Belejringen af Corinth
Belejringen af Corinth | |||||||||
Del af Den amerikanske borgerkrig | |||||||||
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Parter | |||||||||
Amerikas Forenede Stater | Amerikas Konfødererede Stater | ||||||||
Ledere | |||||||||
Generalmajor Henry W. Halleck | General P.G.T. Beauregard | ||||||||
Styrke | |||||||||
ca. 120.000 | omtrent 65.000 | ||||||||
Tab | |||||||||
1.000 | 1.000 |
Det første slag ved Corinth eller Belejringen af Corinth var et slag i den amerikanske borgerkrig som blev udkæmpet fra den 29. april til den 10. juni 1862 i Corinth i Mississippi.
Efter unionshærens sejr i Slaget ved Shiloh rykkede den frem under generalmajor Henry W. Halleck mod det vitale jernbaneknudepunkt Corinth i Mississippi. Forsigtigt, oven på de store tab ved Shiloh, gik Hallack i gang med en langsommelig kampagne, hvor der blev lavet befæstninger for hvert skridt. Den 25. maj efter at have tilbagelagt 8 km på 3 uger, var Halleck klar til at belejre byen.
Sydstatshærens kommanderende general P.G.T. Beauregard reddede sin hær ud af byen med en list. Nogle af hans mænd fik 3 dages rationer og blev beordret til at forberede sig på et angreb. Som forventet løb nogle af dem over til unionshæren med denne nyhed. Det indledende bombardement begyndte, og unionsstyrkerne gik i stilling. I løbet af natten efter den 29. maj rykkede sydstatshæren ud af byen. De brugte Mobile & Ohio jernbanen til at flytte de syge og sårede foruden det tunge artilleri og tonsvis af forsyninger ud af byen. Da toget ankom, jublede tropperne, som om der var kommet forstærkning. De opstillede attrapkanoner i deres forsvarsstillinger, lod lejrbålene brænde, og der lød fortsat hornsignaler og trommehvirvler. Resten af styrken forsvandt uden at blive opdaget og trak sig tilbage til Tupelo i Mississippi. Da unionspatruljer gik ind i Corinth om morgenen den 30. maj, var sydstatshæren væk.
- "National Park Service beskrivelser af slag". CWSAC Battle Summaries. Arkiveret fra originalen 19. maj 2007. Hentet 1. juni 2005.
- "Reading 1: Belejringen af Corinth". Teaching with Historic Places. Arkiveret fra originalen 4. april 2005. Hentet 1. juni 2005.
Medier brugt på denne side
U.S. flag with 34 stars. In use from 4 July 1861 to 3 July 1863. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
U.S. flag with 34 stars. In use from 4 July 1861 to 3 July 1863. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
National flag of the Confederate States from March 4 to May 21, 1861.
National flag of the Confederate States from March 4 to May 21, 1861.
Forfatter/Opretter: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: makersofworldshi00nort (find matches)
Title: Makers of the world's history and their grand achievements
Year: 1903 (1900s)
Authors: Northrop, Henry Davenport, 1836-1909
Subjects: World history. (from old catalog) Biography
Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa., National publishing co
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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-, to be com-manded by General Scott, then at Washington. Sherman was placed incommand of a brigade in Tylers division of the army, marching to BullRun. This brigade consisted of the 13th, 69th and 79th New York, andthe 2d Wisconsin regiments, which in the terrible engagement that fol-lowed suffered serious losses. In August, Sherman was made brigadier-general of volunteers, andwas sent from the Army of the Potomac to serve under General Andersonin Kentucky. In Nov^embar, General Buell relieved him of this com-mand, and Sherman was ordered to report to General Halleck, who placedhim in command of Benton Barracks. It was in February, 1862, that General Grant moved on Forts f ,ft«
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GENERAL WILLIAM T. SHERMAN. 433 Heury and Donelson, and after their capture Sherman was placed incommand of the 5th division of the Army of the Tennessee. In thebattle of Shiloh, Shermans service was especially notable. This occurredon the 6th and ytli of April; and as Shermans position was in the verycentre of the fight, an excellent opportunity was afforded him of showinghis superior mettle. Of his behavior during that engagement, GeneralGrant wrote in his report: I feel it a duty to a gallant and able officer,Brigadier-General W. T. Sherman, to make mention. He was not onlywith his command during the entire two days of the action, but displayedgreat judgment and skill in the management of his men. To his in-dividual efforts, I am indebted for the success of that battle. GeneralHalleck also says : Sherman saved the fortunes of the day on the 6th,and contributed largely to the glorious victory of the 7th. ORDERED TO THE DEFENSE OF MEMPHIS. General Halleck became general-in-chief, wit
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