastleFolly-borgc. 1610RestaureretJagthytte. Brændt i 1929.[139]
Pennsylvania CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1800Intakt
(c) Mike Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatIsle of Portland, bygget til John Penn, og designet af James Wyatt.[140]
Portland CastleArtillerifort1539IntaktPrivat residens 1816–70.[141]
Rufus CastleBorg eller slot1400-talletRuiner
(c) Simon Palmer, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatOgså kendt som Bow and Arrow Castle.[142]
Sherborne Old CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRuinerErstattet af 1600-talshus, som blev kendt som Sherborne Castle.[143]
Woodsford CastleBefæstet herregård1300-talletBeboelig
(c) Mike Searle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Landmark Trust[144]

East Riding of Yorkshire

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#East Riding of Yorkshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Aughton Castle
  • Baynard Castle
  • Flamborough Castle
  • Great Driffield Castle
  • Hull Castle
  • Swine Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Paull Holme TowerBeboelsestårn1400-talletRuinerPrivatOprindeligt en del af et større hus. Uden tag.[145]
Skipsea CastleMotte and Bailey1000-talletEarthworks
(c) Stephen Horncastle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Velbevarede jordvolde.[146]
Wressle CastleFirkantet borg1390Ruiner
(c) Gordon Kneale Brooke, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, gårdSyddelen er bevaret. Beboet indtil det blev ødelagt af en brand i 1796.[147]

East Sussex

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#East Sussex.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Glottenham Castle
  • Isfield Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Bodiam CastleFirkantet borgc. 1385Ruiner
(c), CC BY-SA 3.0
Bred voldgrav.[148]
Camber CastleArtillerifortc. 1540Ruiner
(c) Chris Shaw, CC BY-SA 2.0
"Skilt ad" 1642 efter havet trak sig tilbage.[149]
Hastings CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRuiner i fragmenter
Local Authority
I ruiner i 1399.[150]
Herstmonceux CastleFortified mansion1400-talletRestaureretQueen's UniversityMursten. Interiøret blev pillet ned i 1777. Restuareret i 1900-talet. Tidligere hjem fo Royal Greenwich Observatory, nu Study Centre.[151]
Lewes CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuinerUsædvanlig da den har to motter.[152]
Pevensey CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRuinerBorg eller slot bygget inden for murene af et romersk fort ved Saxon Shore.[153]
Rye Castle (Ypres Tower)Beboelsestårnc. 1250IntaktOprindeligt kaldet Baddings Tower.[154]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Essex.

Borge hvoraf kun jordvolde er bevaret:[2]

  • Clavering Castle
  • Great Canfield Castle
  • Great Easton Castle
  • Ongar Castle
  • Mount Bures Castle
  • Pleshey Castle†;
  • Rayleigh Castle
  • Stebbing Castle
  • Stansted Mountfitchet Castle

Pleshey Castle is a good example of a motte-and-bailey castle: only earthworks and a medieval brick bridge remain.[155]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Colchester CastleTower keep1000-talletIntakt
Local authority
Reduced in height in 1600-tallet.[156]
Hadleigh CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Steven Muster, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hedingham CastleTower keep1130–40Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) David Phillips, CC BY-SA 2.0
Borg eller slot demolished i 1600-tallet bortset fra keep, velbevaret interiør på trods af en brand 1954.[158]
Walden CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRester i fragmenterRester af keep.[159]


Uddybende Uddybende artikel: Liste over borge og slotte i Gloucestershire

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Bledisloe Tump
  • Brimpsfield Castle
  • Castle Hale (Painswick)
  • Castle Tump (Dymock)
  • Cirencester Castle
  • English Bicknor Castle
  • Gloucester Castle
  • Hailes Castle (Stanway)
  • Haresfield Mount
  • Hewelsfield Motte
  • Holme Castle (Tewkesbury)
  • Little Camp Hill (Lydney)
  • Littledean Camp
  • Miserden Castle
  • Newington Bagpath Motte
  • Newnham on Severn Castle
  • Ruardean Castle
  • South Cerney Castle
  • Stow Green (St. Briavels)
  • Taynton Castle
  • Weston Park (Saintbury)
  • Winchcombe Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Berkeley CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletIntakt
(c) David Stowell, CC BY-SA 2.0
Stort set uændret indtil 1930'erne, hvor interiøret blev moderniseret af den 8. Jarl af Berkeley.[160]
Beverstone CastlePentagonal castle12–1400-talletRuiner
(c) Dave Logan, CC BY-SA 2.0
NGS1600-tals hus bygget inden i ruinerne.[161]
St. Briavel's CastleKeep og bailey1200-talletBeboelig
(c) Roy Parkhouse, CC BY-SA 2.0
Youth hostel.[162]
Sudeley CastleFirkantet borg1400-talletRestaureretRestaureret som country house i 1800-tallet.[163]
Thornbury CastleFortified housec. 1511Hovedsageligt intaktHotelRestaureret i 1800-tallet.[164]

Greater London

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Greater London.

Borge og slotte hvor der ikke finde nogle rester inkluderer:[2]

Tabellen inkluderer ikke The White House, en replica af et polsk palads i London.[165]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Tower of LondonConcentric castle10–1200-talletIntaktHistoric Royal PalacesWhite Tower bygget ca. 1077–1100, ringmur tilføjet i 1200-tallet, fungerende faldgitterportcullis.[166]
Manor Farm, RuislipMotte-and-bailey castle1200-talletRuiner
(c) Harrison49, CC BY-SA 3.0
Public access

Greater Manchester

Uddybende Uddybende artikel: Liste over borge og slotte i Greater Manchester
Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Greater Manchester.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Bury Castle
  • Buckton Castle
  • Dunham Castle
  • Manchester Castle
  • Rochdale Castle
  • Stockport Castle
  • Ullerwood Castle
  • Watch Hill Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Radcliffe TowerBeboelsestårn1403Fragment
Local authority
Tårn i ruiner tidligere inkorporeret i et hus af tømmer.[167]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Hampshire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Ashley Castle
  • Basing House
  • Crondall Barley Pound
  • Godshill Castle
  • Merdon Castle
  • Powderham Castle (Crondall)
  • Rowland's Castle
  • St Andrew's Castle
  • Warblington Castle
  • Woodgarston Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Calshot CastleArtillerifort1500-talletHovedsageligt intaktÆndret i 1700- til 1900-tallet, i brug frem til 1961.[168]
Hurst CastleArtillerifort1500-talletHovedsageligt intaktRepareret og befæstet i 1800-tallet.[169]
Netley CastleArtillerifort15–1800-talletGenopførtConvalescent homeOmbygget og udvidet i 1885–90.[170]
Odiham CastleSkalkeep and baileyEarly 1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
Local authority
Opført af kong John.[171]
Portchester CastleKeep og bailey10–1100-talletExtensive ruinsBygget inden for murene af et tidligere romersk fortden saksiske kyst.[172]
Southampton CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletFragmentsDen nordlige mur på baileyen er bevaret.[173]
Southsea CastleArtillerifort1500-talletRebuilt
Local authority
Ændre adskillige gang.[174]
Winchester CastleMotte and bailey10–1200-talletFragment
Local authority
Great hall er bevaret, den fik nyt tag i 1873.[175]
Wolvesey CastleBorg eller slot1100-talletRuiner
(c) Peter Trimming, CC BY-SA 2.0


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Herefordshire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer::[2]

  • Almeley Castle
  • Ashton Castle
  • Bredwardine Castle
  • Bronsil Castle
  • Colwall Castle
  • Dorstone Castle
  • Eardisland Castle
  • Eardisley Castle
  • Edvin Loach Castle
  • Ewyas Harold Castle†;
  • Hereford Castle
  • Huntington Castle
  • Kilpeck Castle
  • Kingsland Castle
  • Kington Castle
  • Lingen Castle
  • Lyonshall Castle
  • Much Marcle Castle
  • Newcourt Tump (Bacton)
  • Newton Tump (Clifford)
  • Orcop Castle
  • Penyard Castle
  • Pipe Aston Castle
  • Richard's Castle
  • Stapleton Castle
  • Urishay Castle
  • Wacton Castle
  • Walford Castle
  • Walterstone Castle

Ewyas Harold Castle er nævnt i Domesday Book og blev sandsynligvis bygget omkring 1048.[177]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Brampton Bryan CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Philip Pankhurst, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatPortbygningen er beveret.[178]
Clifford CastleMotte and bailey10–1200-talletFragmenter
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatBuilding At Risk.[179]
Croft CastleFirkantet borg1300-talletRebuiltOmbygget til privat bolig i 1500-/1600-tallet.[180]
Downton CastleNyromantisk borg eller slotc. 1774–78Intakt
(c) Ian Capper, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret og udvidet i 1860–70.[181]
Eastnor CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1811–20Intakt
(c) Pauline Eccles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Af Robert Smirke.[182]
Goodrich CastleConcentric castle11–1200-talletRuinerDelvist nedrevet under den engelske borgerkrig.[183]
Hampton CourtBefæstet herregård1427Intakt
(c) Tony Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ombygget i 1830–40'erne.[184]
Kentchurch CourtBefæstet herregård1300-talletFragmentMiddelaldertårn og port bevaret, resten er genopført af Nash 1795–1807.[185]
Kinnersley CastleBorg eller slotMedievalGenopført
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hus fra 1400-1600-tallet er opført inden for middelalderborgens mure.[186]
Longtown CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) George Evans, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cirkulært keep.[187]
Pembridge CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletPartly habitable
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatRekonstrueret i 1900-tallet.[188]
Snodhill CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Trevor Rickard, CC BY-SA 2.0
Treago CastleBefæstet herregård14–1500-talletRestaureret
(c) Tony Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret i 1600-1800-tallet.[190]
Wigmore CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
Delvist nedrevet i 1643.[191]
Wilton CastleBorg eller slot1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Pauline Eccles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rester er inkorporeret i et hus fra 1800-tallet.[192]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Hertfordshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Anstey Castle
  • Benington Castle
  • Pirton Castle
  • Therfield Castle
  • Walkern Castle
  • Waytemore Castle
  • Wymondley Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Berkhamsted CastleMotte and bailey10–1200-talletRester i fragmenterDouble Moat.[193] Unoccupied since 1495.[194]
Hertford CastleMotte and bailey10–1100-talletFragmentsLocal authorityPortbygning fra 1400-tallet er bevaret, ændret og udvidet i 1700-1900-tallet.[195]

Isle of Wight

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Isle of Wight.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • East Cowes Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Carisbrooke CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletHovedsageligt intaktGenbefæstet i 1590'erne som artillerifæstning, tidligere sæde for guvernøren på Isle of Wight.[196]
Norris CastleNyromantisk borg eller slotc. 1800Intakt
(c) Mark Pilbeam, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatNygotik, af James Wyatt.[197]
Yarmouth CastleArtillerifort1547Hovedsageligt intaktÆndret i 1600-tallet.[198]
West Cowes CastleArtillerifort15–1800-talletRebuiltRoyal Yacht SquadronFragmenter af 1500-tals struktur inkorporeret i senere bygning.[199]

Isles of Scilly

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Isles of Scilly.

Borge og slotte, hvor kun rester findes inkluderer:[2]

  • Ennor Castle
  • Harry's Walls
  • King Charles's Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Cromwell's CastleArtillery tower1651Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) Richard Knights, CC BY-SA 2.0
Star CastleArtillerifort1593Intakt
(c) David Lally, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelImportant and complete example of Elizabethan fort.[201]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: B–K#Kent.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Allington CastleFortified house12–1300-talletRestaureretWedding venueRestaureret in 1905–1929.[202]
Canterbury CastleTower keep1100-talletRuiner
Local Authority
Demolished in 1792.[203]
Chiddingstone CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1800-talletIntakt
(c) Nigel Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
1600-tals bygning ombygget til fæstning i 1800-tallet.[204]
Chilham CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletIntakt
(c) Penny Mayes, CC BY-SA 2.0
NGSKeep survives with Jacobean house.[205]
Cooling CastleKeep og bailey1380sPart ruined
(c) David Anstiss, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wedding venueWell-preserved gatehouse survives, barns used for events.[206]
Deal CastleArtillerifort1500-talletIntakt
(c) Ron Strutt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Formerly residence of Captain of the Cinque Ports.[207]
Dover CastleConcentric castle11–1200-talletIntaktAdapted for modern warfare 18–19th centuries.[208]
Eynsford CastleBorg eller slot1100-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Ron Strutt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hever CastleBefæstet herregård1300-talletRestaureretRestaureret early 1800-tallet, working portcullis.[210]
Kingsgate CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot17–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Nigel Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat apartmentsOpført ca. 1760, genopført i slutningen af 1800-tallet.[211]
Leeds CastleBorg eller slot11–1400-talletRestaureretOmfattende genopbygning i 1822 og 1926.[212]
Leybourne CastleBorg eller slot1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Nigel Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatHus fra 1500-tallet delvist inkorporeret i ruinerne, genopført i 1931.[213]
Lullingstone CastleSemi-befæstet hus1543–80Fragment
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Portbygningen fra 1500-tallet inkorporeret i et senere hus.[214]
Lympne CastleFortified house12–1300-talletRestaureret
(c) Chris Clarke, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wedding venueRestaureret og udvidet i 1907–12.[215]
Otford PalaceBefæstet herregård1500-talletRuiner
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0

Local Authority
Paladset var et i en række huse ejet af ærkebiskoppen af Canterbury.[216]
Penshurst PlaceBefæstet herregård13–1400-talletFragment
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Omdannet i the 1800-tallet, single tower and stretch of wall survive from fortifications of c. 1400.[217]
Rochester CastleTower keep1127RuinerKeep 125 ft (38 m) high to top of turrets.[218][219]
St Leonard's Tower, West MallingTower keep1080Ruiner[220]
Saltwood CastleBorg eller slot11–1300-talletDelvist restaureretPrivat[221]
Sandgate CastleArtillerifort1539–40Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) Chris Whippet, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret i 1805–06.[222]
Scotney CastleBefæstet herregård1378–80FragmentEt enkelt bevaret tårn er inkorporeret i et senere hus.[223]
Sissinghurst CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletGenopførtIntet af befæstningen er bevaret.[224]
Starkey CastleManor house1300-talletFragment
(c) David Anstiss, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privatfint middelalderlig hal-hus bevaret fra befæstet herregård.[225]
Stone CastleTower1100-talletIntakt
(c) Ken Brown, CC BY-SA 2.0
BryllupsstedMiddelaldertårn inkorporeret i bygning i 1825.[226]
Sutton Valence CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Tonbridge CastleKeep og bailey10–1200-talletFragment
Local authority
Portbygningne er bevaret.[228]
Upnor CastleArtillerifort1559–67, 1599–1601Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) Chris Gunns, CC BY-SA 2.0
Walmer CastleArtillerifort1539Intakt
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports from 1700-tallet.[230]
Westenhanger CastleBefæstet herregårdc. 1343Fragment
(c) Ian Knox, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wedding venueGårdhus opført i ruinerne i 1700-tallet.[231]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Lancashire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Arkholme Motte
  • Castle Stede
  • Greenhalgh Castle
  • Halton Castle
  • Hapton Castle
  • Melling Motte
  • Penwortham Castle
  • Whittington Motte
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Ashton HallBeboelsestårn13–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lancaster Golf ClubNær Stodday, 1300-tals tårn inkorporeret i en senere bygning.[232]
Borwick HallPele tower1300-talletIntakt
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Udendørs uddannelsescenterInkorporeret i en bygning, der hovedsageligt stammer fra 1500-tallet.[233]
Clitheroe CastleKeep og bailey10–1100-talletRuiner
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hornby CastleKeep1200-talletFragmentPrivatKeep genopbygget i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet, inkorporeret i et 1700-1800-talshus.[235]
Lancaster CastleKeep og bailey10–1100-talletIntakt
Local authority
Fængsel fra 1745, Shire Hall fra 1900-tallet erstattede de middelalderlige bygning. Nu Crown Court.[236]
Thurland CastleBefæstet herregård13–1400-talletRebuiltPrivat apartmentsNær Tunstall, ruinerne blev genopbygget i 1879–85.[237]
Turton TowerPele tower1400-talletIntakt
(c) Bryan Pready, CC BY-SA 2.0
Inkorporeret i en senere bygning.[238]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Leicestershire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Donington Castle
  • Earl Shilton Castle
  • Gilmorton Castle
  • Groby Castle
  • Hallaton Castle
  • Hinckley Castle
  • Mountsorrel Castle
  • Sapcote Castle
  • Sauvey Castle
  • Shackerstone Castle
  • Shawell Castle
  • Whitwick Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Ashby de la Zouch CastleKeep11–1400-talletRuiner i fragmenterFortified manor converted to castle in 1474, slighted during English Civil War.[239]
Belvoir CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot16–1800-talletIntakt
Duke of Rutland
Rebuilt in 1655–68 incorporating fragments of medieval castle, Omdannet i 1801–30.[240]
Kirby Muxloe CastleFirkantet borg1480–3Ruiner i fragmenterUnfinished.[241]
Leicester CastleBorg eller slot11–1200-talletFragments
Local authority
Great hall survives, much altered.[242]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Lincolnshire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Barrow upon Humber Castle
  • Bourne Castle
  • Bytham Castle
  • Carlton Castle
  • Folkingham Castle
  • Gainsborough Castle
  • Goltho Castle†;
  • Hough-on-the-Hill Castle
  • Heydour Castle
  • Kingerby Castle
  • Owston Ferry (Kinaird) Castle
  • Sleaford Castle
  • Stamford Castle
  • Tothill Castle
  • Welbourn Castle
  • Withern Castle

Goltho Castle was built on the site of a Saxon fortified dwelling of c. 850, established by excavation.[243]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Bolingbroke CastleEnclosure castle12–1300-talletRuiner i fragmenterØdelagt efter en kort belejring i 1643.[244]
Grimsthorpe CastleBorg eller slot1200-talletFragmentOmdannet i 1700- og 1800-tallet. Det sydøstlige tårn fra 1200-tallet eksisterer stadig.[245]
Hussey TowerBeboelsestårn13–1400-talletRuiner
(c) Rodney Burton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kyme TowerBorg eller slot1300-talletFragmenter
(c) Jim Thornton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lincoln CastleKeep og bailey10–1200-talletHovedsageligt intakt
Local Authority
Dobbelt motte and bailey.[248]
Rochford TowerFortified house14–1500-talletFragment
(c) Terry Butcher, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat2 mil øst for Boston.[249]
Somerton CastleFirkantet borg1281–1305Fragment
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatKun et enkelt tårn er bevaret. Der er opført en bygning op til tårnet i 1600-tallet.[250]
Tattershall CastleTower1430sIntakt
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Murstenstårn bygget til Ralph Cromwell, restaureret i 1911–25 af Lord Curzon.[251]
Torksey CastleSemi-befæstet hus1500-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatØdelagt under den engelske borgerkrig.[252]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Merseyside.

Borge og slotte hvor der ikke finde nogle rester inkluderer:[2]

  • Liverpool Castle
  • West Derby Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Brimstage HallBeboelsestårnc. 1398Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) Sue Adair, CC BY-SA 2.0
Crafts centreTårn inkorporeret i en senere bygning fra 1500- og 1800-tallet.[253]
Leasowe CastleFolly-borg15–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelBygget i 1593, udvidet i 1600–42 og i 1800-tallet.[254]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Norfolk.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Buckenham Castle
  • Denton Castle
  • Dilham Castle
  • Gresham Castle
  • Horsford Castle
  • Hunworth Castle
  • Middleton Mount
  • Mileham Castle
  • North Elmham Castle
  • Thetford Castle†;
  • Wormegay Castle

Den bevarede motte på Thetford Castle er en af de højeste i England,[255] omkring 24 m høj.[256]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Baconsthorpe CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Christine Matthews, CC BY-SA 2.0
Burgh CastleMotte and bailey1100-talletIngen synlige rester
(c) Evelyn Simak, CC BY-SA 2.0
/ Norfolk Archaeological TrustMotte-and-baily-fæstning inden for murene af et romersk fort på den saksiske kyst.[258]
Caister CastleFirkantet borg1432–46Ruiner i fragmenter
(c) Evelyn Simak, CC BY-SA 2.0
Med voldgrav. Hovedsageligt opført i mursten af John Fastolf, et relativt intakt 90 ft (27 m) højt tårn er bevaret.[259]
Castle Acre CastleMotte and bailey10–1100-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Omfattende jordvolde.[260]
Rising CastleKeepc. 1138Ruiner[261]
Claxton CastleBorg eller slot13–1400-talletRuiner i fragmenterPrivat[262]
Norwich CastleKeepc. 1095–1110Intakt
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Fængsel i 1700- og 1800-tallet.[263]
Oxburgh HallBefæstet herregårdc. 1482IntaktTilføjelser fra 1700- og 1800-tallet.[264]
Weeting CastleBefæstet herregård1100-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Ashley Dace, CC BY-SA 2.0


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Northamptonshire.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Alderton Castle
  • Benefield Castle
  • Bury Mount (Towcester)
  • Castle Dykes (Farthingstone)
  • Fotheringhay Castle†;
  • Lilbourne Castle
  • Little Houghton Castle
  • Long Buckby Castle
  • Moor End Castle
  • Northampton Castle
  • Sulgrave Castle
  • Titchmarsh Castle

Fotheringhay Castle was the scene of the trial and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in 1587.[266]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Astwell CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletFragmentPrivat, farmGatehouse survives alongside a 17th-century house.[267]
Barnwell CastleRectangular castlec. 1266Ruiner
(c) Michael Trolove, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rockingham CastleMotte and bailey12–1800-talletRebuilt
(c) Brian Coleman, CC BY-SA 2.0
1200-tals portbygning er bevaret, meget ombygget i 1500-tallet, omdannet i 1660 og af Anthony Salvin i 1800-tallet.[269]
Thorpe Waterville CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletFragmentPrivatGreat hall with fine open roof survives, altered for use as a barn.[270]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Northumberland.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Cornhill Castle
  • Dally Castle
  • Duddo Tower
  • Elsdon Castle
  • Ford Parson's Tower
  • Great Tosson Tower
  • Haggerston Castle
  • Haltwhistle Castle
  • Heiferlaw Tower
  • Hepple Tower
  • Hethpool Tower
  • Howtel Tower
  • Kyloe Tower
  • Little Swinburne Tower
  • Lowick Castle
  • Nafferton Castle
  • Overgrass Tower
  • Ponteland Castle
  • Simonburn Castle
  • Staward Peel
  • Tarset Castle
  • Thornton Tower
  • Twizell Castle
  • Warden Castle
  • Wark Castle
  • Welton Hall
  • West Lilburn Tower
  • Widdrington Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Alnham Vicars PelePele tower1300-talletRestaureret
(c) Andrew Curtis, CC BY-SA 2.0
Alnwick CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRestaureret
Duke of Northumberland
Ombygget Robert Adam og Anthony Salvin.[272]
Aydon CastleBefæstet herregård1300-talletIntakt
(c) Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0
Omdannet til landbrugsbygning 1600-tallet.[273]
Bamburgh CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRestaureret
Lord Armstrong
Ruiner i 1704. Restaureret meget i 1894–1904.[274]
Barmoor CastleBeboelsestårn13–1800-talletRebuilt
(c) Norman MacKillop, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat1800-tals herregård der indkorporerer resterne af en bygning fra 1300-tallet.[275]
Beaufront CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1836–1841Intakt
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat1800-tals herregård på stedet hvor et beboelsestårn fra 1400-tallet lå.[276]
Bellister CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatRuiner adjoining a 17th-century house.[277]
Belsay CastleBeboelsestårn1439–60Intakt
(c) Andy F, CC BY-SA 2.0
Later ruined building attached.[278]
Berwick CastleBorg eller slot11–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Euan Nelson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bitchfield CastlePele tower1300-talletRestaureretPrivatIncorporated in later mansion.[280]
Blenkinsop CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletRuiner
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatIncorporated into a 19th-century house.[281]
Bothal CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletRebuilt
(c) george hurrell, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatStoret restaureringsarbejde udført i 1800-tallet.[282]
Bywell CastleBorg eller slot1400-talletFragments
(c) Dennis Lovett, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatGatehouse survives.[283]
Callaly CastlePele tower13–1400-talletIntakt
(c) Mick Garratt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat apartmentsIncorporated in later country house.[284]
Cartington CastlePele tower and extensions13–1400-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Mike Searle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Chillingham CastleFirkantet borg1344IntaktÆndret i 1600-1800-tallet, restaureret efter 1982.[286]
Chipchase CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletIntakt
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Inkorporerer et jacobitterhus, ændret i 1700-1800-tallet.[287]
Cocklaw TowerBeboelsestårn13–1400-talletShell
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, gårdNær Wall.[288]
Cockle Park TowerBeboelsestårnc. 1517Hovedsageligt intakt
(c) Pat Pierpoint, CC BY-SA 2.0
Newcastle University[289]
Corbridge Vicar's PelePele tower1318IntaktNyt tag i 1910.[290]
Coupland CastleBeboelsestårn15–1600-talletRestaureret
(c) Lisa Jarvis, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatSenere tilføjelser.[291]
Craster TowerPele tower13–1400-talletIntaktFeriebeboelseIncorporated in later building.[292]
Crawley TowerPele tower1300-talletRuiner
(c) Christine Westerback, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatEn hytte blev bygget inden for murene i 1700-tallet.[293]
Cresswell CastlePele tower1400-talletRuin
(c) hayley green, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dilston CastleBeboelsestårn1400-talletRuiner
(c) Peter Brooks, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ændret i 16–1700-tallet, senere bygninger blev revet ned.[295]
Dunstanburgh CastleKeep og bailey1300-talletRuiner i fragmenterSærlig flot beliggenhed ud til kysten.[296]
Edlingham CastleKeep og bailey1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter[297]
Elsdon TowerPele tower1500-talletIntakt
(c) Phil Thirkell, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret, præstebolig indtil 1960, restaureret i 1990'erne.[298]
Embleton TowerPele tower1300-talletIntakt
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat1800-tals præsebolig er bygget op til.[299]
Etal CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) JThomas, CC BY-SA 2.0
Featherstone CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletIntakt
(c) Margaret Clough, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat13-tals tårn, yderligere tre tårne blev tilføjet i 17–1800-tallet.[301]
Ford CastleFirkantet borg1300-talletHovedsageligt intakt
(c) Lisa Jarvis, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatOmdannet til herregård i 1600-tallet.[302]
Halton CastleBeboelsestårn12–1300-talletIntaktPrivatTilstødende hus senere tilføjet.[303]
Harbottle CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Pete Saunders, CC BY-SA 2.0

Northumberland National Park
Erobret af Robert Bruce in 1318.[304]
Haughton CastleBeboelsestårn12–1300-talletRestaureret
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret i 17–1800-tallet.[305]
Hexham Moot Hall and Old GaolFortified towers13–1400-talletIntakt
(c) Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0
Probably once connected by bailey wall, AD1415 list of castles has "Turris de Hexham".[306][307]
Horsley Tower, LonghorsleyPele tower1500-talletIntakt
(c) Sandra White, CC BY-SA 2.0
Langley CastleBeboelsestårnc. 1350Restaureret
(c) Ken Brown, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelRestaureret i 1890'erne.[309]
Lemmington HallBeboelsestårn1400-talletRestaureret
(c) Andrew Curtis, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wedding venueIncorporated in later house.[310]
Lindisfarne CastleArtillerifort1500-talletRestaureretRemodelled by Edwin Lutyens 1901.[311]
Mitford CastleKeep og bailey10–1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Pat Pierpoint, CC BY-SA 2.0
Morpeth CastleBorg eller slot1342–9Fragments
(c) C G Burke, CC BY-SA 2.0
Landmark TrustOnly gatehouse and a section of wall remain.[313]
Norham CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRuiner
(c) Martin Norman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Keep Omdannet i 1422–25, partly rebuilt in 1513–15.[314]
Preston Tower, EllinghamPele towerc. 1400Fragment
(c) Mark Evans, CC BY-SA 2.0
South wall remains, with two of the original four turrets.[315]
Prior Castell's TowerBeboelsestårn14–1500-talletHovedsageligt intakt
(c) Trevor Littlewood, CC BY-SA 2.0
Prudhoe CastleBorg eller slot11–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Chris Tweedy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Shilbottle TowerPele tower1400-talletRestaureret
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatIncorporated into a vicarage.[318]
Shortflatt TowerPele tower13–1400-talletRestaureretWedding venueIncorporated in later house.[319]
Thirlwall CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Norma Foggo, CC BY-SA 2.0

Northumberland National Park
Built with stone from Hadrian's Wall.[320]
Warkworth CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuiner[321]
Whittingham TowerPele tower12–1300-talletRestaureret
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatConverted for use as almshouses in 1845.[322]
Whitton TowerPele towerc. 1386IntaktFeriebeboelseNear Rothbury, well-preserved.[323]
Willimoteswick CastleBefæstet herregård1500-talletRuiner
(c) Les Hull, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, farmIncorporates remains of earlier building, largely rebuilt in 1900.[324]

North Yorkshire

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#North Yorkshire.

Borge og slotte, hvor kun rester findes inkluderer:[2]

  • Acklam Motte
  • Burton in Lonsdale Castle
  • Buttercrambe Castle
  • Carlton Castle
  • Castle Levington
  • Duffield Castle
  • Guisborough Castle
  • Harsley Castle
  • Howe Hill (Yafforth)
  • Hunmanby Castle
  • Killerby Castle
  • Kilton Castle
  • Kirkby Fleetham Castle
  • Kyme Castle
  • Lythe Castle
  • Malton Castle
  • Saxton Castle
  • Sigston Castle
  • Slingsby Castle
  • Tadcaster Castle
  • Topcliffe Castle
  • Upsall Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Ayton CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletFragment
(c) Alison Stamp, CC BY-SA 2.0

Local authority
Barden TowerBorg eller slot1400-talletRuiner
(c) Pete Chapman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bolton CastleFirkantet borg1300-talletRuinerBelejret og ødelagt under den engelske borgerkrig.[327]
Cawood CastleFirkantet borg1374–88Fragments
(c) Gordon Hatton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Landmark TrustStort set nedrevet i 1750, porthuset er bevaret.[328]
Clifford's TowerKeep1200-talletRestaureretReduceret i højden i 1596.[329]
Crayke CastleBeboelsestårn1400-talletRestaureret
(c) Paul Buckingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatTilføjelser og ændringer i 1700- og 1800-tallet.[330]
Danby CastleFirkantet borg1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) colin grice, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat, gårdDelvist brugt som gårdbygninger.[331]
Gilling CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletIntaktSt. Martin's Ampleforth SchoolTilføjelser og ændringer i 1500- og 1700-tallet.[332]
Hazlewood CastleBorg eller slot12–1700-talletRebuilt
HotelÆndret i 1700- og 1900-tallet, tidligere tilflugtssted for karmeliterordenen.[333]
Hellifield PeelBeboelsestårn13–1400-talletRestaureret
(c) sylvia duckworth, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelRestaureret 2005.[334]
Helmsley CastleBorg eller slot11–1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) colin grice, CC BY-SA 2.0
Voldsomt ødelagt i 1645.[335]
Hornby CastleCourtyard castle13–1400-talletRestaureretPrivatOmbygget til et country house af John Carr, 1700-tallet.[336]
Knaresborough CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuiner i fragmenter
Duchy of Lancaster
Marmion TowerBefæstet herregård1400-talletFragment
(c) JThomas, CC BY-SA 2.0
Overlevende portbygning fra Tanfield Castle.[338]
Middleham CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuiner[339]
(gamle) Mulgrave CastleEnclosure castle11–1200-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Mick Garratt, CC BY-SA 2.0

Marquess of Normanby
Erstattet i 1700- og 1800-tallet af en befæstet herregård kaldet Mulgrave Castle.[340]
Nappa HallBefæstet herregård1459Intakt
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatUdbygget i 1600-tallet, siden er kun lidt ændret.[341]
Pickering CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuiner[342]
Ravensworth CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Philip Barker, CC BY-SA 2.0
Richmond CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuinerKeep på omkring 30 meter.[344]
Ripley CastleBeboelsestårn14–1500-talletRebuilt
(c) jacob, CC BY-SA 2.0
Uvidet i 1783–36 i nygotisk stil.[345]
Scarborough CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletRuiner
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Sheriff Hutton CastleFirkantet borg1382Ruiner i fragmenter
(c) martin dawes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Skelton CastleCastellated house12–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Mick Garratt, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatCountry house fra 1600- til 1800-tallet inkorporerer dele af den middelalderlige borg.[348]
Skipton CastleBorg eller slot11–1600-talletRestaureret
(c) Kevin Rushton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Delvist nedrevet i 1649, genopbygget 1657–58.[349]
Snape CastleBorg eller slot14–1700-talletDelvist i ruiner
(c) Alison Stamp, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatMestendels rekonstrueret i 1600-tallet.[350]
South Cowton CastleBeboelsestårn1400-talletRestaureret
(c) Gordon Hatton, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret i 1800-tallet, gård.[351]
Spofforth CastleBefæstet herregård12–1400-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Paul Allison, CC BY-SA 2.0
Whorlton CastleBorg eller slot13–1500-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) Trish Steel, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rester af et porthus.[353]
Wilton CastleNyromantisk borg eller slotc. 1810Intakt
(c) Paul Buckingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
Privat apartmentsAf Smirke på stedet hvor en middelalderlig borg stod.[354]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Nottinghamshire.

Borge og slotte, hvor kun rester findes inkluderer:[2]

  • Annesley Castle
  • Aslockton Castle
  • Bothamsall Castle
  • Cuckney Castle
  • Egmanton Castle
  • Greasley Castle
  • Laxton Castle
  • Lowdham Castle
  • Worksop Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Halloughton Manor HousePele tower1300-talletIntakt
(c) Tom Courtney, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatBygget sammen med en senere bygning.[355]
Newark CastleBorg eller slot11–1300-talletRuiner / Newark District CouncilPorthus og dele af ringmuren og et tårn er bevaret.[356]
Nottingham CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
Nottingham City Council
Revet ned i 1651, senere opført herregård ovenpå. Et porthus fra 1300-tallet er bevaret skønt det er renoveret meget.[357]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Oxfordshire.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Ardley Castle
  • Ascot d'Oilly Castle
  • Ascott Earl Castle
  • Banbury Castle
  • Beaumont Castle
  • Brightwell Castle
  • Chipping Norton Castle
  • Deddington Castle
  • Faringdon Castle
  • FitzHarris Castle
  • Hinton Waldrist Castle
  • Radcot Castle
  • South Moreton Castle
  • Swerford Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Bampton CastleFirkantet borgc. 1315FragmentPrivatDele af portbygningen og ringmuren er bevaret i et senere hus, Ham Court.[358]
Broughton CastleBefæstet herregård13–1400-talletIntakt
(c) Tim S Addison, CC BY-SA 2.0
Omdannet i 14- til 1700-tallet.[359]
Hanwell CastleCastellated house14–1500-talletFragment
(c) Ian Rob, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatLarge surviving tower of unfortified building.[360]
Oxford CastleMotte and bailey10–1100-talletFragment
(c) Peter Trimming, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelMotte and the unusual, possibly Saxon, St. George's Tower.[361]
Rotherfield Greys CastleBefæstet herregård1300-talletFragment
(c) don cload, CC BY-SA 2.0
Towers and section of wall survive, close to Greys Court.[362]
Shirburn CastleFirkantet borgc. 1378RebuiltPrivatOriginally stone, largely rebuilt in brick c. 1720, Omdannet i the 1800-tallet.[363]
Wallingford CastleMotte and bailey10–1200-talletRester i fragmenterØdelagt i 1652, omfattende jordvolde er bevaret.[364]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Rutland.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Burley Castle
  • Essendine Castle
  • Uppingham Castle
  • Woodhead Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Oakham CastleMotte and bailey11–1200-talletFragment
(c) Attribution details., CC BY-SA 2.5
/ Rutland County CouncilStorsal med midtergang bygget i 1180–1190 og er bevaret.[365]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Shropshire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

  • Apley Castle
  • Belan Bank (Kinnerley)
  • Bishop's Castle
  • Bryn Amlwg Castle
  • Buckhurst Castle
  • Bucknell Castle
  • Caus Castle
  • Charlton Castle
  • Cleobury Castle
  • Clungunford Castle
  • Colebatch Castle
  • Corfham Castle
  • Ellesmere Castle
  • Fordhall castle
  • Hodnet Castle
  • Holdgate Castle
  • Knockin Castle
  • Lea Castle
  • Little Ness Castle
  • Middlehope Castle
  • Minton Castle
  • Myddle Castle
  • Oswestry Castle
  • Pulverbatch Castle
  • Rushbury Castle
  • Ruyton-XI-Towns Castle
  • Shrawardine Castle
  • Stapleton Castle
  • Wem Castle
  • Soulton Castle
  • The Beacon (Bretchel)
  • Tong Castle
  • Tyrley Castle
  • West Felton Castle
  • Wilcott Castle
  • Wollaston Castle
  • Yockleton Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Acton Burnell CastleBefæstet herregård1200-talletRuinerSkal, brugt som lade i 1700-tallet.[366]
Alberbury CastleBorg eller slot1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Peter Craine, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bridgnorth CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRester i fragmenterØdelagt i 1645.[368]
Broncroft CastleBefæstet herregård1300-talletIntakt
(c) Dave Logan, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatRenoveret i 1800-tallet.[369]
Cheney Longville CastleBefæstet herregård13–1600-talletPart habitablePrivatBuilding At Risk.[370]
Clun CastleKeep og bailey1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Betty Longbottom, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ruiner of keep built onto side of motte.[371]
Hopton CastleKeep og bailey1300-talletRuiner[372]
Ludlow CastleKeep og bailey10–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Ian Capper, CC BY-SA 2.0

Jarl af Powis
En af de store walisiske grænseborge.[373]
Moreton Corbet CastleKeep1100-talletRester i fragmenterLigger op til en bygning fra 1500-tallet.[374]
Quatford CastleNyromantisk borg eller slotc. 1830Intakt
(c) John M, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatDer findes jordvolde nær ved fra den middelalderlige Quatford Castle.[375]
Red CastleBorg eller slot1200-talletRester i fragmenter.Overgroet, ligger i landskabshaven Hawkstone Park. Building At Risk.[376]
Rowton CastleFolly-borg17–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Richard Dorrell, CC BY-SA 2.0
HotelEn middelalderborg, ombygget i 1809–12 af George Wyatt.[377]
Shrewsbury CastleBorg eller slot1100-talletRebuilt
Shropshire Council
Restaureret og overvåget i 1642, ændret ca 1790 af Telford.[378]
Stokesay CastleBefæstet herregård12–1300-talletIntaktRestaureret i 1800-tallet.[379]
Wattlesborough CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletFragment
(c) Row17, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatNær Rowton, keep/tårn er bevaret, ligger op til Wattlesborough Hall.[380]
Whittington CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletFragments
(c) Peter Bruffell, CC BY-SA 2.0

Local community
Portbygning er bevaret.[381]


Uddybende Uddybende artikel: Liste over borge og slotte i Somerset
Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Somerset.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer::[2]

  • Ballands Castle
  • Bridgwater Castle
  • Bury Castle
  • Cary Castle
  • Castle Batch (Worle)
  • Castle Neroche
  • Cockroad Wood Castle
  • Crewkerne Castle
  • Culverhay Castle
  • Fenny Castle
  • Montacute Castle
  • Richmont Castle
  • Stowey Castle
  • Wimble Toot Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Banwell CastleNyromantisk borg eller slotc. 1848Intakt
(c) Tim Lethaby, CC BY-SA 2.0
RestaurantUkendt arkitekt.[382]
Beckington Castle1600-talletRebuilt
(c) Maurice Pullin, CC BY-SA 2.0
Company HQMiddelalderdele er inkorporeret i senere bygning.[383]
Dunster CastleBorg eller slot12–1800-talletRebuilt
(c) Mike Crowe, CC BY-SA 2.0
Eksisterende hus dateres for en stor dels vedkommende til omkring 1571 med ændringer fra 1700- og 1800-tallet.[384]
Farleigh Hungerford CastleEnclosure castle13–1400-talletRuinerPå en høj med udsigt til floden Frome.[385]
Newton St Loe CastleBefæstet herregård1300-talletFragment
(c) Rick Crowley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bath Spa UniversityStort tårn og portbygning, ændret i 15–1600-tallet.[386]
Nunney CastleFirkantet borg1373Ruiner
(c) Trish Steel, CC BY-SA 2.0
Tårnene havde oprindeligt koniske tage, nordmure kollapsede 1910.[387]
Stogursey CastleMotte and bailey10–1100-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Andrew Riley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Landmark Trust17th-century house built within the remains of the castle.[388]
Sutton CourtBefæstet herregård13–1400-talletFragmentPrivat apartmentsShort length of embattled wall and a tower survive, incorporated in large house, restored in the 1800-tallet.[389]
Taunton CastleSkalkeep1200-talletRestaureretNow houses the Museum of Somerset, Borg eller slot Hotel incorporates remains of an outer gatehouse.[390]
Walton CastleFolly-borg1615–20RestaureretPrivatRestaureret as private house 1900-tallet.[391]
Wells Bishop's PalaceFortified palace12–1400-talletHovedsageligt intakt
(c) Colin Madge, CC BY-SA 2.0

Church of England
Adjacent to cathedral, residence of the Bishop of Bath and Wells.[392]

South Yorkshire

Hovedartikel: Borge eller slotte i South Yorkshire.
Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#South Yorkshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Bradfield Castle (Bailey Hill)
  • Doncaster Castle
  • Hangthwaite Castle
  • Kimberworth Castle
  • Laughton Castle
  • Mexborough Castle
  • Sheffield Castle
  • Manor Castle
  • Thorne Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Conisbrough CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletRuinerCylindrisk keep. Borgen stod i ruiner inden den engelske borgerkrig og blev derfor ikke ødelagt i denne periode.[393]
Tickhill CastleMotte and bailey10–1300-talletRester i fragmenterDuchy of LancasterPortbygning i ruiner. Dele af ringmuren består.[394]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Staffordshire.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Audley Castle
  • Heighley Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Alton CastleBorg eller slot11–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Dennis Thorley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Youth centreCliff-top position, site partly occupied by a 19th-century building.[395]
Caverswall CastleEnclosure castlec. 1275Hovedsageligt intaktPrivatMoated, walls and towers reduced in height, a 17th-century mansion built within.[396]
Chartley CastleMotte and bailey10–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) stephen betteridge, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatÆndret i 1200-tallet til at danne en lukket borg. Forladt i 1485.[397]
Eccleshall CastleBorg eller slot1300-talletRester i fragmenterPrivatResterne er delvist inkorporeret i et hus fra ca 1695. Genopført i 1800-tallet.[398]
Stafford CastleMotte and bailey10–1100-talletEarthworks
(c) Simon Huguet, CC BY-SA 2.0
/ Stafford Borough CouncilMiddelalderligt keep delvist genopført i 1800-tallet, derefter delvist nedrevet.[399]
Stourton CastleBorg eller slot13–1400-talletFragment
(c) Gareth Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatRester inkorporeret i senere bygninger.[400]
Tamworth CastleSkalkeep10–1200-talletRebuilt
(c) Stan, CC BY-SA 2.0

Local authority
En stor del blev genopført i 1500- til 1700-tallet.[401]
Tutbury CastleMotte and bailey11–1400-talletRuiner i fragmenter
(c) M J Richardson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ødeagt i 1647–48. En folly fra 1800-tallet står på motten.[402]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Suffolk.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Denham Castle
  • Freckenham Castle
  • Great Ashfield Castle
  • Haughley Castle
  • Ipswich Castle
  • Lidgate Castle
  • Milden Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Bungay CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Martin Luff, CC BY-SA 2.0
/ Bungay Castle TrustAbandoned c. 1365.[403]
Clare CastleMotte and bailey1000-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Oxyman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Motte 53 ft (16 m) high.[404]
Eye CastleMotte and bailey1000-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Bob Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0
Motte over 40 ft (12 m) high.[405]
Framlingham CastleEnclosure castle1100-talletRuinerUsed as a poor house in the 17–19th centuries.[406]
Mettingham CastleBefæstet herregårdc. 1342Rester i fragmenter
(c) Graham Horn, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatGatehouse survives.[407]
Orford CastleKeep1165–73IntaktUnique polygonal keep survives.[408]
Wingfield CastleBorg eller slotc. 1385Fragment
(c) Robert Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatSouth curtain wall, gatehouse and east drawbridge survive, with a 16–17th-century house.[409]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Surrey.

Borge og slotte hvor kun rester findes inkluderer:[2]

  • Abinger Castle
  • Betchworth Castle
  • Bletchingley Castle
  • Cranleigh Castle (Broomhall Copse)
  • Reigate Castle
  • Starborough Castle
  • Thunderfield Castle
  • Walton-on-the-Hill Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Farnham CastleKeep og bailey1100-talletHovedsageligt intaktSkalkeep erstattede et tidligere keep, der er delvist begravet. Delvist ombygget i 1600-tallet.[410]
Guildford CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletRuiner
Local authority
Keepet er bevaret. Det har været uden tag siden 1600-tallet.[411]

Tyne and Wear

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Tyne and Wear.

Borge og slotte hvor kun rester findes inkluderer:[2]

  • Burradon Tower
  • Heaton Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Hylton CastleBeboelsestårnc. 1400RuinerLarge gatehouse tower, incorporated into an 18th-century house, since demolished.[412]
Newcastle CastleKeep og bailey1172–77Restaureret
(c) R J McNaughton, CC BY-SA 2.0
/ Newcastle City CouncilKeep and gatehouse survive.[413]
Old HollinsideBefæstet herregård1200-talletRuiner
(c) brian clark, CC BY-SA 2.0
On slope overlooking River Derwent.[414]
Ravensworth CastleFirkantet borg13–1800-talletRuiner
(c) john tollitt, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatTwo towers of medieval castle survive, amidst ruins of later building. Building At Risk.[415]
Tynemouth CastleEnclosure castle12–1300-talletRuinerBuilt to enclose and protect the priory, modified as artillery castle 1500-tallet.[416]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Warwickshire.

Borge og slotte hvor kun jordvolde eller rester er bevaret inkluderer:[2]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Astley CastleBefæstet herregård12–1300-talletShell
(c) Graham Burnett, CC BY-SA 2.0
Landmark TrustÆndret i 1400- til 1800-tallet. Hotel inden en brand i 1978. Moderne beboelse er blevet konstrueret inde i skallen. Vinder af Stirling Prize 2013.[417]
Kenilworth CastleKeep og bailey11–1300-talletRuinerÆndret i 1500-tallet, ødelagt i 1650.[418]
Maxstoke CastleFirkantet borg13–1400-talletHovedsageligt intaktNGSVoldgrave. Husbygninger fra 1400- til 1800-tallet med ringmur.[419]
Warwick CastleBorg eller slot12–1400-talletIntaktGuy's Tower står ca. 39 meter høj. Beboelsesblok fra 1600-tallet. Omdannet af Anthony Salvin after fire.[420]

West Midlands

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#West Midlands.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Dudley CastleKeep og bailey12–1300-talletRuiner
Dudley Zoo
Slighted in 1647, then rebuilt and inhabited until destroyed by fire in 1750, partly restored in the 1800-tallet.[421]

West Sussex

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#West Sussex.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Amberley CastleBorg eller slot1377–82Partly habitableHotelOmdannet i the 1500-tallet and later, incorporates a 12th-century manor, working portcullis.[422]
Arundel CastleKeep og bailey11–1200-talletHeavily restored
(c) Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0

Duke of Norfolk
Omdannet i 1791–1815 and 1890–1903.[423]
Bramber CastleKeep og bailey10–1100-talletRester i fragmenterCommanding position, earthworks and fragment of wall remain.[424]
Halnaker HouseBefæstet herregård12–1300-talletRuiner
(c) Colin Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatAltered in the 1700-tallet, fell into ruin 1880s, replaced by later house of same name.[425]
(Old) Knepp CastleKeep and motte1214RuinerPrivat11th century motte, with keep added in 1214. Mostly demolished in 1726.[426]

West Yorkshire

Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#West Yorkshire.

Borge og slotte som kun eksisterer som jordvolde, fragmenter eller intet er bevaret:[2]

  • Almondbury Castle
  • Bardsey Castle
  • Barwick-in-Elmet Castle
  • Sowerby Castle
  • Wakefield Castle
  • Wetherby Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Dobroyd CastleFolly-borg1866–9Intakt
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Activity centreBy John Gibson.[427]
Harewood CastleBeboelsestårn1300-talletRuinerPrivatShell of tower, substantially intact, within Harewood House estate.[428]
Pontefract CastleEnclosure castle11–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Betty Longbottom, CC BY-SA 2.0

Local authority
Royal castle, withstood three sieges during English Civil War, afterwards dismantled.[429]
Sandal CastleMotte and bailey1100-talletRester i fragmenterWell-preserved earthworks, excavated site with visitor centre.[430]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Wiltshire.

Borge og slotte hvoraf kun lidt eller intet er tilbage inkluderer:[2]

  • Ashton Keynes Castle
  • Bincknoll Castle
  • Castle Combe Castle
  • Castle Orchard
  • Lewisham Castle
  • Malmesbury Castle
  • Marlborough Castle
  • Mere Castle
  • Norwood Castle
  • Sherrington Castle
  • Stapleford Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Devizes CastleNyromantisk borg eller slot1800-talletIntakt
(c) Mike Faherty, CC BY-SA 2.0
Private lejlighederDen nuværende bygning blev påbegyndt i 1862 på samme sted, hvor der lå en vigtig middelalderborg.[431]
Longford CastleFolly-borg1591IntaktJarl af RadnorOmdannet i the 1700-tallet.[432]
Ludgershall CastleRingwork10–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Janine Forbes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rester af et tårn og stor jordvolde.[433]
Old Sarum CastleMotte and bailey10–1200-talletRester i fragmenter
(c) Chris Gunns, CC BY-SA 2.0
Oven på et voldsted fra jernalderen.[434]
Old Wardour CastleBorg eller slotc. 1393Ruiner
(c) nick macneill, CC BY-SA 2.0
Omdannet i 1500- og 1600-tallet. Erstattet af Palladian bygning kendt som New Wardour Castle.[435]


Se også Se også: Kort over borge og slotte i England efter county: L–W#Worcestershire.

Borge hvoraf kun jordvolde er bevaret:[2]

  • Castlemorton Castle
  • Elmley Castle
  • Hanley Castle
  • Homme Castle
  • Inkberrow Castle
  • Leigh Castle
  • Tenbury Wells Castle
NavnTypeDatoStandBilledeEjerskab / AdgangNoter
Caldwall CastleBefæstet herregård14–1500-talletFragment
(c) Richard Rogerson, CC BY-SA 2.0
PrivatSingle surviving tower, in Kidderminster, Caldwall or Caldwell.[436]
Hartlebury CastleBefæstet herregård1400-talletRebuilt
(c) Stephen McKay, CC BY-SA 2.0

Church of England
Rester fra 1400-tallet er inkorporeret i senere bygninger. Residens for biskoppen af Worcester indtil 2007. I dag huser det Worcestershire County Museum.[437]
Holt CastleBorg eller slot13–1800-talletIntakt
(c) Peter Whatley, CC BY-SA 2.0
BryllupsstedMiddelalderligt tårn inkorporeret i senere bygninger.[438]
Worcester CastleBorg eller slot12–1300-talletFragment
(c) Bob Embleton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Church of EnglandEdgar Tower, nu indgang til College Green, rester af brogens porthus kan være inkorporeret.[439]

Se også


Primære kilder
  • BLB – British Listed Buildings hjemmeside (hentet marts; senest besøg 5. oktober 2012)
  • PSC – Pastscape hjemmeside (hentet marts; senest besøg 5. oktober 2012)

  1. ^ Brown (1962), p.16.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at King (1983).
  3. ^ "Bedford Castle" PSC.
  4. ^ "Someries Castle" PSC.
  5. ^ "Donnington Castle" PSC.
  6. ^ "Windsor Castle" BLB.
  7. ^ "Boarstall Tower" PSC.
  8. ^ "Buckden Palace" PSC.
  9. ^ "Elton Hall" PSC.
  10. ^ "Kimbolton Castle" PSC.
  11. ^ "Kirtling Tower" PSC.
  12. ^ "Longthorpe Tower" PSC.
  13. ^ "Northborough Castle" PSC.
  14. ^ "Woodcroft Castle" PSC.
  15. ^ "Beeston Castle" PSC.
  16. ^ "Chester Castle" PSC.
  17. ^ "Cholmondeley Castle" BLB.
  18. ^ "Delves Hall" PSC.
  19. ^ "Halton Castle" PSC.
  20. ^ "Peckforton Castle" BLB.
  21. ^ "Auckland Castle" PSC.
  22. ^ "Barnard Castle" PSC.
  23. ^ "Bowes Castle" PSC.
  24. ^ "Brancepeth Castle" PSC.
  25. ^ "Durham Castle" PSC.
  26. ^ "Lambton Castle" PSC.
  27. ^ "Lumley Castle" PSC.
  28. ^ "Mortham Tower" PSC.
  29. ^ "Raby Castle" PSC.
  30. ^ "Lambton Castle" PSC.
  31. ^ "Scargill Castle" PSC.
  32. ^ "Walworth Castle" PSC.
  33. ^ "Witton Castle" PSC.
  34. ^ "Caerhays Castle" PSC.
  35. ^ "Carn Brea Castle" PSC.
  36. ^ "Ince Castle" PSC.
  37. ^ "Launceston Castle" PSC.
  38. ^ "Pendennis Castle" PSC.
  39. ^ "Pengersick Castle" PSC.
  40. ^ "Place House" PSC.
  41. ^ "Restormel Castle" PSC.
  42. ^ "St. Catherine's Castle" PSC.
  43. ^ "St. Mawes Castle" PSC.
  44. ^ "St. Michael's Mount" PSC.
  45. ^ "Tintagel Castle" PSC.
  46. ^ "Trematon Castle" PSC.
  47. ^ "Appleby Castle" PSC.
  48. ^ "Armathwaite Castle" PSC.
  49. ^ "Arnside Tower" PSC.
  50. ^ "Askerton Castle" PSC.
  51. ^ "Beetham Hall" PSC.
  52. ^ "Bewcastle Castle" PSC.
  53. ^ "Bewley Castle" PSC.
  54. ^ "Blencow Hall" PSC.
  55. ^ "Brackenburgh Old Tower" PSC.
  56. ^ "Brackenhill Tower" PSC.
  57. ^ "Branthwaite Hall" PSC.
  58. ^ "Brough Castle" PSC.
  59. ^ "Brougham Castle" PSC.
  60. ^ "Brougham Hall" PSC.
  61. ^ "Broughton Tower" PSC.
  62. ^ "Burneside Hall" PSC.
  63. ^ "Carlisle Castle" PSC.
  64. ^ "Catterlen Hall" PSC.
  65. ^ "Clifton Hall" PSC.
  66. ^ "Cockermouth Castle" PSC.
  67. ^ "Corby Castle " PSC.
  68. ^ "Dacre Castle" PSC.
  69. ^ "Dalston Hall" PSC.
  70. ^ "Dalton Castle" PSC.
  71. ^ "Drawdykes Castle" PSC.
  72. ^ "Drumburgh Castle" PSC.
  73. ^ "Gleaston Castle" PSC.
  74. ^ "Greystoke Castle" PSC.
  75. ^ "Harbybrow Tower" PSC.
  76. ^ "Hayton Castle" PSC.
  77. ^ "Hazelslack Tower" PSC.
  78. ^ "Howgill Castle" PSC.
  79. ^ "Hutton-in-the-Forest" PSC.
  80. ^ "Hutton John" PSC.
  81. ^ "Ingmire Hall" PSC.
  82. ^ "Isel Hall" PSC.
  83. ^ "Kendal Castle" PSC.
  84. ^ "Kentmere Hall" PSC.
  85. ^ "Kirkandrews Tower" PSC.
  86. ^ "Linstock Castle" PSC.
  87. ^ "Lowther Castle" PSC.
  88. ^ "Middleton Hall" PSC.
  89. ^ "Millom Castle" PSC.
  90. ^ "Muncaster Castle" PSC.
  91. ^ "Naworth Castle" PSC.
  92. ^ "Newbiggin Hall" PSC.
  93. ^ "Pendragon Castle" PSC.
  94. ^ "Penrith Castle" PSC.
  95. ^ "Piel Castle" PSC.
  96. ^ "Prior's Tower" PSC.
  97. ^ "Rose Castle" PSC.
  98. ^ "Scaleby Castle" PSC.
  99. ^ "Sizergh Castle" PSC.
  100. ^ "Toppin Castle" BLB.
  101. ^ "Ubarrow Hall" PSC.
  102. ^ "Wharton Hall" PSC.
  103. ^ "Whitehall, Allhallows" BLB.
  104. ^ Emery (1996), p.256.
  105. ^ "Workington Hall" PSC.
  106. ^ "Wray Castle" PSC.
  107. ^ "Wraysholme Tower" PSC.
  108. ^ "Yanwath Hall" PSC.
  109. ^ "Bolsover Castle" PSC.
  110. ^ "Codnor Castle" PSC.
  111. ^ "Elvaston Castle" PSC.
  112. ^ "Haddon Hall" PSC.
  113. ^ "Mackworth Castle" PSC.
  114. ^ "Peveril Castle" PSC.
  115. ^ "Riber Castle" BLB.
  116. ^ "Wingfield Manor" PSC.
  117. ^ "Affeton Castle" BLB.
  118. ^ "Berry Pomeroy Castle" PSC.
  119. ^ "Bickleigh Castle" PSC.
  120. ^ "Compton Castle" PSC.
  121. ^ "Dartmouth Castle" PSC.
  122. ^ "Castle Drogo" PSC.
  123. ^ "Gidleigh Castle" PSC.
  124. ^ "Hemyock Castle" PSC.
  125. ^ "Kingswear Castle" PSC.
  126. ^ "Lydford Castle" PSC.
  127. ^ "Marisco Castle" PSC.
  128. ^ "Okehampton Castle" PSC.
  129. ^ "Plympton Castle" PSC.
  130. ^ "Powderham Castle" PSC.
  131. ^ "Rougemont Castle" PSC.
  132. ^ "Salcombe Castle" PSC.
  133. ^ "Tiverton Castle" PSC.
  134. ^ "Totnes Castle" PSC.
  135. ^ "Watermouth Castle" PSC.
  136. ^ "Brownsea Castle" PSC.
  137. ^ "Christchurch Castle" PSC.
  138. ^ "Corfe Castle" PSC.
  139. ^ "Lulworth Castle" PSC.
  140. ^ "Pennsylvania Castle" PSC.
  141. ^ "Portland Castle" PSC.
  142. ^ "Rufus Castle" PSC.
  143. ^ "Sherborne Old Castle" PSC.
  144. ^ "Woodsford Castle" PSC.
  145. ^ "Paull Holme Tower" PSC.
  146. ^ "Skipsea Castle" PSC.
  147. ^ "Wressle Castle" PSC.
  148. ^ "Bodiam Castle" PSC.
  149. ^ "Camber Castle" PSC.
  150. ^ "Hastings Castle" PSC.
  151. ^ "Herstmonceux Castle" PSC.
  152. ^ "Lewes Castle" PSC.
  153. ^ "Pevensey Castle" PSC.
  154. ^ "Ypres Tower" PSC.
  155. ^ "Pleshey Castle" PSC.
  156. ^ "Colchester Castle" PSC.
  157. ^ "Hadleigh Castle" PSC.
  158. ^ "Hedingham Castle" PSC.
  159. ^ "Walden Castle" PSC.
  160. ^ "Berkeley Castle" PSC.
  161. ^ "Beverstone Castle" PSC.
  162. ^ "St. Briavel's Castle" PSC.
  163. ^ "Sudeley Castle" PSC.
  164. ^ "Thornbury Castle" PSC.
  165. ^ "Home — The White House London". Arkiveret fra originalen 30. marts 2017. Hentet 29. september 2017.
  166. ^ "White Tower" PSC.
  167. ^ "Radcliffe Tower" PSC.
  168. ^ "Calshot Castle" PSC.
  169. ^ "Hurst Castle" PSC.
  170. ^ "Netley Castle" PSC.
  171. ^ "Odiham Castle" PSC.
  172. ^ "Portchester Castle" PSC.
  173. ^ "Southampton Castle" PSC.
  174. ^ "Southsea Castle" PSC.
  175. ^ "Winchester Castle" PSC.
  176. ^ "Wolvesey Castle" PSC.
  177. ^ "Ewyas Harold Castle" PSC.
  178. ^ "Brampton Bryan Castle" PSC.
  179. ^ "Clifford Castle" PSC.
  180. ^ "Croft Castle" PSC.
  181. ^ "Downton Castle" BLB.
  182. ^ "Eastnor Castle" PSC.
  183. ^ "Goodrich Castle" PSC.
  184. ^ "Hampton Court" PSC.
  185. ^ "Kentchurch Court" PSC.
  186. ^ "Kinnersley Castle" PSC.
  187. ^ "Longtown Castle" PSC.
  188. ^ "Pembridge Castle" PSC.
  189. ^ "Snodhill Castle" PSC.
  190. ^ "Treago Castle" PSC.
  191. ^ "Wigmore Castle" PSC.
  192. ^ "Wilton Castle" PSC.
  193. ^ "Defending the Castle". Hentet 10. februar 2015.
  194. ^ "Berkhamsted Castle" PSC.
  195. ^ "Hertford Castle" PSC.
  196. ^ "Carisbrooke Castle" PSC.
  197. ^ "Norris Castle" PSC.
  198. ^ "Yarmouth Castle" PSC.
  199. ^ "West Cowes Castle" PSC.
  200. ^ "Cromwell's Castle" PSC.
  201. ^ "Star Castle" PSC.
  202. ^ "Allington Castle" PSC.
  203. ^ "Canterbury Castle" PSC.
  204. ^ "Chiddingstone Castle" PSC.
  205. ^ "Chilham Castle" PSC.
  206. ^ "Cooling Castle" PSC.
  207. ^ "Deal Castle" PSC.
  208. ^ "Dover Castle" PSC.
  209. ^ "Eynsford Castle" PSC.
  210. ^ "Hever Castle" PSC.
  211. ^ "Kingsgate Castle" BLB.
  212. ^ "Leeds Castle" PSC.
  213. ^ "Leybourne Castle" PSC.
  214. ^ "Lullingstone Castle" PSC.
  215. ^ "Lympne Castle" PSC.
  216. ^ "Otford Palace 1" "Otford Palace 2" BLB.
  217. ^ "Penshurst Place" BLB.
  218. ^ Brown (1962), p.69.
  219. ^ "Rochester Castle" PSC.
  220. ^ "St. Leonard's Tower" PSC.
  221. ^ "Saltwood Castle" PSC.
  222. ^ "Sandgate Castle" PSC.
  223. ^ "Scotney Castle" PSC.
  224. ^ "Sissinghurst Castle" PSC.
  225. ^ "Starkey Castle" BLB.
  226. ^ "Stone Castle" PSC.
  227. ^ "Sutton Valence Castle" PSC.
  228. ^ "Tonbridge Castle" PSC.
  229. ^ "Upnor Castle" PSC.
  230. ^ "Walmer Castle" PSC.
  231. ^ "Westenhanger Castle" PSC.
  232. ^ "Ashton Hall" PSC.
  233. ^ "Borwick Hall" PSC.
  234. ^ "Clitheroe Castle" PSC.
  235. ^ "Hornby Castle" PSC.
  236. ^ "Lancaster Castle" PSC.
  237. ^ "Thurland Castle" PSC.
  238. ^ "Turton Tower" PSC.
  239. ^ "Ashby de la Zouch Castle" PSC.
  240. ^ "Belvoir Castle" PSC.
  241. ^ "Kirby Muxloe Castle" PSC.
  242. ^ "Leicester Castle" PSC.
  243. ^ "Goltho Castle" PSC.
  244. ^ "Bolingbroke Castle" PSC.
  245. ^ "Grimsthorpe Castle" PSC.
  246. ^ "Hussey Tower" PSC.
  247. ^ "Kyme Tower" PSC.
  248. ^ "Lincoln Castle" PSC.
  249. ^ "Rochford Tower" PSC.
  250. ^ "Somerton Castle" PSC.
  251. ^ "Tattershall Castle" PSC.
  252. ^ "Torksey Castle" PSC.
  253. ^ "Brimstage Hall" PSC.
  254. ^ "Leasowe Castle" PSC.
  255. ^ Brown (1962), p.59.
  256. ^ "Thetford Castle" PSC.
  257. ^ "Baconsthorpe Castle" PSC.
  258. ^ "Burgh Castle" PSC.
  259. ^ "Caister Castle" PSC.
  260. ^ "Castle Acre Castle" PSC.
  261. ^ "Castle Rising Castle" PSC.
  262. ^ "Claxton Castle" PSC.
  263. ^ "Norwich Castle" PSC.
  264. ^ "Oxburgh Hall" PSC.
  265. ^ "Weeting Castle" PSC.
  266. ^ "Fotheringhay Castle" PSC.
  267. ^ "Astwell Castle" PSC.
  268. ^ "Barnwell Castle" PSC.
  269. ^ "Rockingham Castle" PSC.
  270. ^ "Thorpe Waterville Castle" PSC.
  271. ^ "Alnham Vicars Pele" PSC.
  272. ^ "Alnwick Castle" PSC.
  273. ^ "Aydon Castle" PSC.
  274. ^ "Bamburgh Castle" PSC.
  275. ^ "Barmoor Castle" BLB.
  276. ^ "Beaufront Castle" PSC.
  277. ^ "Bellister Castle" PSC.
  278. ^ "Belsay Castle" PSC.
  279. ^ "Berwick Castle" PSC.
  280. ^ "Bitchfield Castle" PSC.
  281. ^ "Blenkinsop Castle" PSC.
  282. ^ "Bothal Castle" PSC.
  283. ^ "Bywell Castle" PSC.
  284. ^ "Callaly Castle" PSC.
  285. ^ "Cartington Castle" PSC.
  286. ^ "Chillingham Castle" PSC.
  287. ^ "Chipchase Castle" PSC.
  288. ^ "Cocklaw Tower" PSC.
  289. ^ "Cockle Park Tower" PSC.
  290. ^ "Corbridge Vicar's Pele" PSC.
  291. ^ "Coupland Castle" PSC.
  292. ^ "Craster Tower" PSC.
  293. ^ "Crawley Tower" PSC.
  294. ^ "Cresswell Castle" PSC.
  295. ^ "Dilston Castle" PSC.
  296. ^ "Dunstanburgh Castle" PSC.
  297. ^ "Edlingham Castle" PSC.
  298. ^ "Elsdon Tower" PSC.
  299. ^ "Embleton Tower" PSC.
  300. ^ "Etal Castle" PSC.
  301. ^ "Featherstone Castle" PSC.
  302. ^ "Ford Castle" PSC.
  303. ^ "Halton Castle" PSC.
  304. ^ "Harbottle Castle" PSC.
  305. ^ "Haughton Castle" PSC.
  306. ^ "Hexham Moot Hall" PSC.
  307. ^ "Hexham Old Gaol" PSC.
  308. ^ "Horsley Tower" PSC.
  309. ^ "Langley Castle" PSC.
  310. ^ "Lemmington Hall" PSC.
  311. ^ "Lindisfarne Castle" PSC.
  312. ^ "Mitford Castle" PSC.
  313. ^ "Morpeth Castle" PSC.
  314. ^ "Norham Castle" PSC.
  315. ^ "Preston Tower" PSC.
  316. ^ "Prior Castell's Tower" PSC.
  317. ^ "Prudhoe Castle" PSC.
  318. ^ "Shilbottle Tower" PSC.
  319. ^ "Shortflatt Tower" PSC.
  320. ^ "Thirlwall Castle" PSC.
  321. ^ "Warkworth Castle" PSC.
  322. ^ "Whittingham Tower" PSC.
  323. ^ "Whitton Tower" PSC.
  324. ^ "Willimoteswick Castle" Gatehouse
  325. ^ "Ayton Castle" PSC.
  326. ^ "Barden Tower" PSC.
  327. ^ "Bolton Castle" PSC.
  328. ^ "Cawood Castle" PSC.
  329. ^ "Clifford's Tower" PSC.
  330. ^ "Crayke Castle" BLB.
  331. ^ "Danby Castle" PSC.
  332. ^ "Gilling Castle" PSC.
  333. ^ "Hazlewood Castle" PSC.
  334. ^ "Hellifield Peel" PSC.
  335. ^ "Helmsley Castle" PSC.
  336. ^ "Hornby Castle" PSC.
  337. ^ "Knaresborough Castle" PSC.
  338. ^ "Marmion Tower" PSC.
  339. ^ "Middleham Castle" PSC.
  340. ^ "Old Mulgrave Castle" PSC.
  341. ^ "Nappa Hall" BLB.
  342. ^ "Pickering Castle" PSC.
  343. ^ "Ravensworth Castle" PSC.
  344. ^ "Richmond Castle" PSC.
  345. ^ "Ripley Castle" PSC.
  346. ^ "Scarborough Castle" PSC.
  347. ^ "Sheriff Hutton Castle" PSC.
  348. ^ "Skelton Castle" BLB.
  349. ^ "Skipton Castle" PSC.
  350. ^ "Snape Castle" BLB.
  351. ^ "South Cowton Castle" PSC.
  352. ^ "Spofforth Castle" PSC.
  353. ^ "Whorlton Castle" PSC.
  354. ^ "Wilton Castle" BLB.
  355. ^ "Halloughton Manor House" PSC.
  356. ^ "Newark Castle" PSC.
  357. ^ "Nottingham Castle" PSC.
  358. ^ "Bampton Castle" PSC.
  359. ^ "Broughton Castle" PSC.
  360. ^ "Hanwell Castle" PSC.
  361. ^ Blair (1998), p.137.
  362. ^ "Greys Court" PSC.
  363. ^ "Shirburn Castle" PSC.
  364. ^ "Wallingford Castle" PSC.
  365. ^ "Oakham Castle" PSC.
  366. ^ "Acton Burnell Castle" PSC.
  367. ^ "Alberbury Castle" PSC.
  368. ^ "Bridgnorth Castle" PSC.
  369. ^ "Broncroft Castle" PSC.
  370. ^ "Cheney Longville Castle" PSC.
  371. ^ "Clun Castle" PSC.
  372. ^ "Hopton Castle" PSC.
  373. ^ "Ludlow Castle" PSC.
  374. ^ "Moreton Corbet Castle" PSC.
  375. ^ "Quatford Castle" BLB.
  376. ^ "Red Castle" PSC.
  377. ^ "Rowton Castle" PSC.
  378. ^ "Shrewsbury Castle" PSC.
  379. ^ "Stokesay Castle" PSC.
  380. ^ "Wattlesborough Castle" PSC.
  381. ^ "Whittington Castle" PSC.
  382. ^ "Banwell Castle" PSC.
  383. ^ Buildings of England, Somerset: South & West (1958) ISBN 978-0-300-09644-6.
  384. ^ "Dunster Castle" PSC.
  385. ^ "Farleigh Hungerford Castle" PSC.
  386. ^ "Newton St Loe" PSC.
  387. ^ "Nunney Castle" PSC.
  388. ^ "Stogursey Castle" PSC.
  389. ^ "Sutton Court" PSC.
  390. ^ "Taunton Castle" PSC.
  391. ^ "Walton Castle" PSC.
  392. ^ "Wells Bishop's Palace" BLB.
  393. ^ "Conisbrough Castle" PSC.
  394. ^ "Tickhill Castle" PSC.
  395. ^ "Alton Castle" PSC.
  396. ^ "Caverswall Castle" PSC.
  397. ^ "Chartley Castle" PSC.
  398. ^ "Eccleshall Castle" PSC.
  399. ^ "Stafford Castle" PSC.
  400. ^ "Stourton Castle" PSC.
  401. ^ "Tamworth Castle" PSC.
  402. ^ "Tutbury Castle" PSC.
  403. ^ "Bungay Castle" PSC.
  404. ^ "Clare Castle" PSC.
  405. ^ "Eye Castle" PSC.
  406. ^ "Framlingham Castle" PSC.
  407. ^ "Mettingham Castle" PSC.
  408. ^ "Orford Castle" PSC.
  409. ^ "Wingfield Castle" PSC.
  410. ^ "Farnham Castle" PSC.
  411. ^ "Guildford Castle" PSC.
  412. ^ "Hylton Castle" PSC.
  413. ^ "Newcastle Castle" PSC.
  414. ^ "Old Hollinside" PSC.
  415. ^ "Ravensworth Castle" PSC.
  416. ^ "Tynemouth Castle" PSC.
  417. ^ "Astley Castle" PSC.
  418. ^ "Kenilworth Castle" PSC.
  419. ^ "Maxstoke Castle" PSC.
  420. ^ "Warwick Castle" PSC.
  421. ^ "Dudley Castle" PSC.
  422. ^ "Amberley Castle" PSC.
  423. ^ "Arundel Castle" PSC.
  424. ^ "Bramber Castle" PSC.
  425. ^ "Halnaker House" PSC.
  426. ^ Heritage Gateway - Results
  427. ^ "Dobroyd Castle" PSC.
  428. ^ "Harewood Castle" PSC.
  429. ^ "Pontefract Castle" PSC.
  430. ^ "Sandal Castle" PSC.
  431. ^ "Devizes Castle" PSC.
  432. ^ "Longford Castle" PSC.
  433. ^ "Ludgershall Castle" PSC.
  434. ^ "Old Sarum Castle" PSC.
  435. ^ "Old Wardour Castle" PSC.
  436. ^ "Caldwall Castle" PSC.
  437. ^ "Hartlebury Castle" PSC.
  438. ^ "Holt Castle" PSC.
  439. ^ "Worcester Castle" PSC.


Eksterne henvisninger

Medier brugt på denne side

Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire
Cowton Castle - - 1104614 cropped.jpg
(c) Gordon Hatton, CC BY-SA 2.0
South Cowton Castle, North Cowton, North Yorkshire, England The castle stands on a low hill amidst quiet pastoral countryside. It was built for Sir Richard Conyers in 1487, which is very late for a true castle [which it is not]. The building is more of a country house with defensive capabilities - rather like that of Nappa Hall in Wensleydale (grid reference SD 966 907) which is of similar age.
Taunton Castle.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Rodw, Licens: CC0
Taunton Castle
Lancaster Castle Ashton Memorial.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Nuttytimmy, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lancaster Castle as seen from atop the Ashton Memorial in Williamson Park, Lancaster. The keep is in the centre, towering above the curtain walls, and the monumental gatehouse is to the left, partly obscured by trees.
Forfatter/Opretter: Chas Hollwey, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
A photo of Gleaston Castle’s north tower as seen from the north west. Taken in July 2015.
Forfatter/Opretter: Woodford & Co. Property Consultants & Auctioneers, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Thorpe Waterville Castle, Northamptonshire
Ravensworth Castle - - 1709271.jpg
(c) Philip Barker, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ravensworth Castle This photograph shows a view of the remains of Ravensworth castle. The picture was taken from the road near Tofta House looking in a south-westerly direction towards Flatts Bank.
Forfatter/Opretter: CJW, Licens: Attribution
Middleham Castle 2007
Corfe Castle - - 349316.jpg
(c) steve bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Corfe Castle Taken from the car park past the cemetery.
Lumley Castle 02.jpg
(c) Alison Stamp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lumley Castle
Clitheroe Castle - - 1100108.jpg
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Clitheroe Castle The limestone knoll on which the castle stands has been cleared of trees over the last few years, in doing so the castle can be seen from around the Ribble Valley instead of a knoll covered in trees.
Lydford Castle - - 31173.jpg
(c) john spivey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lydford Castle. Ancient castle with an interesting history. Now without a roof.
Forfatter/Opretter: Tickler Tin on Flickr, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
General view of Hastings Castle.
Portchester castle 04.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Matthew Folley from UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Portchester Castle
Carn Brea Castle by Ansom.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bengoeswild, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Carn Brea Castle
Kinnersley Castle.jpg
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kinnersley Castle is one of the many marches castles along the Welsh Borders. Near to Kinnersley, Herefordshire, Great Britain
Caerhayes Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nilfanion, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Caerhayes Castle, near St Austell in Cornwall.
Bolton Castle.JPG
(c) Bobweyker, CC BY-SA 3.0
Bolton Castle near Leyburn, North Yorkshire, England
Sudeley Castle view from garden Oct07.jpg
(c) Mouchoir le Souris, CC BY-SA 3.0
The garden and fountain at Sudeley Castle .
  • Located near Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, England.
Sherborne Old Castle 02.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Pengannel, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Sherborne Old Castle
Skelton Castle - - 92653.jpg
(c) Mick Garratt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Skelton Castle. A private residence viewed from Skelton All Saints Old Church.
Eynsford Castle, Kent - - 40563.jpg
(c) Ron Strutt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Eynsford Castle, Kent. Eynsford was one of the earliest castles to be given a stone wall. The first wall, 20 feet high, was put up in about 1088, and was later increased in height to 30 feet.
Bampton Castle, Oxfordshire
Amberley castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Jonathan Day from Brighton, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Amberley Castle, East Sussex
Pevensey castle-09.jpg
(c) Piotr Zarobkiewicz at engelsk Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
Pevensey Castle ruins, main entrance.
Hever Castle 10.JPG
Hever Castle, Kent, England.
Black Gate and Keep - Newcastle Upon Tyne - - 514240.jpg
(c) R J McNaughton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Black Gate and Keep - Newcastle Upon Tyne Unfortunately the Victorians saw fit to build a railway line through Newcastle Castle, between The Black Gate and the Keep.
Cocklaw Tower - - 1176584.jpg
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cocklaw Tower This tower house was built by the Erringtons in the late 14th or early 15th century and was the family seat for two hundred years until they moved into Beaufront castle closer to Hexham. It escaped the usual robbery of stone in the 18th or 19th centuries due to its isolation and is now used for storage of farm machinery and livestock. It still stands almost 40ft high but the wooden floors to have collapsed, leaving in place only half of the ground floor vaulted lower ceiling which will soon fall in.
Halton Castle - - 311820.jpg
(c) Mike Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0
Halton Castle Halton Castle - view towards the River Mersey with Fiddler's Ferry power station in the distance
Hartlebury Castle - - 419175.jpg
(c) Stephen McKay, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hartlebury Castle The north wing (seen here) houses the Worcestershire County Museum, whereas the south wing continues the traditional role of this house as the official residence of the Bishop of Worcester.
Alberbury Castle.jpg
(c) Peter Craine, CC BY-SA 2.0
Mackworth Castle, Lower Road, Mackworth Village, Derbyshire.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Eamon Curry, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Mackworth Castle, Lower Road, Mackworth Village, Derbyshire
Longtown Castle - - 392612.jpg
(c) George Evans, CC BY-SA 2.0
Longtown Castle The gatehouse, outer wall and keep of Longtown Castle.
Ince Castle - - 344828 cropped.jpg
(c) Bill Booth, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ince Castle, 3 miles (5 km) from Saltash, Cornwall, England. It was built in 1642 at the start of the Civil War and was captured in 1646. It consists of 4 three storey towers with walls 4 foot thick. By the 1850s it was used as a farm and was allowed to decay but it was restored in the early 20th century. It burnt down in 1986 (apparently by grandmother being a bit irresponsible with a candle) – but it has now been rebuilt. In 1649, John Killigrew inherited Ince Castle from an uncle. He married four wives and installed them separately into each of the four towers giving them a story that the fields were plagued with mice – which kept them inside. For some time, each of the four ladies lived happily in ignorance of the other three, until a thicko servant delivered a letter to the wrong wife, and all was revealed! John Killigrew was sentenced to sixteen years, four years for each count of bigamy. John pointed out to the judge that, as his first marriage was not bigamous, he should serve only twelve years! Good lad. It is now the home of Lord and Lady Boyd who probably wouldn't like to see me making footprints in their ever so posh mud.
Paull Holme Tower 2.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Dave.Dunford, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is a photo of listed building number 1007875.
Featherstone Castle.jpg
(c) Margaret Clough, CC BY-SA 2.0
Featherstone Castle is a large Gothic style country mansion situated on the bank of the River South Tyne approximately three miles southwest of the town of Haltwhistle in Northumberland (grid reference NY674610).
Brough Castle - - 1605399.jpg
(c) Tim Fields, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brough Castle, near to Brough, Cumbria, Great Britain. The photograph was taken late afternoon as the sun was setting and hence the wonderful glow achieved on the tower.
Winchester Grand Hall.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Christophe.Finot, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
External view of the Great Hall, Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England
Hornby castle 2932 large.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Stephen George-Powell, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Hornby Castle, Yorkshire
South frontage of Belsay Castle - - 1383674.jpg
(c) Andy F, CC BY-SA 2.0
South frontage of Belsay Castle Originally built as a medieval fortified tower house and for centuries the home of the Middleton family, Belsay Castle (right of photo) was expanded in the early seventeenth century with the addition of a fine Jacobean house (centre and left of photo). The house was subsequently expanded further but the family abandoned it around 1817 when Sir Charles Monck moved the family into a new home, the neo-classical Belsay Hall, a few hundred metres to the east.
Donnington Castle - - 35386.jpg
(c) Chris Collard, CC BY-SA 2.0
Donnington Castle. A view of the ruins of Donnington Castle from the bottom of the hill on which it is situated.
Whittington Castle 04.jpg
(c) Peter Bruffell, CC BY-SA 2.0
Whittington Castle
Dartmouth Castle - - 725989.jpg
(c) Joanne Davies, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dartmouth Castle A view of Dartmouth castle and St Petrox church, taken from the castle ferry.
Lympne Castle - - 57817.jpg
(c) Chris Clarke, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lympne Castle. This is the rear courtyard of the castle where my sister got married.
Dunster Castle.jpg
(c) Mike Crowe, CC BY-SA 2.0
Snodhill Castle (geograph 2203637, cropped).jpg
(c) Trevor Rickard, CC BY-SA 2.0
Snodhill Castle, Dorstone, Herefordshire, England. One large section of the keep remains at the top of the steep mound. The building is Grade II listed, but is in a very poor state of repair.
Keep, Trematon Castle - - 1192900.jpg
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Keep, Trematon Castle. The keep at 1192732 seen from the path shown in 1192860. "Vaguely oval, 57 by 71.5 ft and 27 ft high to the rampart" (Pevsner, 1951). " The parapet is complete with the merlons solid, except for one".
Kimbolton Castle 01.jpg
(c) Graham Taylor, CC BY-SA 2.0
Maxstoke Castle, 2010.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Steve Wilson from Marchwood, The New Forest, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Maxstoke Castle
Cresswell Tower - - 1163700.jpg
(c) hayley green, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cresswell Tower A medieval tower and home to the Cresswell family in the 14th and 15th centuries. See for more of its history. Murray's Handbook (1890) adds fictional romance to the story thus: It (the tower) is said to be haunted by a lady of the family, of whom a Danish prince was enamoured. She was watching from the roof for his coming, when she saw her three brothers murder him upon the shore, after which she starved herself to death in the old tower.
Leicester Castle Yard south gateway.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: NotFromUtrecht, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Looking north through the Turret Gateway near Leicester Castle. The gateway is Grade I listed
Clun Castle 03.jpg
(c) Betty Longbottom, CC BY-SA 2.0
Clun Castle
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Thurland Castle
Forfatter/Opretter: Abcdef123456 at engelsk Wikipedia, Licens: CC BY 3.0
A view of the Motte and Barbican at Sandal Castle
NTE icon.svg
(c) WebHamster at engelsk Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
National Trust of the U.K. logo — with acorn icon.
  • Self made image in SVG format of an icon remarkably similar to an acorn
Deal Castle.jpg
(c) Ron Strutt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Deal Castle
Wingfield Manor - - 6280.jpg
(c) Sam Styles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wingfield Manor. The view from the tower at Wingfield Manor, looking North to North East with the village of South Wingfield in the background. Little known, Wingfield Manor is a huge grand ruin of a country mansion built in 1440 by Ralph Cromwell and is one of the many places Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned. It sits atop a small hill over looking the valley below and is quite imposing on the landscape. The ruin is looked after by English Heritage.
Kentmere hall.jpg
(c) Nigel Homer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kentmere Hall. A 14th century tunnel-vaulted pele tower with five-foot thick walls. The turrets, one of the original windows and the spiral staircase remain. The tower was extended now a farmhouse.
Guildford castle 1.jpg
S Knights, my pic, Oct 2007
(c) Adrian Boliston, CC BY-SA 2.0

Marisco Castle Keep

This castle is divided into 4 holiday cottages
Broughton Tower, Cumbria.jpg
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Broughton Tower
Walton Castle.jpg
Walton Castle
Riber Castle - from Heights of Abraham - Matlock (geograph 1685064).jpg
(c) Brian Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
Riber Castle - from Heights of Abraham - Matlock
Quatford Castle - - 423490.jpg
(c) John M, CC BY-SA 2.0
Quatford Castle The current building was built by John Smalman in 1830.
Wallingford castle ruins.jpg
wallingford ( oxfordshire UK ) castle ruins remains of saint nicholas college
Stone Castle - - 893976.jpg
(c) Ken Brown, CC BY-SA 2.0
Stone Castle 12th Century Stone Castle. All that remains of the original castle is the tower. It is now used as a banqueting suite for private functions. Taken from the private road to the east.
Hertford Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Caitlin from Hertfordshire, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
The main castle entrance built by Edward IV in 1463-5, since extended by sections built in the late 1700's and as recently as 1936/7. Now offices of the the Town Council.
South Kyme Tower - - 625619.jpg
(c) Jim Thornton, CC BY-SA 2.0
South Kyme Tower, Lincolnshire: the remains of a 14th-century castle
Pennsylvania Castle - - 527899.jpg
(c) Mike Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0
Pennsylvania Castle This is a country mansion built in 1800 by John Penn, the last Governor of Portland, and grandson of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, USA. In the middle of the 20th century the building was a hotel, but it is now a private residence once again.
Scaleby Castle, Cumbria - - 50853.jpg
(c) Simon Ledingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
Scaleby Castle, Cumbria.
Stogursey Castle - - 878178.jpg
(c) Andrew Riley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Stogursey Castle Grade II. 12th Century Castle with 17th Century Cottage incorporated into the walls. Scheduled Ancient Monument.
Elvaston Castle 2.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Peter Dutton from Forest Hills, Queens, USA, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Near Derby. We stopped here (and changed clothes) on the way to Jeremy & Fiona's wedding.
Halnaker House.jpg
(c) Colin Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0
Halnaker House
Pembridge Castle.jpg
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Pembridge Castle
Ludgershall Castle - - 218171.jpg
(c) Janine Forbes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ludgershall Castle. The ruins of an early 12th century Royal Hunting Palace which is owned by English Heritage
St Catherines Castle - - 1239837.jpg
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
St Catherines Castle 474434 seen from the South West Coast Path. "A small artillery fort built by Henry VIII to defend Fowey harbour. It has two storeys with gun ports at ground level." Across Fowey Harbour is 166841.
Lambton Park 1892.jpg
Historic photo of Lambton Castle
EH icon.svg
geometric design in SVG format very similar to that used by the English Heritage as an icon to represent items of interest.
Beckington Castle - - 814491.jpg
(c) Maurice Pullin, CC BY-SA 2.0
Beckington Castle Has now been painted up gaudy and taken over as business premises.
Dilston Castle.jpg
(c) Peter Brooks, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dilston Castle (grid reference NY97566328) is a ruined 15th century towerhouse situated at Dilston, near Corbridge, Northumberland.
Horsley Tower - - 626935.jpg
(c) Sandra White, CC BY-SA 2.0
Horsley Tower Horsley Tower (also known as Pele Tower), was built probably as late as the reign of Henry VII for the Horsleys of knightly rank. The existing building is a fine specimen of a strongly fortified tower of the fifteenth century, with a slight addition of a later period. It has a fine view to the coast and North West. A beacon, lighted on the summit of the tower at night, would be clearly seen far out at sea and would be plainly visible from the hilltops above Rothbury. Built in times of battle, as a defence against raiding Scots from across the border. It is possible that there was a building on the same site which fell into disrepair and was rebuilt as the present Tower of Longhorsley, which was destined to become, in later days, the peaceful home of the catholic clergy of the Village.
Bungay - Castle Remains.jpg
(c) Martin Luff, CC BY-SA 2.0
Remains of Bungay Castle in Bungay, Suffolk, England. The remains are a Grade I listed building.
The Edgar Tower, Worcester - - 503034.jpg
(c) Bob Embleton, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Edgar Tower, Worcester The 14th century fortified gatehouse to the monastic precinct was formerly known as St Mary's Gate. In the 18th century it was mistakenly thought to have been built during the reign of King Edgar in the 10th century.
Cawood Castle.jpg
(c) Gordon Hatton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cawood Castle, Cawood, a country residence of the Archbishops of York
The entrance to Tutbury Castle - - 632661.jpg
(c) M J Richardson, CC BY-SA 2.0
The entrance to Tutbury Castle
Launceston, castle over rooftops - - 571483.jpg
(c) Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Launceston: castle over rooftops Looking over the roofs of Launceston at the castle ruins.
Goodrich Castle 01.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Michael Eccles from Manchester, England, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Goodrich Castle
Dalston Hall.jpg
(c) Anthony Parkes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dalston Hall
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Shirburn Castle, Oxfordshire
Photo of Castle Drogo, Devon
Stafford Castle 2.jpg
(c) Simon Huguet, CC BY-SA 2.0
Stafford Castle
Raby Castle - - 29645.jpg
(c) John Clive Nicholson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Raby Castle. A fortified home, the Nevilles having been granted crenellation rights in 1378AD.
Willimoteswick Bastle, Haltwhistle - - 124371.jpg
(c) Les Hull, CC BY-SA 2.0
Willimoteswick Bastle, Haltwhistle. Keys to the Past Web Site: This is a fortified manor house or bastle with a ruined gatehouse, three stories high. The windows and chimneys date from the early 16th century. Joining the gate house is a series of farm buildings. On south-east corner of the main farmhouse is a tower. The earliest parts of the complex belong to the 14th century, but the surrounding walls and much of the farmhouse belong to the 16th century and the gatehouse belongs to the 17th century.
Chillingham Castle 011.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Glen Bowman from Newcastle, England, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Chillingham Castle
Forfatter/Opretter: The original uploader was Jimfbleak at engelsk Wikipedia., Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
ashby-de-la-zouch castle personal photograph
CL icon.svg
Castle icon in SVG vector format
Upnor Castle 01.jpg
(c) Chris Gunns, CC BY-SA 2.0
Upnor Castle
Greystoke Castle.jpg
(c) Simon Ledingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
Greystoke Castle is in the village of Greystoke 8 km west of Penrith in the county of Cumbria in northern England.
Berwick Castle - - 768511.jpg
(c) Euan Nelson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Berwick Castle Founded by David I in the twelfth century, this once mighty fortress changed hands several times during the prolonged and often bloody fighting between Scotland and England in the medieval period.
  • Warfare, neglect and ultimately, the construction of the station and the railway bridge, reduced the castle to the ruin we see today.
  • The fragment of the castle seen in the picture is known as "the White Wall".
Coupland Castle.jpg
(c) Lisa Jarvis, CC BY-SA 2.0
Coupland Castle is situated in the village of Coupland 6 km (4 miles) to the north-west of Wooler, Northumberland (grid reference NT936312).
Affeton gatehouse500.jpeg
Forfatter/Opretter: Tony Dunlop, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Affeton Castle, Devon, England
Pendragon Castle - - 927364.jpg
(c) ronnie leask, CC BY-SA 2.0
Pendragon Castle According to legend King Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon, was born here at Pendragon Castle.
Compton Castle in Devon enh.jpg
(c) Crispin Purdye, CC BY-SA 2.0
Compton Castle in Devon

Note that I have lightened the image, slightly altered the vertical perspective and cloned out two figures in the foreground.
Kingsgate Castle and Kingsgate Bay - - 1474011.jpg
(c) Nigel Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kingsgate Castle at Kingsgate Bay, Broadstairs and St Peters, Kent, England. The 18th-century castle is now converted to flats.
Remains of Clare castle keep - - 980544.jpg
(c) Oxyman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Remains of Clare castle keep. What remains of Clare castle's stone keep located on top of the motte pictured here 705737
Whittingham Tower - - 1332545.jpg
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Whittingham Tower This tower in the village of Whittingham was built in the 13th/14th centuries. In 1845, it was converted into almshouses by Lady Ravensworth.
Southampton Castle Wall alongside Castle Lane.jpg
From successive incarnations of Southampton's motte and bailey castle, only this stretch of the bailey wall survives today, lying just off Castle Lane. The motte (mound) upon which the castle once sat has been levelled and is now occupied by the large block of flats (pictured in the background). The bailey wall is a Grade II* Listed Building.
Eastnor Castle 03.jpg
(c) Pauline Eccles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Eastnor Castle
Tickhill Castle.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Warofdreams, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Gatehouse range of Tickhill Castle, from the bailey
Oxburgh Hall 20080719-05.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Hans A. Rosbach, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk, England.
Alton Castle.jpg
(c) Dennis Thorley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Holt castle 850843 62546082.jpg
(c) Peter Whatley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Holt Castle in Holt in Worcestershire
Caesar's Tower inside Appleby castle - - 1505585.jpg
(c) Terry Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0
Caesar's Tower inside Appleby castle
Snape Castle.jpg
(c) Alison Stamp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Snape Castle, Snape, North Yorkshire
Lulworth Castle (1937).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nilfanion, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Lulworth Castle
Bickleigh castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Smb1001, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The medieval keep of Bickleigh Castle, Bickleigh, near Tiverton, Devon, England.
Mitford Castle.jpg
(c) Pat Pierpoint, CC BY-SA 2.0
Mitford Castle is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and a Grade I listed building at Mitford, Northumberland, England.
Rufus Castle - - 1305386.jpg
(c) Simon Palmer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rufus Castle Taken from the grounds of Pennsylvania Castle
Harbottle castle - - 583589.jpg
(c) Pete Saunders, CC BY-SA 2.0
Harbottle castle Harbottle Castle was built by the Umfraville family in the 12th century. It was a typical Norman motte and bailey castle built of earth and timber. In the 13th century, a stone castle replaced the earlier building. The castle was destroyed and rebuilt many times in the wars with Scotland between the 12th and 16th centuries. Most of the stone from the castle was reused to make later buildings, but the layout of the castle can still be seen from the form of the earthworks that survive.
Penrith Castle 2.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Clintheacock66 at en.wikipedia, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Penrith Castle, Cumbria
Museum icon (red).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
icon for use on UK lists of places of intrest, created by Joe D
HamptonCourtHerefordshire cropped.jpg
(c) Tony Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hampton Court near Hope Under Dinmore in Herefordshire, England
Calshot castle evening.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Geni, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo of Calshot castle
Millom Castle - - 285259.jpg
(c) Andrew Woodhall, CC BY-SA 2.0
Millom Castle Now a farmhouse; complete with dry surrounding moat and ruined adjoining buildings.
Drumburgh Castle - - 912711.jpg
(c) Rose and Trev Clough, CC BY-SA 2.0
Drumburgh Castle A 13th century tower house later converted to a farmhouse. It has extremely thick walls built with stone from Hadrian's Wall. Grade I listed.
Bamburgh 2006 closeup.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Michael Hanselmann - Quaoar10, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Bamburgh castle at the coast of Northumberland.
Franglingham Castle 01.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Squeezyboy from UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0

Framlingham Castle In Suffolk, UK
Scarborough Castle 3.jpg
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Scarborough Castle from the NW
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Winter view of Wilton Castle - - 1169638.jpg
(c) Pauline Eccles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Winter view of Wilton Castle
Brownsea Castle, Brownsea Island, Poole, Dorset.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Jim Linwood, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Brownsea Castle, also known as Branksea Castle. A mid 16th century square blockhouse protected by a moat which was built on small island in Poole harbour. It was revovated during the 19th century as an impressive residence but was badly damaged by fire in 1895. It has been rebuilt and is now used exclusively by the John Lewis Partnership.
CatterlenHall cropped.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY 2.0
Catterlen Hall
Entrance to Mettingham Castle - - 984718.jpg
(c) Graham Horn, CC BY-SA 2.0
Entrance to Mettingham Castle This is the main gateway to the castle from the north, and it and the adjacent wall are the only original bits of the castle remaining. It was built in 1342. It is close to the gridline but Magic confirms that the whole of this gateway is in TM3588.
Brougham Castle - - 17714.jpg
(c) Carl Bendelow, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brougham Castle. This ancient castle which was home to Lady Anne Clifford. Open to the public under the care of English Heritage
Downton Castle.jpg
(c) Ian Capper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Downton Castle
(c), CC BY-SA 3.0
Bodiam Castle East Sussex England UK
Lowther Castle 01.jpg
(c) mauldy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lowther Castle
Prudhoe Castle 2.jpg
(c) Chris Tweedy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Prudhoe Castle (grid reference NZ09166341) is a ruined medieval English castle situated on the south bank of the River Tyne at Prudhoe, Northumberland.
Bewcastle - - 1945279.jpg
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bewcastle, near to Bewcastle, Cumbria, Great Britain. The castle at Bewcastle.
Tynemouth Castle1.jpg
Tynemouth Castle is located on a rocky headland (known as Pen Bal Crag), overlooking Tynemouth Pier. The moated castle-towers, gatehouse and keep are combined with the ruins of the Benedictine priory where early kings of Northumbria were buried. Taken from the north.
Kameraposition55° 01′ 12″ N, 1° 25′ 14,52″ W Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Dette og andre billeder på deres position på: OpenStreetMapinfo
Barnwell Castle1.jpg
(c) Michael Trolove, CC BY-SA 2.0
Castle Wall, Barnwell
Tower of London, April 2006.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: pikous, Licens: CC BY 2.0
The Tower of London seen from across the River Thames.
Crayke Castle, Hambledon, North Yorkshire.jpg
(c) Paul Buckingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
Gates to Crayke Castle
Broncroft Castle - - 148456.jpg
(c) Dave Logan, CC BY-SA 2.0
Broncroft Castle. A fortified manor house. Located near Tugford it is one of the few inhabited castles in Shropshire.
Cholmondeley - Cholmondeley Castle.jpg
(c) Tom Pennington, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire
Entrance to Wigmore Castle - - 1248482.jpg
Entrance to Wigmore Castle The castle is mainly 14th century, although parts of the walls are Norman and the north east tower is 13th century. English Heritage have recently spent one million pounds on preservation and archaeological work at the castle in order to stabilise it.
Witton Castle - - 307577.jpg
(c) Hugh Mortimer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Witton Castle Taken from Station Road, Witton-le-Wear. Witton Castle was first built in the 13th century. Damaged by fire in 1796, rebuilt in the 1800's
Hussey Tower, Boston, Lincs - - 62845.jpg
(c) Rodney Burton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hussey Tower, Boston, Lincs. Built 1460 by Richard Berryngton JP and Collector of Taxes; owned by the Hussey family 1475–1537.
Allington Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Prioryman, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Allington Castle from across the River Medway
Danby Castle Ruins - - 146101.jpg
(c) colin grice, CC BY-SA 2.0
Danby Castle Ruins. Much of the stone has been removed over centuries for nearby farms and farm buildings, the Castle is effectively part of a farmyard.
Tidmarsh Lane - - 1621185 cropped.jpg
(c) Peter Trimming, CC BY-SA 2.0
View southeast along Tidmarsh Lane, Oxford, England. Ahead is St George's Tower, part of Oxford Castle. The brick building on the right was a malthouse.
Powderham Castle 02.jpg
(c) Maurice Clements, CC BY-SA 2.0
Powderham Castle, nr Exeter,Devon.
Cowes iw esplanade cropped.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Cowes Esplanade and Cowes Castle (home of the Royal Yacht Squadron).
Yarmouth Castle.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Christophe.Finot, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Yarmouth castle, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, UNITED KINGDOM
Peckforton Castle 1.jpg
(c) Stephen Charles, CC BY-SA 2.0
Forfatter/Opretter: Martinvl, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is a photo of listed building number 1068780.
Salcombe Castle
Norwich Castle - - 208494.jpg
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Norwich Castle. For many years the large square keep of Norwich castle was a prison, since 1894 it has been a museum. See:
"Castle" in the park (cropped).jpg
(c) Simon Huguet, CC BY-SA 2.0
A sham castle in Doddington Park, Cheshire, England.
Forfatter/Opretter: matthew Hunt, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Lindisfarne Castle on Holy island
Wraysholme Tower.jpg
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wraysholme Tower
Pendennis Castle keep.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nilfanion, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The keep of Pendennis Castle in Falmouth, Cornwall.
Longford Castle rear.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Peter, Licens: CC BY 2.0
View of Longford Castle south of Salisbury. Built by Sir Thomas Gorges
Thirlwall Castle - - 127117.jpg
(c) Norma Foggo, CC BY-SA 2.0
Thirlwall Castle. These are the ruined remains of an early 14th century motte and bailey castle. Much of the stone used in the building of this fortified structure came from nearby Hadrian's Wall.
Belvoir Castle Leicestershire.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nancy, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire
Buckden Towers.jpg
(c) Robert Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
Forfatter/Opretter: George Gastin, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Colchester Castle in Colchester, Essex. Taken with a Nikon D40x and a Sigma 10-20mm wide-angle lens.
Wingfield Castle - - 354164.jpg
(c) Robert Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wingfield Castle This is the view from Vicarage Road. During the summer months it is well hidden by the trees and only viewed then when it is open to the public. It was built by Michael de la Pole during the 14th century.
Prior's Tower, Carlisle.jpg
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Prior's Tower, Carlisle
Penshurst Place - - 841026.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Penshurst Place, near to Penshurst, Kent, Great Britain. South front of Penshurst Place from the Italian Garden
Radcliffe tower hdr.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Parrot of Doom, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Radcliffe Tower, Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, UK. Seen from the north west.
Forfatter/Opretter: Andrew Kerr, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Woodcroft Castle, Cambridgeshire
Claxton Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: EvelynS, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
C14 ruins of Claxton Castle
A view of Kirtling Tower - - 525588.jpg
(c) Robert Edwards, CC BY-SA 2.0
A view of Kirtling Tower Kirtling Tower stands on private land but this is the view from the road. It is actually the gatehouse to a mansion that belonged to the North family. Apart from the gatehouse, which was built in 1530, most of the rest of the mansion was pulled down in 1801. It stands close to Kirtling parish church.
The Rochford Tower, Boston, Lincs - - 148581.jpg
(c) Terry Butcher, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Rochford Tower, Boston, Lincs. The remains of a 15th century brick-built tower-house. It is rectangular, with four floors and turrets projecting from the top and uses brick, rather than stone, for its decorative features. There are still traces of wall paintings in one room.
Morpeth Castle Gatehouse.jpg
(c) C G Burke, CC BY-SA 2.0
The gatehouse of Morpeth Castle - the only intact remnants of what began life as a motte-and-bailey fortification. Morpeth Castle is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and a Grade I listed building at Morpeth, Northumberland, in northeast England.
Brancepeth Castle.jpg
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brancepeth Castle: "Rebuilt in the 14th century on the site of a Norman castle, this Castle is privately owned. Open occasionally to the public for special events such as craft fairs and Shakespearean performances. The upkeep of such a massive building must be a major financial headache for the owner."
WarwickCastle FromStMarysChurch 2.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Paul Englefield from Leamington Spa, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Warwick Castle seen from St Mary's Church in Warwick
Uk dor portcastle.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
w:Portland Castle
Aydon Castle 2.jpg
(c) Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cartington Castle (geograph 3470758).jpg
(c) Mike Searle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cartington Castle
Shrewsbury Schloss.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Julian Nyča, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Die Burg von Shrewsbury, England.
Langley Castle.jpg
(c) Ken Brown, CC BY-SA 2.0
Langley Castle is a restored medieval tower house, now operated as an hotel, situated in the village of Langley in the valley of the South Tyne some three miles south of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland.
Dalton Castle.jpg
(c) Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dalton Castle is a 14th-century peel tower situated in Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria, England, and in the ownership of the National Trust.
Tower and ruined wall, Grey's Court.jpg
(c) don cload, CC BY-SA 2.0
Great Tower, Greys Court, Rotherfield Greys, Oxfordshire
Hazlewood Castle - - 1752647.jpg
Hazlewood Castle Entrance to Hazlewood Castle. Now a hotel and wedding centre. This was the home of the Vavasour family
Exterior of Stokesay Castle, 2006.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Andy / Andrew Fogg from near Cambridge, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
The exterior of Stokesay Castle.
Barden Tower - - 38331.jpg
(c) Pete Chapman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Barden Tower. A ruined 15th century fortified hunting lodge next to the River Wharfe.
Bellister Castle.jpg
(c) Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bellister Castle
Castle Keep in Newton St. Loe College - - 642177 cropped.jpg
(c) Rick Crowley, CC BY-SA 2.0
Castle Keep in Newton St. Loe College. Reputed to be Norman, and thought to be part of a one time fortified Manor House.
Barnard Castle.jpg
(c) Ben Gamble, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Roman fort of Gariannonum - view northwest - - 693481.jpg
(c) Evelyn Simak, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Roman fort of Gariannonum - view northwest Looking NW towards north wall from east wall. Originally a Norman earthwork motte and bailey fortress that had been built within the stone walls of the Roman fort of Gariannonum, dated to the late 3rd century. The first recorded motte in England dates from 1051, built by French castle builders for the English king in Hereford; by the death of William the Conqueror in 1087 they were a common feature. At Burgh Castle, the motte with surrounding ditch was raised over the wall at the southwestern corner, and a rampart supporting a timber palisade was constructed on the western side. During the 18th century the motte was levelled and only fragments of the earthworks remain. The site, owned by English Heritage, is freely accessible; it offers magnificent views across the marshes extending westwards.
Alnwick Castle 02.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Phil Thomas, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Alnwick Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland
Halloughton Village - - 40839.jpg
(c) Tom Courtney, CC BY-SA 2.0
Halloughton Village. near the town of Southwell
Cromwell's Castle - Scilly - - 15726.jpg
(c) Richard Knights, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cromwell's Castle - Scilly. Built in 1651-2 when the Scillies were threatened by the Dutch.
Norham Castle.jpg
(c) Martin Norman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Norham Castle is a partly ruined castle in Northumberland, England, overlooking the River Tweed, on the border between England and Scotland.
Caverswall Castle.jpg
Caverswall Castle, 1845
Berkeley Castle 03.jpg
(c) David Stowell, CC BY-SA 2.0
Berkeley Castle
Totnes Castle1.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Troxx, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Totnes Castle, Devon, UK, viev from Castle Street
Ayton Castle.jpg
(c) Alison Stamp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ayton Castle, between East Ayton and West Ayton
Clifford Castle ruins.jpg
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Clifford Castle is a castle in the village of Clifford which lies four miles to the north of Hay-on-Wye in the Wye Valley in Herefordshire (grid reference SO243457).
Banwell Castle - - 1126175.jpg
(c) Tim Lethaby, CC BY-SA 2.0
Banwell Castle Looking towards the castle from the castle grounds
Red Castle, Shropshire, 1854
Crawley Tower - - 330608.jpg
(c) Christine Westerback, CC BY-SA 2.0
Crawley Tower Built around 1300 as either a tower house or solar house added on to a hall or house. The forerunner of the modern conservatory perhaps!
Gidleigh Castle.jpg
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Gidleigh Castle is in the small village of Gidleigh on the edge of Dartmoor some 3 km to the north-west of the town of Chagford, Devon (grid reference SX671884).
River Eden from Armathwaite Bridge - - 211411 cropped.jpg
(c) John Gibson, CC BY-SA 2.0
River Eden from Armathwaite Bridge. Looking upstream
Part of Newbiggin Hall - - 290844.jpg
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Part of Newbiggin Hall The part on the right was first built in the 16C, although Pevsner states that it is mainly Victorian; certainly the windows are 19C. The inscription tablet is shown in another photo. The outline of a former gabled extension can be seen on the blank wall on the right.
Star Castle - - 615094.jpg
(c) David Lally, CC BY-SA 2.0
Star Castle The Star Castle was built by Sir Francis Godolphin in 1593 on the orders of Elizabeth I. It has been a hotel for many years
Entrance, Devizes Castle - - 1022978.jpg
(c) Mike Faherty, CC BY-SA 2.0
Entrance, Devizes Castle 19th century, replacing earlier versions destroyed or burnt, so this one probably didn't see much action. Now privately owned and without public access.
Ashton Hall, south tower - - 1674506.jpg
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ashton Hall, south tower, near to Conder Green, Lancashire, Great Britain. The south wing of the hall is a tower house possibly of 14th century origin. Some history can be found on the Lancaster Golf Club website <a title="" rel="nofollow" href="">Link</a><img style="padding-left:2px;" alt="External link" title="External link - shift click to open in new window" src="" width="10" height="10"/>
Place House, Fowey.jpg
(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Place House, Fowey from the water
Marmion Tower - - 1690757.jpg
(c) JThomas, CC BY-SA 2.0
Marmion Tower 15th century gatehouse which belonged to the now vanished manor house formerly home to the Marmion family
Hanwell Castle Geograph-2517778-by-Ian-Rob.jpg
(c) Ian Rob, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hanwell Castle, Oxfordshire
Berry Pomeroy Castle - - 913529.jpg
(c) David M Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0
Berry Pomeroy Castle Built by the Norman Pomeroy family in 11th century and was later acquired by Edward Seymore. The gatehouse is original Norman but the remainder was extensively remodelled by the Seymores as can be seen in the living quarters on the right.
Broughton Castle entrance - - 1464252.jpg
(c) Tim S Addison, CC BY-SA 2.0
Broughton Castle entrance The Gatehouse and the main house from across the moat.
Rougemont Castle gatehouse, 2010.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Juan J. Martínez from Exeter, UK, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Rougemont Castle. Some herring-bone masonry can be seen at the top of the tower
Rockingham Castle entrance.jpg
(c) Brian Coleman, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rockingham Castle entrance. Rockingham Castle formerly a royal castle and hunting lodge, now the family home of the Saunders Watson family, in Rockingham Forest on the northern edge of the English county of Northamptonshire a mile to the north of Corby.
Edlingham Castle - Northumberland - England - 2004-10-31.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: User Tagishsimon on en.wikipedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Edlingham Castle - Northumberland - England - 2004-10-31.
Cockle Park - - 93673.jpg
(c) Pat Pierpoint, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cockle Park Tower, Hebron, Northumberland
Scargill Castle Farm - - 75574.jpg
(c) Uncredited, CC BY-SA 2.0
Scargill Castle Farm. This farm, just South of the River Greta and Brignall Banks, includes the remains of a 15th Century Castle Keep.
Whorlton Castle - - 517497.jpg
(c) Trish Steel, CC BY-SA 2.0
Whorlton Castle Whorlton Castle, a scheduled ancient monument in the North York Moors National Park.
Torksey Castle - - 47205.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Torksey Castle. Not really a castle, but the remains of the Elizabethan mansion built by Sir Robert Jermyn, wrecked 100 years later in the Civil war and never rebuilt. The ruins overlook the River Trent.
Forfatter/Opretter: Sassf, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
St Mawes Castle, St Mawes, Cornwall, England - taken from the St Mawes ferry
Brampton Bryan gatehouse.jpg
(c) Philip Pankhurst, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brampton Bryan gatehouse
St leonards tower.jpg
St Leonard's Tower, West Malling
Walworth 001.jpg
(c) Dave Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
Walworth Castle Hotel, near to Walworth, Darlington, Great Britain
Watermouth Bay and Castle, Devon - - 1534396.jpg
(c) John Rostron, CC BY-SA 2.0
Watermouth Bay and Castle, Devon
Bolsover Castle - - 205752.jpg
(c) Stephen G Taylor, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bolsover Castle.
Dudley Castle -England-8.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Lee Jordan, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Dudley Castle, West Midlands, England.
Weeting Castle - - 2377269.jpg
(c) Ashley Dace, CC BY-SA 2.0
Weeting Castle, near to Weeting, Norfolk, Great Britain. Weeting Castle is a 12th-century ruin with a three-story-high tower in Weeting, near Brandon, Norfolk. Despite the name, it is not a castle but actually a fortified manor house. It has a large open hall and an attached two-storey chamber block. There's a domed brick ice-house on the northwest corner of the moat and a small car park next to the church. The moat was added in the 14th century. The place is thought to have been abandoned in 1390. The manor was built on a 10th C settlement. It is now owned by English Heritage. Entry is free and the location is open all year for visitors.
Scotney Castle.jpg
Scotney Castle, Kent
Isel Hall, Cumbria
Sutton Court.JPG
(c) Rodw fra, CC BY-SA 3.0
Sutton Court, Stowey. Taken by Rod Ward 26th April 2006
Hadleigh Castle.jpg
(c) Steven Muster, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hadleigh Castle (remains)
Forfatter/Opretter: Matthew Emmott, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Ubarrow Hall (Yewbarrow Hall), Longsleddale, Cumbria
Middleton Hall.jpg
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Middleton Hall
Richmond keep from SW, 2009.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: sobolevnrm, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Richmond Castle's keep, seen from the south west
Old Hollinside - - 853962.jpg
(c) brian clark, CC BY-SA 2.0
Old Hollinside Old Hollinside is a 13thC hall block, 16m x 7m over walls a metre thick. It is positioned so that the 4m square latrine turret at the NW corner over hangs a steep drop to the river Derwent. Hollinside was occupied by the Harding family from the early 16thC to the early 18thC, when it was abandoned.
Branthwaite Hall. - - 80423.jpg
(c) John Holmes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Branthwaite Hall. A very nice if big house.
Lemmington Hall - rear.jpg
(c) Andrew Curtis, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rear of Lemmington Hall
Hazelslack Tower - - 126519.jpg
(c) Bob Jenkins, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hazelslack Tower. A ruined Pele Tower adjacent a farm.
WrayCastle SE.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Martinvl, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is a photo of listed building number 1106324.
Leybourne Castle.jpg
(c) Nigel Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0
Leybourne Castle
Leasowe Castle.jpg
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Leasowe Castle
Ludlow Castle from Whitcliffe, 2011.jpg
(c) Ian Capper, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ludlow Castle viewed from Whitcliffe in evening sunshine. In the background is Brown Clee.
Upper mainland courtyard of Tintagel Castle, 2007.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kerry Garratt, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
The ruins of the upper mainland courtyards of Tintagel Castle, Cornwall.
Ypres Tower.jpg
The Ypres Tower in Rye, East Sussex
Rose Castle, Raughton Head.jpg
(c) Alexander P Kapp, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rose Castle, Raughton Head
Wolvesey Castle - Wymond's Tower - - 1316547.jpg
(c) Peter Trimming, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wolvesey Castle - Wymond's Tower Looking across the ruins of the East Hall, towards Wymond's Tower.
Caister Castle - - 808658.jpg
(c) Evelyn Simak, CC BY-SA 2.0
Caister Castle Viewed across the inner courtyard.

Caister Castle consisted of two rectangular courtyards which were surrounded by a moat and connected via a drawbridge. The inner court housed the state apartments and the main living quarters and was offset by a tower on its northwestern corner. The tower > - is 28 metres tall and measures a good 7 metres in diameter; it has five stories, the spiral staircase still exists and access to the top is possible. The castle was built in 1432 by Sir John Falstaff on the site of an earlier fortified manor house. Taken by a siege commanded by the Duke of Norfolk in 1469, the castle was returned to its rightful owners in 1475. Part of the surrounding brick wall remains and gunloops as well as arrow loops can still be seen >

The castle grounds house the largest private collection of motor vehicles in Great Britain > spanning from 1893 to the present time and including the first real motor car in the world, the 1893 Panhard et Levassor, Jim Clark's Grand Prix "R14', Christine Keeler's Cadillac Eldorado, the first Ford Fiesta and the last drophead Morris 1000. One of the more recent additions is a Trabant > Trabant originating from former East Germany.
Knepp Castle 5.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Antiquary, Licens: CC BY 4.0
The mediaeval Knepp Castle, near West Grinstead, West Sussex, seen from the north-west.
Windsor Castle at Sunset - Nov 2006.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Diliff, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Windsor Castle at sunset as viewed from the Long Walk in Windsor, England. Taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 70-200mm f/2.8L lens at 200mm.
Beeston Castle Gate.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The original uploader was Billlion at engelsk Wikipedia., Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Beeston Castle in Cheshire, showing the gate to the main keep. Picture taken in October en:2004 by Billlion
Grimsthorpe Castle - North Facade.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Wehha, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Northern (Main) Facade of Grimsthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire
Starkey Castle from Footpath - - 1062154.jpg
(c) David Anstiss, CC BY-SA 2.0
Starkey Castle from Footpath Footpath leads through ground of Starkey Castle from Rochester Road to River Medway. Starkey Castle is open to visitors with a appointment.
The Vicars Pele, Alnham - - 1202709 cropped.jpg
(c) Andrew Curtis, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Vicar's Pele, Alnham, near to Alnham, Northumberland, Great Britain.
Hemyock Castle - - 1491334.jpg
(c) don cload, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hemyock Castle This is the main part of the castle that remains.
Helmsley Castle3.jpg
(c) colin grice, CC BY-SA 2.0
Helmsley Castle
Bywell Castle.jpg
(c) Dennis Lovett, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bywell Castle, Bywell, Northumberland, England.
The Keep at Castle Hedingham - - 30510.jpg
(c) David Phillips, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Keep at Castle Hedingham. A Norman type castle in very good condition.
Carlisle Castle 03.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Neil Boothman from Carlisle, United Kingdom, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Carlisle Castle
Skipsea Castle - - 79788.jpg
(c) Stephen Horncastle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Skipsea Castle, Skipsea Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire, England.
This view looking NE from the bottom SW corner of the grid square at TA1614455008. This is a fine example of a Motte and Bailey Castle
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ingmire Hall, near Sedburgh, Cumbria
Netley Castle, 2008, 1.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Ian Roberts, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Netley Castle
Skipton Castle - - 1202627.jpg
(c) Kevin Rushton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Skipton Castle Gatehouse, North Yorkshire
Astwell castle, Northhamptonshire.jpg
Astwell Castle, Northamptonshire, England (b/w photo)
Wilton Castle, Teesside (geograph 2264814).jpg
(c) Paul Buckingham, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wilton Castle, Teesside
Harewood Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: TJ Blackwell, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Shrouded in a thick blanket of fog at the break of dawn, this is Harewood Castle: an ancient medieval fort which was built in the 14th century. You can view the original high-resolution photograph, along with other views of the castle, online in this set of images.
Eastern Guard Tower, Mulgrave Castle - - 401799.jpg
(c) Mick Garratt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Eastern Guard Tower, Mulgrave Castle With views across Sandsend Beck towards the modern castle.
Tattershall castle keep.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Tattershall castle keep
The Castle seen from the top of St Mary’s Church tower, Thornbury, near Bristol, England
Taken by Adrian Pingstone in September 2004 and released to the public domain.
Someries Castle.jpg
Photograph of en:Someries Castle taken by Lisa Riegels (2006).
Car park and ruins, Blenkinsopp Castle.jpg
(c) Karl and Ali, CC BY-SA 2.0
Car park and ruins, Blenkinsopp Castle
Spofforth Castle.jpg
(c) Paul Allison, CC BY-SA 2.0
Spofforth Castle
Brougham Hall - - 1532.jpg
(c) Pam Brophy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brougham Hall. This Manor House situated in the south eastern corner of the square, has seen all sorts of troubled times. It is now a craft centre and produces delicious smoked cheese.
Nappa Hall (geograph 1809781).jpg
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
Nappa Hall
Walmer Castle - - 1407476.jpg
(c) Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0
Walmer Castle Walmer Castle was built during the reign of Henry VIII, part of a network of castles built to repel an invasion from Europe. The Duke of Wellington died in Walmer Castle in 1852, he was Warden of the Cinque Ports at the time. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was also Warden of the Cinque Ports until her death and occasionally stayed at Walmer Castle.
Piel Castle.jpg
(c) Arnold Price, CC BY-SA 2.0
Piel Castle also known as Fouldry (or Fouldrey) Castle, is situated on the south-eastern point of Piel Island, 1 km off the southern tip of the Furness Peninsula, protecting the deep water harbour of Barrow-in-Furness.
Berkhamsted Castle Jan 2007.jpg
(c) Winstainforth at the English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
Berkhamsted Castle Jan 2007 Author Robert Stainforth
Lullingstone Castle Gatehouse - - 609440.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lullingstone Castle Gatehouse
Saltwood Castle.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Edgepedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a photo of listed building number 1344198.
Warkworth Castle interior, 2007.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Draco2008 from UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Warkworth Castle, 2007.
Bridgnorth castle DSC00377.JPG
(c) Yewenyi fra, CC BY-SA 3.0
Photo taken and supplied by Brian Voon Yee Yap.
Kingswear Castle from Dartmouth Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nilfanion, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Kingswear Castle, Devon as seen across the mouth of the River Dart from Dartmouth Castle.
Oakham Castle.jpg
(c) Attribution details., CC BY-SA 2.5
Photo by Njjh201.
Chipchase Castle - - 1255527.jpg
(c) Oliver Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Chipchase Castle A 14th century tower house, flanked by a later manor house.
Hutton John - - 563746.jpg
(c) mauldy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hutton John A 17th century house built around a 14th century pele tower.
Kendal Castle at sunset.jpg
(c) Tom Richardson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Kendal Castle at sunset, Kendal, Cumbria, England.
Beverston Castle - - 148310.jpg
(c) Dave Logan, CC BY-SA 2.0
Beverston Castle. Originally a fortified manor house from 1229. Only one of the gate house towers and parts of the wall remain.
Otford Palace Gatehouse.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Otford Palace Gatehouse. Archbishop's Palace ruins
Peveril Castle keep, 2009.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Darren Copley from Sheffield, Licens: CC BY 2.0
The keep of Peveril Castle, Castleton
Forfatter/Opretter: A. R. Yeo MortimerCat, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Moreton Corbet Castle (1st Phase).
Forfatter/Opretter: MortimerCat, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pickering Castle, Defensive wall and tower
Farnham Castle keep.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Lewis Hulbert, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Farnham Castle
Forfatter/Opretter: A. R. Yeo MortimerCat, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Acton Burnell Castle.
UKAL icon.svg
Access Land icon for use on UK lists of places of interest, created by Joe D.
Newark Castle, 06-2013 (9).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Richard Nevell, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a photo of listed building number 1196278.
Castle Leeds1 cz.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Misterzee, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Leeds Castle in Kent UK
Kirby Muxloe 2.jpg
(c) Soloist fra, CC BY-SA 3.0
Kirby Muxloe Castle, own picture
Plympton Castle - - 103022.jpg
(c) Tony Atkin, CC BY-SA 2.0
Plympton Castle. This was a motte & bailey castle. The motte is the high mound with the remains of fortifications on top of it, the bailey is the level area in front of it which is itself some 20 feet above the surrounding ground level. The castle was probably built in the years between 1100 and 1130. It was besieged on two occasions, in 1136 and 1224, both times when the local resident of the castle came into conflict with the King of the time. The bailey area is now used for local events and fairs.
Croft Castle 6.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: David Merrett, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Croft Castle in Herefordshire
Lincoln Castle.jpg

Lincoln Castle, Lincoln (England)

  • own work
Cooling Castle Gateway - - 1067812.jpg
(c) David Anstiss, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cooling Castle Gateway Entrance on Cooling Road. Also on Saxon Shore Way (long distance footpath) from Cooling to Cliffe.
Haughton Castle - - 1272590.jpg
(c) Peter McDermott, CC BY-SA 2.0
Haughton Castle. Haughton Castle near Humshaugh. See also 1272604.
Agricola Tower, Chester Castle - - 675807.jpg
(c) John S Turner, CC BY-SA 2.0
Agricola Tower, Chester Castle. The Agricola Tower was the original entrance to the Inner Bailey of Chester Castle and was built in the 12th century. The chapel of St Mary de Castro is on the upper floor and houses restored wall paintings dating to 1220. The Millennium Trail plaque in front of the tower shows a detail from one of the paintings - see 673574.
Longthorpe Tower1.jpg
(c) Julian Dowse, CC BY-SA 2.0
Longthorpe Tower, Peterborough
Lewes Castle keep.JPG
Lewes Castle keep, East Sussex, England.
Gatehouse to Bishop's Palace at Wells - - 916441.jpg
(c) Colin Madge, CC BY-SA 2.0
Gatehouse to Bishop's Palace at Wells
Nottingham Castle Gate 2009.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Cosmicutencil, Licens: CC0
Nottingham Castle Gate House
Treago-Castle-375001 13a17522-by-Tony-Bailey.jpg
(c) Tony Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0
'Treago', St Weonards, Herefordshire A closer view of this fortified manor house showing one of its rounded towers on the left of the building
The gatehouse, Northborough Hall - - 672519.jpg
(c) Alan Murray-Rust, CC BY-SA 2.0
The gatehouse, Northborough Hall. Also known as Northborough Castle, the Hall is in fact a fortified medieval manor house dating from 1329-30. The main residence is in fact very un-castle-like, but the site was originally moated and the defensive capabilities of the very fine gatehouse are clear in this picture. Although improvements were made in later centuries, the essential medieval buildings are unchanged. See also
HH icon.svg

Historic House icon

For use with en:Template:EngPlacesKey or any other use.

Created by Naturenet
Rowton Castle - - 630094.jpg
(c) Richard Dorrell, CC BY-SA 2.0
Rowton Castle Picture taken from within the Castle grounds. The castle is now an Hotel.
Ravensworth Castle - - 1558897.jpg
(c) john tollitt, CC BY-SA 2.0
Ravensworth Castle A derelict castle on a private estate.It was used as a location for the ITV Robson Green vehicle 'Wire In The Blood'
Okehampton Castle Motte, 2009 - - 1574337.jpg
(c) Oliver Hunter, CC BY-SA 2.0
Okehampton Castle Motte, 2009 A 'close-up' view of the ruined building atop the motte inside Okehampton Castle. Keywords: okehampton, castle, motte, ruin
Farleigh Hungerford Castle gate.JPG
Farleigh Hungerford Castle (gatehouse). Taken by Rod Ward 22nd July 2006
Pontefract Castle Keep1.jpg
(c) Betty Longbottom, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wall of the Keep - Pontefract Castle
Bramber Castle from Bramber churchyard.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Antiquary, Licens: CC BY 3.0
The remains of the gatehouse tower of Bramber Castle, West Sussex, seen from the churchyard of St. Nicholas' church, Bramber.
Keep and entrance of Dover Castle, 2007.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Webzooloo from France, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Dover Castle
Dobroyd Castle, Todmorden - - 94344.jpg
(c) Humphrey Bolton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dobroyd Castle, Todmorden. A mill-owner's mansion designed by John Gibson for John Fielden. The house was completed in 1869. The central hall has a glazed dome and interesting carvings in grey granite. The building became an Approved School in 1942. Between 1979 and 1989 Dobroyd Castle was a privately run school for boys with emotional and behavioural problems. In 1995 the castle was purchased by monks from the New Kadampa Buddhist Tradition and run as the Losang Dragpa Centre. The Buddhists left in 2007 and Dobroyd Castle was put up sale early in 2008. Robinwood Activity Centres plan to open an activity centre at Dobroyd in March 2009 offering residential adventure and teamwork courses for 8-11 year olds.
Dacre Castle.jpg
(c) Geoff Gill, CC BY-SA 2.0
Dacre Castle is in the village of Dacre some 7 Km south-west of Penrith, Cumbria (grid reference NY461266).
Codnor castle01.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Lordgrunt, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Codnor Castle ruins, view from NW.
Hutton-in-the-Forest 04.jpg
(c) Rose and Trev Clough, CC BY-SA 2.0
Hutton-in-the-Forest, south-east side of house
Chilham Castle from Soleshill Road - - 403663 cropped.jpg
(c) Penny Mayes, CC BY-SA 2.0
Chilham Castle from Soleshill Road The building down in the valley is Chilham Village Hall.
Sutton Valence Castle - - 1015834.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Sutton Valence Castle The remains of the keep of Sutton Valence Castle with spectacular views across the Weald, built in the mid-12th century by Baldwin de Bethune, Count of Aumale
Odiham Castle.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: BabelStone, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a photo of listed building number 1092165.
Kenilworth Castle gatehouse landscape.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY 1.0
Nunney Castle - - 1214430.jpg
(c) Trish Steel, CC BY-SA 2.0
Nunney Castle A small, French-style castle surrounded by a deep moat, built for Sir John Delamare in 1373, and said to have been based on the Bastille in Paris. A veteran of the Hundred Years' War, Sir John would later become Sheriff of Somerset.
Bothal Castle.jpg
(c) george hurrell, CC BY-SA 2.0
Bothal Castle, Northumberland, England.
Wharton Hall - - 163881.jpg
(c) John Illingworth, CC BY-SA 2.0
Wharton Hall. A fortified manor house dating in parts from the 14th Century. An aerial photograph is even more impressive and can be found at
Woodsford Castle - - 924711.jpg
(c) Mike Searle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Woodsford Castle, Dorset, seen from the south
Baconsthorpe Castle.jpg
(c) Christine Matthews, CC BY-SA 2.0
Baconsthorpe Castle, Norfolk
Southsea castle from the east.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Geni, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo of southsea castle taken while standing on the eastern of the wing bastions
Hornby Castle, Lancashire (3).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Andy Hawkins from Scotland, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Hornby castle 3
Forfatter/Opretter: Matthew Emmott, Licens: CC BY 2.0 uk
Yanwath Hall, Cumbria
Forfatter/Opretter: Clem Rutter, Rochester Kent, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0

Tonbridge in Kent lies on the River Medway. The main channel passes under Big Bridge.Three channels have been culverted, the Botany Stream remains. Tonbridge is protected by Tonbridge Castle The gatehouse and mansion.

Kameraposition51° 11′ 45,6″ N, 0° 16′ 25,68″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Dette og andre billeder på deres position på: OpenStreetMapinfo
Chartley Castle ruins 2.jpg
(c) stephen betteridge, CC BY-SA 2.0
Chartley Castle as viewed in the spring sunshine. Chartley Castle lies to the north of the village of Stowe-by-Chartley in Staffordshire, between Stafford and Uttoxeter (grid reference SK010285).
Corby Castle cropped.jpg
(c) Lynne Kirton, CC BY-SA 2.0
Corby Castle is an ancestral home of the Howard family situated on the southern edge of the village of Great Corby in northern Cumbria, England. On the foreground is river Eden.
Christchurch Castle two walls.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: geni, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo of the two remaining walls of the keep of Christchurch Castle
Pele Tower, Inner Farne Island - - 2010838.jpg
(c) Trevor Littlewood, CC BY-SA 2.0
Pele Tower, Inner Farne Island, 3 km from Red Barns, Northumberland, Great Britain. A pele tower is a small or relatively small fortified tower house. They're found in districts close to the Scotland/England border. This one was built (according to the National Trust,) in 1500. The Farne Islands form a nature reserve best known for sea birds; the rough collection of twigs and branches in the photo is an attempt to provide interest for other types of bird.