Bill English

Disambig bordered fade.svg For alternative betydninger, se Bill English (flertydig). (Se også artikler, som begynder med Bill English)
Bill English
Bill English September 2016.jpg
New Zealands 39. premierminister
12. december 2016 – 26. oktober 2017
MonarkElizabeth 2.
GeneralguvernørPatsy Reddy
ForegåendeJohn Key
Efterfulgt afJacinda Ardern
Leder af New Zealand National Party
12. december 2016 – 27. februar 2018
ForegåendeJohn Key
Efterfulgt afSimon Bridges
8. oktober 2001 – 28. oktober 2003
ForegåendeJenny Shipley
Efterfulgt afDon Brash
Personlige detaljer
Født30. december 1961 (60 år)
Lumsden, New Zealand
Fulde navnSimon William English
Politisk partiNew Zealand National Party
Uddannelses­stedVictoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
UnderskriftBill English Signature.svg
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Simon William "Bill" English (født 30. december 1961) er en politiker fra New Zealand, der var New Zealands premierminister fra den 12. december 2016 til den 19. oktober 2017. Han repræsenterede New Zealand National Party.

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Medier brugt på denne side

Bill English September 2016.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Flickr user New Zealand Tertiary Education Union., Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Image of w:Bill English, a New Zealand politician. (Derivative with white background)
Coat of arms of New Zealand.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of New Zealand (1956-Present)
  • The Coat of Arms depict a shield with four quadrants divided by a central "pale". The first quadrant depicts the four stars on the flag of New Zealand; the second quadrant depicts a golden fleece, representing the nation's farming industry; the third depicts a sheaf of wheat for agriculture; and the fourth quadrant depicts crossed hammers for mining. The central pale depicts three galleys, representing New Zealand's maritime nature and also the Cook Strait. The Dexter supporter is a European woman carrying the flag of New Zealand, while the Sinister supporter is a Maori Warrior holding a Taiaha (Fighting weapon) and wearing a Kaitaka (flax cloak). The Shield is topped by the Crown of St. Edward, the Monarch of New Zealand's Crown. Below is a scroll with "New Zealand" on it, behind which (constituting the "heraldic compartment" on which the supporters stand) are two fern branches.