Biogent stof

Et biogent stof eller biobaseret stof (kort biogent, biogen eller biobaseret) er et kemisk stof dannet af organismer.
Mens udtrykket oprindeligt var specifikt for metabolitforbindelser, der havde toksiske virkninger på andre organismer,[1] har det udviklet sig til at omfatte alle bestanddele, sekreter og metabolitter fra organismer (incl. planter eller dyr).[2] I forbindelse med molekylærbiologi omtales biogene stoffer som biomolekyler. Biogene stoffer er generelt isoleret og målt ved brug af kromatografi og massespektrometri teknikker.[3][4] Derudover kan omdannelsen og udvekslingen af biogene stoffer modelleres i miljøet, især deres transport i vandløb.[5]
Se også
- Naturstof
- Organisk materiale - er også biogent stof
- Metabolit - er også biogent stof
- ^ Bhadury P, Wright PC (august 2004). "Exploitation of marine algae: biogenic compounds for potential antifouling applications". Planta. 219 (4): 561-78. doi:10.1007/s00425-004-1307-5. PMID 15221382. S2CID 34172675.
- ^ Francis R, Kumar DS (2016). Biomedical Applications of Polymeric Materials and Composites. John Wiley & Sons.
- ^ Lukman A (2014). Biogenic Synthesis of Ag and Au Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Seed Exudates (Afhandling). Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.
- ^ Albrecht P, Ourisson G (april 1971). "Biogenic substances in sediments and fossils". Angewandte Chemie. 10 (4): 209-25. doi:10.1002/anie.197102091. PMID 4996804.
- ^ Leonov AV, Pishchal'nik VM, Arkhipkin VS (2011). "Estimation of biogenic substance transport by water masses in Tatar Strait". Water Resources (engelsk). 38 (1): 72-86. doi:10.1134/S009780781006103X. S2CID 129565443.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Nefronus, Licens: CC0
Crude oil = petroleum in a flask and a small beaker.
Forfatter/Opretter: James St. John, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Fossiliferous limestone in the Mississippian of Kentucky, USA.
Limestone is a calcareous, biogenic sedimentary rock. It is principally composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the form of calcite (many geologically young limestones are aragonitic). Numerous specific varieties of limestone exist. The type seen here is a fossiliferous limestone, composed of whole + fragmented fossil shells and skeletons, mixed with fine-grained sediments (e.g., calcareous mud). Recognizable fossils here include brachiopods and crinoids.
Stratigraphy: Raney Creek Member, Slade Formation, Chesterian Series, Upper Mississippian
Locality: Bighill Mountain Outcrop - Route 421 roadcut through Bighill Mountain, ~county line between Rockcastle County and Madison County, south of the town of Bighill, east-central Kentucky, USA (vicinity of 37° 31’ 24.89” North latitude, 84° 12’ 28.15” West longitude)